scmGalaxy is a community initiatives based on Software configuration management that helps community members to optimize their software development process, Software Development Life Cycle optimization, Agile Methodologies and improve productivity across all aspects of Java development, including Build Scripts, Testing, Issue Tracking, Continuous Integration, Code Quality and more. scmGalaxy group that helps organisations optimize their software development process. We provide consulting, training and mentoring services in Agile Development Practices such as Version Management, Continuous Integration, Build Management, Test-Driven Development, Acceptance-Test Driven Development, Build Automation, Code Quality Practices and Automated Testing.
We provide job oriented training in the area of Configuration management, Build and Release Engineering. Candidates with engineering or software background and looking to either start or change their career to Build and Release Engineering, would benefit most from this training. Instructor-led training course offered in India, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Mumbai and Hydrabad. Instructor is an expert in Software configuration management, Build and release engineering with more than 15 years industry experience in india.The Goal of the course make the training attendants equip with all the concepts of build and release engineering.
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Course Objectives
To bring your team up to speed with agile development, We can also run the from Continuous Integration to Continuous Delivery with autoamted course within your premises.
Course Schedule
This course is an intensive 1-day & 2-day workshop with a mixture of teaching and lab exercises. Currently, this course is offered exclusively as an on-site course. Please contact us for more details.
This is a hands-on, practical course designed to teach specialised skills for real-world development situations. It is thus primarily aimed at a SCM Engineer, Build/Release Engineer and developer audience.
The course is modular and flexible – depending on specific student needs and requests. Through our trainings, you benefit from the wide experience and architectural expertise of our team. We bring that experience to you in an highly interactive, intensely hands-on setting.
We assume participants have a reasonable understanding of Development in any language as well as a basic understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle.
Lab Work
All our courses are above all practical in nature. We believe that the best way to learn is by doing. So the course contains approximately 80% lab work.
Learning Resources
Each registrant will receive a copy of the student notes and lab solutions, a certificate of completion, and a CD containing all the tools covered in the course and CD containing all the tools covered in the course.
Contact Us
This course is provided on-site, and can be tailored to your particular requirements. If you would like our trainings delivered at your premises, or for any additional information please contact us. Please email us at
Course outline
The basic course program is outlined here:
- Introducing Sonatype Nexus
- Component Lifecycle Management and Repository Management
- Installing and Running Nexus
- Configuring Maven to Use Nexus
- Using the Nexus User Interface
- Configuring Nexus
- Nexus Smart Proxy
- Nexus LDAP Integration
- Atlassian Crowd Support
- Nexus Procurement Suite
- Improved Releases with Nexus Staging
- Repository Health Check
- Managing Maven Settings
- OSGi Bundle Repositories
- P2 Repositories
- .NET Package Repositories
- Deploying Sites to Nexus
- Nexus Best Practises
- Nexus Plugins
- Migrating to Nexus
- Configuring Nexus for SSL
- Evaluating Nexus Step by Step
Maven and Nexus Training In Bangalore | Maven and Nexus Training in India | Maven and Nexus Training in Hydrabad | Maven and Nexus Training in Delhi | Maven and Nexus Training in Pune | Maven and Nexus Trainer In Bangalore | Maven and Nexus Trainer in India | Maven and Nexus Trainer in Hydrabad | Maven and Nexus Trainer in Delhi | Maven and Nexus Trainer in Pune
- Use of runtime variables to save into another variable using register in Ansible - September 6, 2018
- Ansible & Ansible Tower Variable Precedence Hierarchy - September 6, 2018
- How to use template in Ansible? - September 6, 2018