What is Bamboo and its Features

scmuser created the topic: What is Bamboo and its Features
What is Bamboo and its Features. please explain?

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:What is Bamboo and its Features
Good Articles
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

mfeighner replied the topic: Re:What is Bamboo and its Features
Yes, What is Bamboo and its Features. please explain?
“Good Articles”? I am fluent in ClearCase.

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:What is Bamboo and its Features
Please refer this…

Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

Hudson plugin development in Eclipse

rajeshkumar created the topic: Hudson plugin development in Eclipse
I’m following the instructions to create a plugin workspace located at:


however, when I run the setup (mvn hpi:run), the plugin doesn’t show up as a configuration option in the Hudson Management console. It does show up as an installed plugin in the Plugin Manager. The build runs fine, Jetty starts fine, no exceptions in the console, one info-level warning about the plugin being loaded twice:

Mar 24, 2010 12:13:16 AM hudson.PluginManager$1$3$1 isDuplicate

INFO: Ignoring C:\p4\Hudson\reviewboard\.\work\plugins\testplugin.hpl because C:\p4\Hudson\testplugin\.\work\plugins\testplugin.hpl is already loaded

Any ideas why the sample wouldn’t work “out of the box”?
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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Questions on Hudson

scmuser created the topic: Questions on Hudson

I have setup Hudson successfully and covered all most all the features. But Still i have some question which want to get clarify with the help of community members.

1. Each Project Build Number in Hudson and build artifact folder naming are different. How can we match up so it should be with Hudon Build number.
2. Upon successful build, how can i get the build artifact link for each build of Hudson Dashboard?

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:Questions on Hudson
reply from hudson community…

> 1. Each Project Build Number in Hudson and build artifact folder naming are
> different. How can we match up so it should be with Hudon Build number.

Hudson provides your build scripts an environment variable
BUILD_NUMBER which is an increasing integer. You are free to use that
or ignore it and come up with your own way of identifying your builds.

If want to increment Hudson’s build number, edit the file buildNumber
which is in HUDSON_HOME/jobs/JOBNAME and then go to Manage Hudson ->
Reload configuration files from disk.

> 2. Upon successful build, how can i get the build artifact link for each
> build of Hudson Dashboard?

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for the permalinks in
the page for each project. I.e. http://YOURHUDSON/job/JOBNAME/
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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Tips on migrating Hudson instance to new machine

scmuser created the topic: Tips on migrating Hudson instance to new machine
Tips on migrating Hudson instance to new machine, upgrading?

Today I’m going to be migrating a Hudson 1.334 instance on one machine to another machine and in the process upgrading to 1.355.

Anyone happen to have any tips or things to watch out for while
migrating servers?

I’m going to start by simply backing up my HUDSON_HOME directory and
attempting to move that, hoping it is as simple as it sounds.

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How to map Hudson user names to VCS user names

rajeshkumar created the topic: How to map Hudson user names to VCS user names
Hi All

I’m wondering if it is possible to map the Hudson user name to one or more VCS user names. I’ve setup a Hudson instance with simple security (logged in people can do anything, non-logged in people can only view build results). For some reason Hudson is not mapping the users to the people that perform the checkins. So the last activity of each user is always empty. Is there a special setting that I need to know of or should Hudson automatically take care of that?

Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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Advice on our Hudson setup / How to Poll Dependencies

scmuser created the topic: Advice on our Hudson setup / How to poll dependenc
Advice on our Hudson setup / How to poll dependencies

Hi, I’m looking for some advice on whether our Hudson setup is
sensible, and I’m also wondering how to poll instead of build
“dependency-triggered” jobs.

We have a project that is broken up into 3 components. As is typical
with git, each component is a standalone piece that lives in its own
git repository.

The Hudson Git Plugin takes multiple repository URLs but blends them
together, so we couldn’t just keep everything in a single job (nor do
I think we really want that), and instead we created one job per

Dependency-wise, one project (C) depends on the other two (A, B).
Brief Googling led us to the Join Plugin. So now we have a 4th “base”
job (D) that is empty and simple triggers A, B to build, then has a
Join Trigger for C. D builds every hour.

Now to the question: our setup produces a lot of unnecessary builds.
Is there a way to add polling into the chain, such that if an upstream
poll detects no changes, downstream polls still take place? It seems
that currently there are two problems standing in the way of this:

(1) Downstream jobs can only be built, not polled.

(2) Only post-build triggers exist, so an upstream project (like A or
B) must actually go through a build for C to build, whereas what we’d
want here is a post-poll trigger.

Thanks in advance for any tips

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Where can you set/change the ANT_OPTS in Hudson

rajeshkumar created the topic: Where can you set/change the ANT_OPTS in Hudson
Where can you set/change the ANT_OPTS in Hudson

I’m using Hudson and Maven and also Ant to make a build.

I need to set the ANT_OPTS to pass additional JVM arguments. But where can I
set/change the ANT_OPTS in Hudson for a project?

When I configure a project I press button ‘ADVANCED’ in the build section.
In there I can set the MAVEN_OPTS, but actually I’m searching for the

Because at the moment the JunitReport code which is being called by ant
within Maven I’m running out of permgen memory.

At the moment this is what I pass to MAVEN_OPTS:
-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled

but I really need to set the ANT_OPTS somewhere.

Try the “java options” field in the advanced section.
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

Hudson with Subversion

scmuser created the topic: Hudson with Subversion
A basic question about Hudson and Subversion when having many branches
I have a trunk and many branches.

I want a single Hudson job to control all these things, instead of creating one job for each branch, not to mention the fact that the number of branches will increase in the future.

The most important thing is, when branch A is changed and updated, I want Hudson only to build branch A, not all branches and trunk.

In a word: how can I make Hudson discriminate which directory has been changed and run the corresponding script?
How to implement this?

mnanjala replied the topic: Re:Hudson with Subversion
You should use parameterized build which and you should later give as ${BRANCH} where ever you call respective branch…

Tagged :

Seeking in and out of Cobertura

mnanjala created the topic: Seeking in and out of Cobertura
Hi All,

I need all info about Cobertura

How we can implement?How much time it would need to get implemented?What are all code base it supports?What is benifits? I saw the website did not understand fully.


rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: Seeking in and out of Cobertura
Hi Praveen,

Hope this will help you….

Official Site of cobertura

FAQ cobertura

cobertura Introdcution

cobertura Command Line reference

cobertura Ant Task Reference

cobertura with Maven

cobertura Plugins for Hudson

cobertura Good tutorial

cobertura Bamboo plugins
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

Creating single WAR file from multiple branches

revanthreddy created the topic: Creating single WAR file from multiple branches

I am Revanth working for a product company. We are using Hudson for creating WAR files from SVN for our daily build purposes. Until these days everything went fine, but in recent days we have a change in SVN structure where I am stuck for preparing WAR file. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.

My problem area:

We have a branch called “A” where platform files are checked in and another branch called “B” where product files are checked in. Through Hudson I need to prepare WAR file by combing “A” branch files on the top it branch “B” files. I need to checkout first “A” branch and then on the top it “B” branch files and build the WAR file.

Please let me know who this can be achieved by using Hudson.


rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: Creating single WAR file from multiple branches
You can sycn the both source code using hudson – job configuration…

In Source Code Management = Subversion
and add as many Repository URL you want to sync…

Once sync got completed, Write one build.xmkl file and add to hudson job configuration…

Snippet of code below;

More reference can be found…
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

scmuser created the topic: How to restart Hudson?
How to restart hudson if i have installed like java – jar hudson.war

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:How to restart Hudson?
Reply from Hudson community…

Running hudson directly like that runs it under the built-in Winstone web server. You can use some commands that it has to control your app:

I do this:

nohup $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $HUDSON_JAVA_OPTS -jar $HOME/wars/hudson.war –controlPort=8001 > $HOME/logs/hudson.log 2>&1 &

java -cp $HOME/bin/winstone-0.9.10.jar winstone.tools.WinstoneControl reload: –host=localhost –port=8001

java -cp $HOME/bin/winstone-0.9.10.jar winstone.tools.WinstoneControl reload: –host=localhost –port=8001
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

mnanjala replied the topic: Re:How to restart Hudson?
You can restart the service as below

Got to /etc/init/ (basically hudson service script resides here)

hudson.sh restart

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:How to restart Hudson?
What about in Windows?

Can you please provide small notes on What are the ways to start – stop hudson in Linux and Windows?
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

mnanjala replied the topic: Re:How to restart Hudson?
Well in windows you make it as a service is the best bet else from GUI itself you can restart.

Command Line would be like this and here windows istreated as a slave.
sc.exe create HudsonSlave binPath= “C:\WINDOWS\system32\java.exe -jar C:\hudson\slave.jar
-jnlpUrl http://SERVER:PORT/computer/MACHINE/slave-agent.jnlp” start= auto

This is a very simple version, you can elaborate start scripts which use some program to hide the CMD window, select the good server and try to ping it, get the MACHINE variable with %computername% ,etc…

amitanand123 replied the topic: Re:How to restart Hudson?
You can create .bat file
cd d:\Program Files\Hudson
java -DHUDSON_HOME=d:\Hudson -jar hudson.war

or you can use plugins to install as a service

“Install as Windows Service”

Installation Directory=d:\Hudson\.hudson

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:How to restart Hudson?
I got some good links over net as well…

Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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