CRUD Operations in Laravel using ajax

Step 1 – Install Laravel 5.8

First we want to Download Laravel 5.8 version for developing Crud application using Ajax. For this you have to open your terminal or command prompt and write below command. It will download Laravel 5.8 in your define directory.

composer create-project laravel/laravel=5.8 ajax-crud –prefer-dist

Step 2 – Laravel 5.8 Database Connection

Once Laravel 5.8 has been downloaded then after we have to make Database connection. For this first you have to open config/database.php and define Mysql Database configuration.

After this you have to open .env file and in that file also you have to define Mysql Database configuration, which you can find below.

Step 3 – Create Table

For Create Crud Application, first we have to create Mysql table. For create Mysql table from Laravel 5.8 application we have to write following artisan command in your command prompt.

php artisan make:migration create_ajax_cruds_table –create=ajax_cruds

Above command will command create migration file in database/migrations folder. In that file we have to define table column which you want to define in Mysql table. Below you can find source code of migration file.

Lastly for create Mysql table in your Database, you have to write following command in your terminal or command prompt. It will create ajax_cruds table in your define Database.

php artisan migrate

Step 4 – Create Model in Laravel 5.8

Now we want to make Model in Laravel 5.8, For this you have to write following command in your terminal or command prompt. It will create model file here app/AjaxCrud.php.

php artisan make:model AjaxCrud -m

Under this app/AjaxCrud.php file, you have to define table column for database operation which source code you can find below.

Step 5 – Create Blades Files

For display output data in browser, in Laravel 5.8 we have to create blade file in resources/views folder. Under this folder we have create ajax_index.blade.php file. In this file you can find HTML code and jQuery code for display data in jQuery Datatable.

Step 6 – Set Resource Route

Step 7 – Create Controller in Laravel 5.8

Lastly, We need to set resource route for ajax crud application. For this we have to open routes/web.php file.

Controller mostly used for handle HTTP request. Create new controller in Laravel 5.8 framework, we have to write following command.

php artisan make:controller AjaxCrudController –resource

This command will create AjaxCrudController.php file in app/Http/Controllers folder. In this controller file you can find all in build required method for do Crud operation. Under this controller for use AjaxCrud model, first we have to define use App\AjaxCrud; this statement at the header of the AjaxCrudController.php file.

index() – This is the root method of this controller. This method will received Ajax request for load data in jQuery DataTables plugin. If this method received ajax request then it will load data in jQuery DataTables plugin. In this ajax block you can find yajra datatables package code.

store() – For Insert Data into Mysql table using ajax in Laravel 5.8, here we have use store() method of AjaxCrudController.php. This method will received Ajax request for insert or add data. Under this method first it has validate for data. If there is any validation fails then it will send response to ajax request in JSON format. But there is no any validation fails then it will continue execution of code and first it will upload profile image of user and then after it will insert data into mysql table. And lastly it will send json response to ajax request.

edit() – This method is used for fetch single row of data from mysql table, and send data to ajax request in json formate which will be display under Bootstrap modal form.

update() – This method has received ajax request for update existing mysql table data. In this method first it check user has select profile image or not. If User is select image then in this method it will validate form data with selected file is image or not. But Suppose user has not select image then it will only validate textbox data only. If there is any validation error occur then it will send data to ajax request in json formate. After successfully validate form data then it will update data.

destroy() – For delete or remove mysql data, ajax request will be send to destroy() method. It will delete or remove mysql data in Laravel 5.8 by using ajax.

For run Laravel 5.8 application, you can write following command.

php artisan serve

For see Laravel 5.8 application in your browser, you have to write following url.

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Depot Migration between perforce servers with history and change list


There are many questions asked for the depot migration between server without losing any of the history  such as…

  • Moving depots across servers
  • Moving depots between servers
  • Move a product depot from one Perforce server to another
  • Depot Migration between perforce servers with history and change list

There are one solution which i find worth to try it out?
1.  Take A full backup of Source perforce server including jounals and file systems using checkpoint featres
2.  Then obliterate everything in the Source server that you didn’t want to copy – and remove redundant changelists with p4 change -f -d (refer p4 manuals)
3.  Go back to the Source server and obliterate the bit you’ve moved and remove redunant changelists again.
4. Now using p4merge tool, you can merger source and destination servers. this tools will help you for how to merge two separate servers into a single combined server using the Perfmerge++ utility.

What is Perfmerge++?
Perfmerge++ is a tool for merging two Perforce repositories to produce a third repository; it replaces the venerable script. Unlike its predecessor, perfmerge++ does not work with checkpoints, rather it accesses the database files directly and creates new database files in the target directory. These new database files contain the merged content.


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