[Solved] Flutter : [core/not-initialized] Firebase has not been correctly initialized. Have you added the “google-services.json” file to the project?


I’ve connected my flutter app to firebase by adding SHA1 key ( How to Get SHA-1 key in Android Studio for Firebase. ) and package name in firebase console, and also downloaded and provided google-service.json in my flutter app at android/app. But when i run app its Showing an error that i’ve not provided google-service.json file in my app. The Error Says –

E/flutter (15568): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(166)] Unhandled Exception: [core/not-initialized] Firebase has not been correctly initialized. Have you added the "google-services.json" file to the project? 
E/flutter (15568): 


After hours of struggle, I am able to figure out the solution.

1. First, add the ‘google-services.json‘ plugin as a dependency inside of the android/build.gradle file:

 buildscript {
      dependencies {
        // ... other dependencies
        classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.3'

2. Lastly, execute the plugin by adding the following underneath the line apply plugin:
add after ‘com.android.application’, within the /android/app/build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'

That’s All.

Thanks for Reading.

Keep Coding.

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