How many data types How to work are there in JavaScript?


Boolean is the built-in object corresponding to the primitive Boolean data type. JavaScript boolean can have one of two values: true or false.

Primitive Values
var primitiveTrue = true;
var primitiveFalse = false;

Boolean Function
var functionTrue = Boolean(true);
var functionFalse = Boolean(flase);

Boolean Constructor
var constructorTrue = new Boolean(true);
var constructorFalse = new Boolean(false);


If value parameter is omitted or is 0, -0, null, false, NaN, undefined, or the empty string (“”), the object has an initial value of false.


A string is a built-in object corresponding to the primitive string data type.
A string is a group of characters.


var str = “Hello DevopsSchool”;——————————
var str = „Hello DevopsSchool‟; ——————————String
var str = Hello DevopsSchool;—————————–

var str = new String (“Hello DevopsSchool”);——————————
var str = new String („Hello DevopsSchool‟); —————————– Object
var str = new String (Hello DevopsSchool);—————————–

Accessing String

Access String

String Concatenation

Concat Operator

Template Literal/ Template Strings

Template literals are string literals allowing embedded expressions. You can
use multi-line strings and string interpolation features with them.
Template literals are enclosed by the back-tick () character instead of double
or single quotes.

Multiple Line String

String Interpolation

Template literals can contain placeholders. These are indicated by the dollar sign and curly braces

String Methods

  • charAt ( )
  • charCodeAt( )
  • toUpperCase( )
  • toLowerCase ( )
  • Trim( )
  • Replace ( )
  • Split ( )
  • indexOf( )
  • Search ( )
  • Slice ( )
  • Substring( )
  • Substr ()
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What is var_dump in PHP

Var_dump function is used to check the data type of a variable. In PHP we do not have to write the data type while declaring the variable so if we want to print the data type we will use “var_dump” function to see type of data of the variable.

For example:


Here, we can see in the output that it has printed the data type of all the variables which we have used.


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