How to execute grovvy script remotely on Jenkins server?

A Jenkins Admin can execute groovy scripts remotely by sending an HTTP POST request to /script/ url or /scriptText/.

curl example via bash

curl -d "script=<your_script_here>" https://jenkins/script
# or to get output as a plain text result (no HTML)
curl -d "script=<your_script_here>" https://jenkins/scriptText

curl submitting groovy file via bash

curl --data-urlencode "script=$(< ./somescript.groovy)" https://jenkins/scriptText

curl submitting groovy file providing username and password via bash

curl --user 'username:password' --data-urlencode "script=$(< ./somescript.groovy)" https://jenkins/scriptText

Jenkins CLI offers the possibility to execute groovy scripts remotely using groovy command or execute groovy interactivelly via groovysh.

java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -noCertificateCheck -s groovy disableEnableJobsMatchingPattern.groovy jobPattern=build_git_auto disableOrEnable=disable --username 12345 --password banana




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How to run/execute groovy script in Jenkins?

Here are the List of way using you can apply grovy code in Jenkins

Method -1: Groovy plugin
This plugin adds the ability to directly execute Groovy code.
More info –

Method -2: Jenkins script console
The inbuilt script console is a very useful and powerful Jenkins extension and ideally suits certain types of tasks. This simple but powerful built-in web console allows you to run Groovy scripts on your Jenkins instance (or its slave nodes) from directly within the user interface, and is installed as standard.

To access the console, either navigate to Manage Jenkins and then select Script Console, or simply append /script to your Jenkins host and port, like this for example: http://jenkinshost:8080/script
Running Script Console on the master
This feature can be accessed from “Manage Jenkins” > “Script Console”. Or visit the sub-URL /script on your Jenkins instance.

Running Script Console on agents
Visit “Manage Jenkins” > “Manage Nodes”. Select any node to view the status page. In the menu on the left, a menu item is available to open a “Script Console” on that specific agent.

More info –

Method -3: Scriptler Plugins
Scriptler allows you to store/edit groovy scripts and execute it on any of the slaves/nodes… no need to copy/paste groovy code anymore.
More Info –



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Database of Groovy Script for Jenkins Automation

Here are the list of Groovy Script which can be used in Jenkins to automate the JOBs and CI process. Please add your list in the comment sections as well.

Main Source – 

  • jenkins-groovy-scripts.html

Example Groovy Script 

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