What is PHP?

Introduction to PHP

PHP is an open-source server-side programming language, also called the use scripting language, embedding the code of PHP into the code of API HTML. The full form of PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor, its original name is Personal Home Page. It was created by Ramsum Lerdorf in 1994.

Php runs on all platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, OS, Etsy.

PHP file ka extension .php

What we can do with PHP?

-Can create dynamic pages with PHP.
-Handle button click, radio button:-
Through PHP you can handle the button click event
-Create database application
-client/server application
-Student Registration
-online course
-online shopping cart
-chat rooms


<!DOCTYPE html>

	echo"Helllo World";


What are client and server?


A client is a piece of computer hardware or software that accesses a service made available by a server. For example, web browsers are clients that connect to the web servers and retrieve web pages for display.


A server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called “client”.

There are many servers like: web server, mail server, print server etc.

Client-server Architecture

Client server Architecture:-

2-Tier Architecture:- A 2 Tire Architecture is where the client talks directly to a server.

3-Tier Architecture:- Middleware

If the client has sent the request to the application server, the application server checks that the request is made by the client. If the request is in its data source, then that application server will respond to your request.

Web Browser and Web Server

Web Browser

The web browser is a client, program, software, or tool through which we sent HTTP requests to a web server. It knows how to communicate whit the server. The main purpose of a web browser is to locate the content on the World wide web and display the web page, images, audio, or video form.

Web Server

A web server can be either a software unit or a hardware unit, which provides the web pages via HTTP. The web server gets the request and finds the resources than the response to the client. The web server provides service only for web applications. All the communication between client (web browser) and server takes place via HTTP.

Web server architecture

Web application

A web application or web app is a client-server software application in which the client runs in a web browser.

What is a Website?

Website is a collection of related web pages that may contain text, images, audio, and video. A website can consist of one page, depending on what the site owner is trying to accomplish.

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What is the importance of HTML in a Website?

Website design process to create a website for planning and updating. Website design includes information architecture, user interface, website structure, website layout, navigation ergonomics, contrast, colors, fonts and more. Design of icons along with imaging.

HTML is one of the most important aspects in website design that should be taken into consideration. HTML coding commands are very simple. In addition, various Internet browsers are designed to make HTML easy to read. Designing a website is not a very difficult task if one follows a systematic process. If the procedures are not followed, it may be more difficult than rocket science.

HTML is for hypertext markup language and is a primary building block for building a website. HTML to create Web pages. HTML elements are represented by the tags. HTML tags identify content elements such as “title”, “title”, “paragraph”, “table”, and so on. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but use them to display the contents of the page.

HTML Tags:

In HTML are tags of three main types; Opening tag, closing tags, and content tags. Each tag has its own individual working methods. All these tags help us to run our programs and documents correctly and without any errors.

The HTML program is started using the tag. This tag indicates that the HTML code or text that is displayed in the browser.

The second tag in any HTML document is the tag. It represents the title tag webpage.

The most important tags; Body tag; Indicates all visible content on the web. It represents all sub-tags to tag web pages.

<P>- This represents the paragraph tag webpage.
<Article>- Indicating that tag, it is an article on the webpage.

<H1> – This tag represents the title; <H2>
represents the subtitles and so proceed.

<B> – defines the bold text.

<I> – Defines the italic text.

<U> – to underline the text on the webpage.

<Table>To create Excel-like tables on the website.

Advantages of using HTML:

  1. helps us show our documents and files to an HTML website.
  2. HTML is a very easy language, so anyone can learn it and do the job.
  3. HTML is an easy language to program. It helps programmers to write code to your website without error and without any mistake.
  4. Free to use HTML and easy to learn.
  5. All browsers support HTML language.
  6. Easy to edit HTML documents.
  7. HTML is light and it is the root of all programming languages.

If you struggle with your HTML coding assignments, please send your do my HTML homework for me request to experienced programmers.

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How to Add Facebook Comment in HTML page

In this tutorial I’m going to describe how to add facebook comment in html page, please follow some easy steps its helpful for you.

1st step go to Facebook for Developers Facebook comment

2 nd step: Paste your website URL which website you want to show facebook comment.

Next you’ll get Code 1st code put in after body tag and 2nd put in where you want to show Facebook comment section in your page.

Go to you page and Copy below code and paste below the body tag.

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v10.0&appId=427021281892903&autoLogAppEvents=1" nonce="IFt1dfew"></script>

Next step Copy below code and simply paste there where you want to show Facebook comment in your html page.

<!-- fb comment show here  -->
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://www.surgeryplanet.com/" data-width="100%" data-numposts="10"></div>
<!-- fb comment show end -->

Next in your page facebook comment is working as like this->

Thanks 🙏🙏

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Gerrit Performance CheatSheet

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Useful Web Development ToolKit

Bokeh is a Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation. Its goal is to provide elegant, concise construction of novel graphics in the style of D3.js, but also deliver this capability with high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets. Bokeh can help anyone who would like to quickly and easily create interactive plots, dashboards, and data applications.

Quick Example – http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/gallery.html#gallery

Jupyter Notebook
The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more.
More Info
Plotting library for IPython/Jupyter Notebooks by bloomberg

More Info – https://github.com/bloomberg/bqplot

Bootstrap by Twitter
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites.
Learn Faster using Web –http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/

Learn Faster Using Videos – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wesUO81YX0U&list=PL41lfR-6DnOovY0t3nBg8Zb6aqm_H70mR


RTBkit is a real-time bidder framework designed for use on advertising exchanges such as the Rubicon Project, Nexage, App Nexus, The Google Ad Exchange and others.

More info – http://rtbkit.org/site/


Chat with Webcam Application devloped using Node.js
Google Hangout Like application Developed using Node.js

More – http://sputnik.szwacz.com/

CSS Guidelines
High-level advice and guidelines for writing sane, manageable, scalable CSS
Uptime Robot
Another area of web development that should be constantly going on in the background is the monitoring of a website’s performance. Uptime Robot does this for you. It checks 50 of your monitors every five minutes, including the HTTP(s), Ping, Port, and keywords. You can choose how to be alerted–for example, through email, SMS, or even Twitter. You’re able to view uptime, downtime, and response times as well.
For a chat facility on your website, Converse allows you to set up single-user chats or multi-user chat rooms. Users can send chat requests and accept or decline, plus add their chat status like “busy” or “available” and show their typing status.
It has the ability to translate into 15 languages and can be screencast to chat with friends on Gmail or jabber.org. Converse can be integrated with many web platforms, like WordPress and Roundcube, and since it’s written in Javascript, it runs directly through your browser.
This is another tool that lets your website users chat to each other. However, HumHub does this on a much grander scale since you can create your very own social networking site with it. It has a user-friendly interface and lets the website’s business, school, project group, or friendship club communicate and collaborate easily.
Every user of the site has their own “V card,” giving an overview of their profile, plus groups can be set up. Users can post, follow, comment, and like other people’s content, or simply share files and discuss them. It’s completely secure as it’s a self-hosted solution and it’s flexible since you can add in third-party applications. Also, as any good social network, it’s mobile-friendly.
This tool can create interactivity for your website, or specifically, dynamic physics based interactions. For example, you can create Chat Heads like Facebook’s, a pull-down menu, inertia scroll, Oridomi Cover, and Bouncy Scroll. They’re all designed to work with mobile devices.
Using Impulse to create dynamic content works better than CSS for example, as there ends up being a shorter delay between when the animation is generated and when it starts playing. CSS tends to be better for static animations. Impulse has created a variety of animations and is always working on more.
Monit is fantastic for monitoring your server and is used for error recovery – it’s one of those apps that you need to have to keep some weight off your mind. It conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. For example, if sendmail stops working, Monit can start it again and send you a warning message so you can act quickly.
It can be used to monitor daemon processes or similar programs running on localhost, checking for changes, like timestamps changes, checksum changes or size changes. It monitors network connection to servers, which is useful if you work in the cloud. It also allows you to test programs or scripts. Both the free and open versions of BSD, many Linux distributions from .deb to .rpm packages, OS X and Solaris .pkg include Monit.
Onsen UI
A tool specifically for apps, Onsen UI has a large selection of web-based UI components and Java and CSS frameworks to build HTML5, PhoneGap, and Cordova apps. It works with jQuery and AngularJS and is customizable, for example, by using Font Awesome.
And of course, it has a responsive layout for all devices, switching between column sizes for mobiles and tablets. It makes the user experience of browsing apps superior and fast, and it’s incredibly simple to use.
Cinematico will create a responsive website for you, which is already elegant and sophisticated, but is customizable for your needs. You can add your logo and background image, for example, or spend a little money on a theme.
The main use of Cinematico, however, is that it updates your website whenever you publish a new YouTube or Vimeo video. It links to your YouTube and Vimeo playlist, channel or account and synchronizes automatically. All of this and it’s free, since it’s open source.
For images with a difference, Rollerblade is a brilliant app. It allows users on smartphones, tablets, and desktops to slide the image they see left to right, and this will show a 360-degree view of the image. It works to showcase a building or location, or simply a product shot. With online shopping such a huge business, it makes sense to give customers as “real” an experience as possible.
For web developers, all you need to do is include the code in the top of your page with your CSS and do a few tweaks to get the rotator how you want it. You can have as many image rotators as you like, plus change the sensitivity and choose whether it plays automatically or needs to be dragged by the user.
Icon Maker
Icons and emoticons are everywhere these days and it’s easy to understand why: a simple smile can add warmth to any communication–even if it’s a little yellow face doing the smiling. With Icon Maker you can create your own icons to add to your website.
It’s easy enough for anyone to use and perhaps just a little bit of fun for the experienced web developers looking for their own, personalized icons. Create a flat or 3D icon with drop shadows and other design features in minutes.
Cylon JS
This is at the end of the list as it looks towards the future–with robots! Although the Internet of Things has been around some time now, it’s not fully integrated into every home. This tool allows developers to create a web between its 35 supported platforms. This includes Nest and Pebble, plus your basics like your keyboard or for marketing purposes; Salesforce.
It has an NPM module so that it can be run in your browser directly, or you can run it via your mobile through a Chrome connected app or a PhoneGap mobile app. It supports HTTP and Socket.io APIs, allowing you to send commands, send real-time data, and monitor your robots.
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Website Typography


Below is a list with arrows. To use this style create a list in the following format:

    • ….
    • ….

  • Quisque ultrices etiam, class nec velit vestibulum sit congue pulvinar, mattis penatibus proin odio placerat ante.

To use this style create a list in the following format:

    • ….
    • ….

  • Quisque ultrices etiam, class nec velit vestibulum sit congue pulvinar, mattis penatibus proin odio placerat ante.

Below is a list with circle. To use this style create a list in the following format:

    • ….
    • ….

  • Quisque ultrices etiam, class nec velit vestibulum sit congue pulvinar, mattis penatibus proin odio placerat ante.


Alert box

This is a sample pin note. Use Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Info box

This is a sample pin note. Use Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Download box

This is a sample pin note. Use Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

#subheader h1 {
float: left;
margin-top: 28px;
background: url(../images/logo.gif) no-repeat;
width: 335px;
height: 58px;
text-indent: -9999px;


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