Top 50 Helm Interview Questions with Answers

Helm Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Helm?

a. A container orchestration tool
b. A container runtime
c. A container image registry
d. A container network plugin

Answer: a. A container orchestration tool

2. Which of the following is not a Helm chart?

b. Elasticsearch
c. PostgresSQL
d. Docker

Answer: d. Docker

3. What is the command to install a chart using Helm?

a. helm help
b. helm chart install
c. helm install
d. helm upgrade

Answer: c. helm install

4. Which file contains the configuration values for a Helm chart?

a. Chart.yaml
c. values.yaml
d. requirements.yaml

Answer: c. values.yaml

5. What is a Helm release?

a. A collection of Kubernetes resources
b. A container image
c. A chart repository
d. A Helm plugin

Answer: a. A collection of Kubernetes resources

6. What is Helm’s repository format called?

a. Repository Format Specification (RFS)
b. Chart Repository Specification (CRS)
c. Helm Chart Specification (HCS)
d. Helm Repository Specification (HRS)

Answer: b. Chart Repository Specification (CRS)

7. What is the command to create a new chart in Helm?

a. helm create
b. helm chart create
c. helm new
d. helm init

Answer: a. helm create

8. What is the command to update an existing chart in Helm?

a. helm update
b. helm chart update
c. helm upgrade
d. helm init

Answer: c. helm upgrade

9. Which of the following is not a Helm command?

a. helm version
b. helm search
c. helm update
d. helm list

Answer: c. helm update

10. What is the command to delete a release in Helm?

a. helm delete
b. helm release delete
c. helm uninstall
d. helm remove

Answer: a. helm delete

11. Which Helm chart repository is maintained by the Helm project?

a. Bitnami
b. Helm Hub
c. Google Cloud Platform Marketplace
d. Kubernetes Charts

Answer: b. Helm Hub

12. What is included in a Helm chart’s templates directory?

a. YAML files for Kubernetes resources
b. Go templates to generate Kubernetes resource YAML files
c. Bash scripts to deploy Kubernetes resources
d. Helm plugin files

Answer: b. Go templates to generate Kubernetes resource YAML files

13. Which file contains the metadata for a Helm chart?

a. Chart.yaml
c. values.yaml
d. requirements.yaml

Answer: a. Chart.yaml

14. What is the command to inspect the details of a Helm release?

a. helm inspect
b. helm release inspect
c. helm status
d. helm info

Answer: c. helm status

15. Which of the following is not a Helm chart dependency manager?

a. Helmfile
b. Kustomize
c. Lighthouse
d. Draft

Answer: d. Draft

16. What is the command to upgrade a Helm chart’s dependencies?

a. helm dependency upgrade
b. helm upgrade dependencies
c. helm update dependencies
d. helm chart dependencies upgrade

Answer: a. helm dependency upgrade

17. What is the command to package a Helm chart for distribution?

a. helm package
b. helm chart package
c. helm archive
d. helm export

Answer: a. helm package

18. Which of the following is not a Helm plugin?

a. Helm-diff
b. Helm-secrets
c. Helmfile
d. Helm-format

Answer: c. Helmfile

19. Which of the following is a recommended practice when creating Helm charts?

a. Include all Kubernetes resources in the same YAML file
b. Use environment variables in YAML files instead of values.yaml
c. Enable automatic updates for all Helm releases
d. Split Kubernetes resources into separate YAML files for easier maintenance

Answer: d. Split Kubernetes resources into separate YAML files for easier maintenance

20. What is the command to rollback a release in Helm?

a. helm rollback
b. helm release rollback
c. helm undo
d. helm rollback release

Answer: a. helm rollback

21. What is a Helm hook?

a. A script that runs during Helm install or upgrade
b. A Kubernetes resource that Helm deploys
c. A plugin that extends Helm’s functionality
d. A chart dependency

Answer: a. A script that runs during Helm install or upgrade

22. Which of the following is not a Helm chart configuration option?

a. image.tag
b. replicaCount
c. service.type
d. container.envFile

Answer: d. container.envFile

23. What is the command to lint a Helm chart?

a. helm lint
b. helm chart lint
c. helm validate
d. helm chart validate

Answer: a. helm lint

24. What is the command to view information about a Helm chart?

a. helm info
b. helm chart info
c. helm describe
d. helm chart describe

Answer: b. helm chart info

25. What is the command to view the history of a Helm release?

a. helm release history
b. helm history
c. helm release log
d. helm log

Answer: b. helm history

26. Which of the following is not a Helm chart templating function?

a. include
b. range
c. if
d. set

Answer: d. set

27. What is the command to fetch the latest version of a Helm chart’s dependencies?

a. helm dependency update
b. helm update dependencies
c. helm chart dependencies update
d. helm dependencies latest

Answer: a. helm dependency update

28. What is the command to view the status of a Helm chart dependency?

a. helm dependency status
b. helm chart dependency status
c. helm status dependency
d. helm chart status dependency

Answer: a. helm dependency status

29. Which of the following is not a built-in Helm chart configuration value?

a. nameOverride
b. fullname
c. image.repository
d. appVersion

Answer: b. fullname

30. What is the command to extract the templates from a Helm chart?

a. helm extract
b. helm chart extract
c. helm template
d. helm chart template

Answer: c. helm template

31. What is the command to view the values of a Helm release?

a. helm get values
b. helm values
c. helm release values
d. helm show values

Answer: d. helm show values

32. What is the command to upgrade a Helm chart using a specific version?

a. helm upgrade –set verison=
b. helm upgrade –version
c. helm update –version
d. helm chart upgrade –version

Answer: b. helm upgrade –version

33. What is the command to view the configuration options for a Helm chart?

a. helm config
b. helm chart config
c. helm show config
d. helm chart show config

Answer: d. helm chart show config

34. What is the command to validate a Helm chart’s values.yaml file?

a. helm validate values.yaml
b. helm chart validate values.yaml
c. helm values validate
d. helm chart values validate

Answer: b. helm chart validate values.yaml

35. What is the command to create a new Kubernetes namespace using a Helm chart?

a. helm create namespace
b. helm namespace create
c. helm new namespace
d. helm chart create namespace

Answer: b. helm namespace create

36. What is the command to view the available versions for a Helm chart?

a. helm versions
b. helm chart versions
c. helm search versions
d. helm chart search versions

Answer: b. helm chart versions

37. What is the command to delete all Helm releases?

a. helm delete all
b. helm release delete all
c. helm uninstall all
d. helm remove all

Answer: a. helm delete all

38. What is the command to list the installed Helm releases?

a. helm list
b. helm releases
c. helm status
d. helm release list

Answer: a. helm list

39. Which of the following is a Helm feature for rollbacks?

a. Revert
b. History
c. Undo
d. Restore

Answer: c. Undo

40. What is the command to view the available updates for a Helm chart?

a. helm updates
b. helm chart updates
c. helm search updates
d. helm chart search updates

Answer: b. helm chart updates

41. What is the command to view the installed chart dependencies for a Helm release?

a. helm release dependencies
b. helm dependencies
c. helm release list
d. helm list dependencies

Answer: b. helm dependencies

42. What is the command to upgrade a Helm chart using a custom value file?

a. helm upgrade –values
b. helm upgrade –set-file
c. helm update –values
d. helm chart upgrade –values

Answer: a. helm upgrade –values

43. What is the command to view the available plugins for Helm?

a. helm plugins
b. helm search plugins
c. helm plugin list
d. helm chart plugins

Answer: a. helm plugins

44. Which of the following is not a templating function in Helm?

a. default
b. trunc
c. substr
d. if-not

Answer: d. if-not

45. What is the command to create a new Helm chart repository?

a. helm create repo
b. helm repo create
c. helm new repo
d. helm chart create repo

Answer: b. helm repo create

46. What is the command to list the available Helm chart repositories?

a. helm repos
b. helm chart repos
c. helm list repos
d. helm repo list

Answer: d. helm repo list

47. Which of the following is not a built-in Helm chart template function?

a. toYaml
b. toJson
c. toToml
d. toXml

Answer: d. toXml

48. What is the command to search for Helm charts in a specific repository?

a. helm chart search
b. helm search
c. helm repo search
d. helm repository search

Answer: b. helm search

49. What is the command to perform a dry run of a Helm upgrade?

a. helm upgrade –dry-run
b. helm dry-run upgrade
c. helm simulate upgrade
d. helm preview upgrade

Answer: a. helm upgrade –dry-run

50. What is the command to view the available plugins for a specific Helm command?

a. helm help plugins
b. helm plugin search
c. helm plugin ls
d. helm list plugins

Answer: c. helm plugin ls

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