Location of Docker images in all Operating Systems (Linux, Windows, Redhat, Mac OS X)

Location of Dockers images in all Operating Systems
The location of the images vary depending on the driver Docker is using for storage. Actually, Docker images are stored in two files as shown by following command.
# docker info
aufs – Most linux version
/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/<id> has the file contents of the images.
/var/lib/docker/repositories-aufs is a JSON file containing local image information. This can be viewed with the command docker images.
devicemapper (Redhat)
/var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/data – stores the images
/var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/metadata – the metadata
Mac OS X
~/VirtualBox VMs/boot2docker-vm
Mac OS X using boot2docker 
File Name – disk.vmdk
%USERPROFILE%/VirtualBox VMs/boot2docker-vm
You can manually set the storage driver with the -s or –storage-driver= option to the Docker daemon.
/var/lib/docker/{driver-name} will contain the driver specific storage for contents of the images.
/var/lib/docker/graph/<id> now only contains metadata about the image, in the json and layersize files.
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How to install chefDK in RHEL, Ubantu, Mac and Windows?

How to install chefDK in RHEL, Ubantu, Mac and Windows?
How to install chefDK in RHEL
Step 1: Download checfdk from https://downloads.chef.io/chef-dk/
> chmod 755 chefdk-0.9.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
Step 2: Install chef dk
> rpm -ivh chefdk-0.9.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
Step 3: Confirm your installation.
> which chef
> chef -v
Install folder is – /opt/chefdk
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Bootstrap a Microsoft Windows node using Chef

Bootstrap a Microsoft Windows node, the “knife windows” plugin is required, 

More info about knife window tool, http://docs.chef.io/plugin_knife_windows.html

knife bootstrap windows winrm uvo1eak9a5geec05f7z.vm.cld.sr –winrm-user administrator –winrm-password ‘Rx4m7W4PQu’ –node-name firefox_win –run-list ‘recipe[snc_firefox]’

nife bootstrap windows winrm uvo1eak9a5geec05f7z.vm.cld.sr -x administrator -P Rx4m7W4PQu

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Access gitlab Password Less in Windows


Step 1- Generate a public/private key using puttygen

  • Download a puttygen from  and generate a public key and private key by following below image.
  • Click on Conversions à Export OpenSSH Key à  and save it to % USERPROFILE %\.ssh with file name “id_rsa”
  • Copy the public key from puttygen window and save into gitlab.


Step 2-  Add .ssh folder to your command line path
By following command..


add into user system variable.

And you are good to go. Comment if you face any issues?

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Introduction of Windows Internal | Windows Internal Overview | Windows Internal Quick Guide

Windows Resource Kits
The Microsoft® Windows Resource Kit Tools are a set of tools to help administrators streamline management tasks such as troubleshooting operating system issues, managing Active Directory®, configuring networking and security features, and automating application deployment.

Task and Responsibilities

  • Deployment
  • System administration scripting
  • Directory services
  • Networking and internetworking
  • Internet services
  • Custom and automated installations
  • Registry
  • Security
  • Policy-based administration
  • Server management
  • Clustering and load balancing
  • Performance management
  • Troubleshooting

About the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit
Once you have download and installed the resource kit (very easy process), you are pretty much set up, now all you need to do it work with each tool so you know what they can do, and that’s the intention of this article series.

After the installation, go to Start => All Programs => Windows Resource Kit Tools => Command Shell

Download – http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=17657

If you do a dir, you will see the directory listing for all the files listed here. Each file has a brief description of what it does:

Clearmem.exe: Clear Memory
Compress.exe: Compress Files
Confdisk.exe: Disk Configuration Tool
Consume.exe: Memory Consumers Tool
Dh.exe: Display Heap
Delprof.exe: User Profile Deletion Utility
Diskuse.exe: User Disk Usage Tool
Gpmonitor.exe: Group Policy Monitor
Instsrv.exe: Service Installer
Memmonitor.exe: Memory Monitor
Vrfydsk.exe: Verify Disk

Reference – http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles-tutorials/windows-2003/Windows-Server-2003-Resource-Kit.html

What is Windows Service?
Windows Service applications run for a long time and are mostly used in server environments therefore they are usually called long-running applications. Capability to create windows service is one of the powerful features of .net.

Windows Service applications do not have any user interface or they do not produce any visual output. Services can run in the background while a user is performing or executing any other task in the foreground. If any user messages are generated, they are written to the Windows Event Log.

Windows Services are controlled by the Service Control Manager that helps to start, stop or pause the windows service, as needed.

Examples of windows services include task scheduling, running message queues, file indexing, plug and play device detection etc.

In the source code, Windows Service extends the System.ServiceProcess.Service class.

All Windows Services that are built in .NET need to extend this class. Visual studio includes the following methods by default, which are overridden by the service when it is created.
Dispose – clean up any managed and unmanaged resources
OnStart – control the service startup
OnStop – control the service stoppage

How to create Windows Service?

  • Select a new project from File menu.
  • Expand “Visual Basic” tab and select “Windows”.
  • Then select Windows Service in it and specify the name of the service.
  • Then right click on the form and select Add Installer.
  • Project Installer gets added.
  • Select ServiceInstaller1, go to properties and set DisplayName, ServiceName and set StartType as Automatic.
  • Then select ServiceProcessInstaller1 and set Account property as LocalSystem.

Windows troubleshooting For Build Issues

  • OS Environment issues
  • Application Configuration settings
  • OS Memory Utilization
  • Disk I/O activies
  • Services running
  • Network issues

The Windows Chkdsk (check disk) utility can find and fix common problems with disks and storage devices.

Disk Cleanup utility
The Disk Cleanup utility is a simple tool in Windows XP and Windows Vista that can remove temporary files from your PC, thus freeing up hard disk space.

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Make for Windows: NMake | What is Nmake?


Make for Windows: NMake

What is Nmake?
NMAKE is Microsoft’s implementation of the make tool. The Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (NMAKE.EXE) is a 32-bit tool that builds projects based on commands contained in a description file.

Another definition found on web as well
nmake is the “make” program for Visual Studio. A “make” program builds (makes) an executable and/or package by reading a set of “make” files. These files are essentially scripts that specify what is to be made, what files (header, source code, resource) are needed for each output file, etc. So nmake can be used to completely automate the process.

A frequently asked question: “Where can I find make for Windows?“. The answer is: “Download and use NMake“.

Downloading NMake

Direct Downloan Link of Nmake

Installing NMake

Run the downloaded executable to extract the files. Copy both the NMAKE.EXE and the NMAKE.ERR file to your Perl bin directory, normally C:\Perl\bin. Make sure that you copy the NMAKE.ERR file as well.

1. Download nmake15.exe

2. Double click on nmake15.exe. It will generate 3 files: nmake.exe, nmake.err and readme.txt.

3. Copy nmake.exe and nmake.err to \perl\bin, which is where ActivePerl executable files are located.

4. Now try the nmake command in a command window. If you see the following message, NMake 1.5 is installed correctly:

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.
NMAKE : fatal error U1064: MAKEFILE not found and no target specified    Stop.

Example of an NMake session

Normally building Perl modules and installing them consist of the following steps:

perl Makefile.pl
make test
make install


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Syncro SVN Client v5.1 for Windows, Linux & MacOSX – Features


Syncro SVN Client makes easier the document and code sharing between content authors or developers. This multiplatform Subversion front-end allows you to browse repositories, check for changes, commit changes, update your working copy and examiner the revision history. The Syncro SVN Client was initially developed as an embedded application in the XML Editor and starting with version 8.1 of the editor it is available also as a separate product.

• Why Subversion?
– The advantages of the SVN version control system that recommend it as a replacement for the CVS system.
• Flexible Layout of the User Interface
– The layout of the user interface can be arranged by dragging dockable and floating views in the window and outside the window of the application.
• SVN Repository
– Special view for managing SVN repositories accessed through different protocols: SVN, SVN+SSH, HTTP(S).
• SVN Resource History
– The History view contains the revision number, author name, commit message and date of each revision of a file or folder from the SVN repository.
• Local Working Copy of a SVN Repository
– Each author that shares the SVN repository with other authors works on local versions of the repository resources called a working copy of the repository. The changes applied to the local copy of the repository must be synchronized with the repository hosted on the SVN server.
• Author Information at Line Level
– For each line of a file stored on a SVN server the author (user name) and the revision number of the last change applied to that line is displayed.
• Check Differences Between Local Version and Repository Version
– Compare the local working copy version of a file with the SVN repository version.
• Visual Conflict Editing
– Visually edit the conflicts generated in the local version of a file by an update operation.
• Revision Graph
– The history of a SVN resource can be viewed as a graph in which a node represents one revision of the resource committed to the trunk or a branch of the SVN repository.
• Directory Change Set
– The Directory Change Set view presents a set with all the resources changed between two revision numbers of a SVN folder.
• Integration with Bug Tracking Tools
– The commit message can include a bug ID which links the committed revision with a bug tracking tool. Special SVN properties configure the format and location of the bug ID in the commit message.

Home Page – http://www.syncrosvnclient.com/

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Installation and Configuration Guide: Bamboo


Bamboo is available in two ‘distributions’ — Standalone or EAR-WAR. The Standalone distribution is recommended (even for organisations with an existing application server environment).
Standalone Installation Guide — Windows

Download and Install Bamboo Standalone for Windows (Windows Installer)

·  Download Bamboo Standalone for Windows. Bamboo Standalone for Windows is available for download from the Bamboo Download Center. Choose the Windows Installer (.exe) download.
·  Launch the Bamboo Windows installer (atlassian-bamboo-x.x-standalone.exe) to begin the installation wizard.
·  The installer requires you to specify two directories:
Bamboo installation directory — This is the directory where Bamboo’s application files will be installed. The default is:
C:/Program Files/Bamboo
Bamboo home directory — This is the directory where Bamboo will store its configuration data. If the directory you specify doesn’t exist, Bamboo will create the directory when it launches. The default is:
C:/Documents and Settings//Bamboo-home
Note: You must use forward-slashes in your directory path. Backslashes are not recognised by Bamboo. Please ensure that the Bamboo home directory is not located inside the Bamboo installation directory

Download and Install Bamboo Standalone for Windows (ZIP Archive)

·  Download Bamboo Standalone for Windows. Bamboo Standalone for Windows is available for download from the Bamboo Download Center. Choose the ZIP Archive (.zip) download (click the ‘Show all‘ link to show the ‘ZIP Archive‘ download link).
·  Extract the files from the ZIP Archive (atlassian-bamboo-x.x-standalone.zip) to a Bamboo installation directory of your choice. By default, the root directory in your zip file is named “Bamboo”.
·  Set up your Bamboo home directory — this is the directory where Bamboo will store its root configuration data. To do this, edit the file named bamboo-init.properties in the Bamboo/webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory. In this file, insert the property “bamboo.home”, with an absolute path to your Bamboo home directory. Your file should look something like this:


Alternatively, you can specify an environment variable ‘BAMBOO_HOME’ which specifies the absolute path to your {BAMBOO_HOME} directory. Bamboo will check if an environment variable is defined.
·  If you are going to use Bamboo remote agents, set the following in the bamboo-init.properties file in the /webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory:

  • Replace ‘localhost’ with the real host name or IP address of your Bamboo server.
  • If port number 54663 is already in use, specify a different port number.

Launch Bamboo

Launch via the Start Menu
If you have used the ‘Windows Installer’ to install Bamboo, you can start Bamboo via the Start Menu in Windows (generally under the ‘Bamboo’ folder by default). The following options will be available in your Start Menu:

  • Bamboo Continuous Integration Server Uninstaller‘ — uninstalls Bamboo from your computer
  • Install Service‘ — installs Bamboo as a Windows service (note, this will not start Bamboo)
  • Remove Service‘ — removes the Bamboo Windows service, if you have previously installed it (note, Bamboo will not be uninstalled from your computer)
  • Start in Console‘ — starts Bamboo in a Windows console
  • Start Service‘ — starts your installed Bamboo Windows service
  • Stop Service‘ — stops your installed Bamboo Windows service

You can run Bamboo in two modes, either in a Windows console or as a Windows service:

  • To run Bamboo in a Windows console, click the ‘Start in Console‘ option.
  • To run Bamboo as a Windows service, click the ‘Install service‘ option. After the service is installed, click ‘Start Service‘. Once you have installed Bamboo as a service, Bamboo will start up automatically every time Windows restarts.

Launch via batch file
You can start Bamboo via the batch files that are shipped with Bamboo. If you have installed Bamboo via the ZIP Archive, you will need to use the batch files to start Bamboo. You can find the following batch files in your installation directory:

  • BambooConsole.bat‘ — this starts Bamboo in a Windows console.
  • InstallAsService.bat‘ — this installs Bamboo as a Windows service. Note that this will not start Bamboo.
  • StartBamboo.bat‘ — this starts your installed Bamboo Windows service.
  • StopBamboo.bat‘ — this stops your installed Bamboo Windows service
  • UninstallService.bat‘ — this un-installs the Bamboo Windows service from your machine. Note that your Bamboo installation still remains.

You can run Bamboo in two modes, either in a Windows console or as a Windows service:

  • To run Bamboo in a Windows console, run ‘BambooConsole.bat
  • To run Bamboo as a Windows service, run ‘InstallAsService.bat‘. After the service is installed, run ‘StartBamboo.bat‘. Once you have installed Bamboo as a service, Bamboo will start up automatically every time Windows restarts.

Configure Bamboo

  1. Access your running Bamboo instance by going to your web browser and entering the address: http://localhost:8085/.
  2. Configure Bamboo via the Setup Wizard which will display. Read Running the Setup Wizard for further instructions.

For more details on Installation and Configuration, please review following links

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Windows XP/2000 Commands & Tools | Windows XP Command-line Reference


Here’s the ultimate Windows XP/2000 command list that will make any Linux user feel at home at the command prompt. A lot of these commands are intended for administrating a network, but they are great for savvy home users as well.  We even listed which OS you need for these commands.

Many thanks to the digg users who ‘dugg’ our site and care to leave comments of helpful commands that we have left out!

  • at (windows XP/2000)
    Scheduling utility.
  • bootcfg (XP only)
    This utility allows you to set up your boot options, such as your default OS and other loading options.
  • cacls (XP, 2000, & NT4.0)
    Changes the ACLs (security Settings) of files and folders. Very similar to chmod in Linux. 
  • comp (XP & 2000)
    This utility is very similar to diff in Linux.  Use the /? switch to get examples of command usage.
  • contig (works with NT4.0 and newer)
    A great defrag utility for NTFS partitions.
  • control (XP only) – unpublished!
    Allows you to launch control panel applets from the command line. 
    control userpasswords2, for example will launch a helpful local user admin utility.
  • defrag (XP only – NT4.0 and Win2k use contig)
    Yes, XP comes with a command line disk defrag utility. If you are running Win2k or NT4.0 there is still hope. Contig is a free defrag program that I describe on the defrag page.
  • diskpart (XP only)
    Use this command to manage your disk partitions.  This is the text version for the GUI Disk Manager.
  • driverquery (XP only)
    Produces a list of drivers, their properties, and their versions. Great for computer documentation.
  • eudcedit (XP only) – unpublished!
    Private Character editor.  Yes with this program built into Windows XP you can create your own font!
  • fsutil (XP only) – unpublished!
    This is a utility with a lot of capability.  Come back soon for great examples.
  • getmac (XP & 2000)
    This command gets the Media Access Control (MAC) address of your network cards.
  • gpresult (XP & 2000)
    This generates a summary of the user settings and computer group policy settings.
  • gpupdate (XP only)
    Use this utility to manually apply computer and user policy from your windows 2000 (or newer) domain.
  • ipconfig (XP, 2000 & NT4.0)
    This handy tool displays IP settings of the current computer and much more.
  • MMC (XP, 2000 & NT4.0) – Microsoft Management Console
    This is the master tool for Windows, it is the main interface in which all other tools use starting primarily in Windows 2000 and newer systems.
  • more
    Utility used to display text output one screen at a time. Ex. more c:\windows\win.ini
  • msconfig (XP only)
    The ultimate tool to change the services and utilities that start when your Windows machine boots up. You can also copy the executable from XP and use it in Win2k.
  • msinfo32 (XP &smp; 2000)
    An awesome diagnostic tool. With it you can get a list of running processes, including the residing path of the executable (great for manually removing malware) and get detailed information about hardware and system diagnostics.
  • narrator (XP only)
    Turns on the system narrator (can also be found in accessibility options in control panel).  Will will allow your computer to dictate text to you.
  • netsh (XP & 2000)
    A network configuration tool console.  At the ‘netsh>’ prompt, use the ‘?’ to list the available commands and type “exit” to get back to a command prompt.
  • nslookup (all)
    A DNS name resolution tool.
  • openfiles (XP Only)
    Allows an administrator to display or disconnect open files in XP professional. Type “openfiles /?” for a list of possible parameters.
  • Pathping (XP & 2000)
    A cross between the ping and traceroute utilities. Who needs Neotrace when you can use this? Type “pathping <ip address>” and watch it go.
  • recover (XP & 2000)
    This command can recover readable information from a damaged disk and is very easy to use.
  • reg (XP & 2000)
    A console registry tool, great for scripting Registry edits.
  • sc (XP & 2000)
    A command line utility called the Service Controller.  A power tool to make service changes via a logon/logoff or startup/shutdown script.
  • schtasks (XP only)
    A newer version of the AT command.  This allows an administrator to schedule and manage scheduled tasks on a local and remote machines.
  • secedit (XP & 2000)
    Use this utility to manually apply computer and user policy from your windows 2000 (or newer) domain.  Example to update the machine policy: secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy /enforce
    To view help on this, just type secedit.
    NOTE: In Windows XP SP1 and news, this command is superceded by: gpupdate /force
  • sfc (XP & 2000)
    The system file checker scans important system files and replaces the ones you (or your applications) hacked beyond repair with the real, official Microsoft versions.
  • shutdown (XP & 2000)
    With this tool, You can shut down or restart your own computer, or an administrator can shut down or restart a remote computer.
  • sigverif (XP only)
    Microsoft has created driver signatures. A signed driver is Microsoft tested and approved. With the sigverif tool you can have all driver files analyzed to verify that they are digitally signed. Just type ‘sigverif’ at the command prompt.
  • systeminfo (XP only)
    Basic system configuration information, such as the system type, the processor type, time zone, virtual memory settings, system uptime, and much more.  This program is great for creating an inventory of computers on your network.
  • sysedit (XP/2000)
    System Configuration File Editor.  An old tool that was very handy for the Windows 9X days.  msconfig is what you want to use now.
  • tasklist (XP pro only)
    Tasklist is the command console equivalent to the task manager in windows. It is a must have when fighting scumware and viruses. Try the command:
    tasklist /svc
    to view the memory resources your services take up.
  • taskkill (XP only)
    Taskkill contains the rest of the task manager functionality.  It allows you to kill those unneeded or locked up applications.
  • tree (XP & 2000)
    An amazing experience everyone should try!  This command will provide a ‘family tree’ style display of the drive/folder you specify.
  • WMIC (XP & 2000)
    Windows Management Instrumentation Command tool.  This allows you to pull an amazing amount of low-level system information from a command line scripting interface.
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