Top 50 Appium Interview Questions with Answers

Appium Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Appium?

a) A mobile automation tool
b) A software testing framework
c) A mobile app development platform
d) A cloud-based testing service

Answer: a) A mobile automation tool

2. Which programming languages are supported by Appium?

a) Python, Ruby, and Java
b) Java, C#, and TypeScript
c) JavaScript and PHP
d) C++ and Swift

Answer: b) Java, C#, and TypeScript

3. Which platforms can be tested using Appium?

a) iOS and Android
b) Windows and Mac
c) Linux and Solaris
d) All of the Above

Answer: a) iOS and Android

4. How is Appium different from other automation tools?

a) It doesn’t require the app to be recompiled or modified
b) It supports multiple languages
c) It is open-source
d) All of the Above

Answer: d) All of the Above

5. What is the Appium server?

a) A central hub that connects the test code to the device
b) A tool to build and package mobile apps
c) A cloud-based testing service
d) A debugger for mobile apps

Answer: a) A central hub that connects the test code to the device

6. What is the difference between Appium and Selenium?

a) Appium is for mobile apps while Selenium is for web apps
b) Appium supports multiple languages while Selenium supports only Java
c) Appium doesn’t require the app to be recompiled while Selenium does
d) All of the Above

Answer: d) All of the Above

7. What is the Appium client?

a) A programming language-specific library
b) A tool to monitor device performance
c) A tool to generate test reports
d) A cloud-based testing service

Answer: a) A programming language-specific library

8. What is meant by desired capabilities in Appium?

a) Settings that configure the test environment
b) Test scripts that define the test steps
c) Object locators that identify the UI elements
d) Data files that contain the test data

Answer: a) Settings that configure the test environment

9. How do you install Appium?

a) By using an installer file
b) By downloading source code and compiling it
c) By using a package manager like npm
d) All of the Above

Answer: c) By using a package manager like npm

10. What is the difference between Xpath and Appium’s UIAutomator?

a) Xpath is used for web apps while UIAutomator is used for mobile apps
b) Xpath is more powerful and flexible than UIAutomator
c) UIAutomator is more efficient and reliable than Xpath
d) Both are the same and can be used interchangeably

Answer: a) Xpath is used for web apps while UIAutomator is used for mobile apps

11. What are the advantages of using Appium?

a) Cross-platform support
b) Open source
c) Supports multiple languages
d) All of the Above

Answer: d) All of the Above

12. What is the Appium Inspector?

a) A tool to capture screenshots of the app
b) A tool to record test cases
c) A tool to inspect the UI elements of the app
d) A tool to monitor device logs

Answer: c) A tool to inspect the UI elements of the app

13. What is the difference between Appium and Espresso?

a) Appium supports cross-platform testing while Espresso is limited to Android
b) Appium is open source while Espresso is proprietary
c) Appium doesn’t require the app to be recompiled while Espresso does
d) All of the Above

Answer: a) Appium supports cross-platform testing while Espresso is limited to Android

14. What is the Appium WebDriver?

a) A tool to manage browser instances
b) A tool to automate web services
c) A tool to automate mobile apps
d) A tool to test microservices

Answer: c) A tool to automate mobile apps

15. What is the difference between UIAutomator and UIAutomator2?

a) UIAutomator is for Android versions up to 4.3 while UIAutomator2 is for versions 4.4 and above
b) UIAutomator is more reliable than UIAutomator2
c) UIAutomator2 supports more languages than UIAutomator
d) Both are the same and can be used interchangeably

Answer: a) UIAutomator is for Android versions up to 4.3 while UIAutomator2 is for versions 4.4 and above

16. What is the Appium client-server architecture?

a) The client sends the test scripts to the server and the server executes them on the device
b) The server sends the UI elements to the client and the client interacts with them
c) The client and the server are the same and run on the device
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) The client sends the test scripts to the server and the server executes them on the device

17. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Appium?

a) findElement() returns only the first matching UI element while findElements() returns all the matching elements
b) findElements() returns only the first matching UI element while findElements() returns all the matching elements
c) There is no difference between findElement() and findElements()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) findElement() returns only the first matching UI element while findElements() returns all the matching elements

18. What is the difference between the “desc” and “text” attributes in Appium?

a) “desc” refers to the content description of the UI element while “text” refers to the visible text of the element
b) “desc” and “text” are the same and can be used interchangeably
c) “desc” and “text” are deprecated and should not be used
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) “desc” refers to the content description of the UI element while “text” refers to the visible text of the element

19. What is the difference between the “uiautomator” and “uiautomator2” automation backends in Appium?

a) “uiautomator” is for Android versions up to 4.3 while “uiautomator2” is for versions 4.4 and above
b) “uiautomator” is more reliable than “uiautomator2”
c) “uiautomator2” supports more languages than “uiautomator”
d) Both are the same and can be used interchangeably

Answer: a) “uiautomator” is for Android versions up to 4.3 while “uiautomator2” is for versions 4.4 and above

20. What is the Appium Desired Capabilities JSON file?

a) A file that contains the settings for Appium
b) A file that contains the test scripts
c) A file that contains the test data
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) A file that contains the settings for Appium

21. What is the difference between the “uiselectors” and “accessibility id” selectors in Appium?

a) “uiselectors” use Xpath expressions to locate the UI elements while “accessibility id” selectors use a unique identifier assigned to the element
b) “accessibility id” selectors use Xpath expressions to locate the UI elements while “uiselectors” use a unique identifier assigned to the element
c) Both “uiselectors” and “accessibility id” selectors use Xpath expressions to locate the UI elements
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) “uiselectors” use Xpath expressions to locate the UI elements while “accessibility id” selectors use a unique identifier assigned to the element

22. What is the difference between the “id” and “xpath” attributes in Appium?

a) “id” refers to the unique identifier assigned to the UI element while “xpath” is a language for selecting elements
b) “xpath” refers to the unique identifier assigned to the UI element while “id” is a language for selecting elements
c) “id” and “xpath” are the same and can be used interchangeably
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) “id” refers to the unique identifier assigned to the UI element while “xpath” is a language for selecting elements

23. What is the difference between a native app and a hybrid app in Appium?

a) A native app is built specifically for a particular platform while a hybrid app is built using web technologies
b) A native app is built using web technologies while a hybrid app is built specifically for a particular platform
c) Both native and hybrid apps are built using web technologies
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) A native app is built specifically for a particular platform while a hybrid app is built using web technologies

24. What are the main components of an Appium test script?

a) Desired Capabilities, locator strategy, and assertion methods
b) Desired Capabilities, test data, and test steps
c) Locator strategy, assertion methods, and test data
d) Test steps, assertion methods, and locator strategy

Answer: d) Test steps, assertion methods, and locator strategy

25. What is the Appium bootstrap script?

a) A script that starts and stops the Appium server
b) A script that runs on the device to enable communication with the server
c) A script that generates test reports
d) A script that installs the Appium client libraries

Answer: b) A script that runs on the device to enable communication with the server

26. What is the difference between relative and absolute XPath expressions?

a) Relative Xpath expressions start from the current node while absolute Xpath expressions start from the root node
b) Absolute Xpath expressions start from the current node while relative Xpath expressions start from the root node
c) Relative and absolute Xpath expressi
ons are the same and can be used interchangeably
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) Relative Xpath expressions start from the current node while absolute Xpath expressions start from the root node

27. What is the Appium JAVA CLIENT?

a) A tool to manage browser instances
b) A tool to automate mobile apps
c) A tool to build and package mobile apps
d) A tool to test microservices

Answer: b) A tool to automate mobile apps

28. What is an assertion method in Appium?

a) A statement that validates the expected behavior of the UI element
b) A statement that generates a test report
c) A statement that generates screenshots of the app
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) A statement that validates the expected behavior of the UI element

29. What is the Appium command to swipe an element?

a) driver.swipe()
b) driver.ScrollTo()
c) driver.touchAction()
d) None of the Above

Answer: c) driver.touchAction()

30. What is the Appium command to tap an element?

a) driver.tap()
c) driver.touchAction()
d) None of the Above

Answer: b)

31. What is the Appium command to zoom an element?

a) driver.zoom()
b) driver.pinch()
c) driver.touchAction()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.zoom()

32. What is the Appium command to long press an element?

a) driver.longPress()
b) driver.touchAction()
c) driver.tap()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.longPress()

33. What is the Appium command to select an item from a dropdown list?

c) driver.tap()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a)

34. What is the Appium command to get a list of all the available contexts?

a) driver.getContextHandles()
b) driver.getWindowHandles()
c) driver.getAllContexts()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.getContextHandles()

35. What is the Appium command to switch the context to a specific one?

a) driver.switchTo()
b) driver.selectContext()
c) driver.context()
d) None of the Above

Answer: c) driver.context()

36. What is the Appium command to get the current screen orientation?

a) driver.orientation()
b) driver.getOrientation()
c) driver.getCurrentOrientation()
d) None of the Above

Answer: b) driver.getOrientation()

37. What is the Appium command to take a screenshot of the app?

a) driver.takeScreenshot()
b) driver.getScreenShot()
c) driver.captureScreenShot()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.takeScreenshot()

38. What is the Appium command to simulate a pinch gesture?

a) driver.pinch()
b) driver.zoom()
c) driver.touchAction()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.pinch()

39. What is the Appium command to check if an element is displayed?

a) driver.isDisplayed()
b) driver.Visible()
c) driver.isPresent()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.isDisplayed()

40. What is the Appium command to check if an element is enabled?

a) driver.isEnabled()
b) driver.isClickable()
c) driver.isEditable()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.isEnabled()

41. What is the Appium command to check if an element is selected?

a) driver.isSelected()
b) driver.isChecked()
c) driver.isToggled()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.isSelected()

42. What is the Appium command to clear the text of an input field?

a) driver.clear()
b) driver.setText(”)
c) driver.sendKeys(Keys.DELETE)
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.clear()

43. What is the Appium command to check the text of an input field?

a) driver.getValue()
b) driver.getText()
c) driver.getAttribute(‘value’)
d) None of the Above

Answer: c) driver.getAttribute(‘value’)

44. What is the Appium command to dismiss a system alert dialog?

a) driver.acceptAlert()
b) driver.dismissAlert()
c) driver.handleAlert()
d) None of the Above

Answer: b) driver.dismissAlert()

45. What is the Appium command to get the text of a system alert dialog?

a) driver.getAlertText()
b) driver.getAlertMessage()
c) driver.getAlert()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.getAlertText()

46. What is the Appium command to press the back button of the device?

a) driver.back()
b) driver.goBack()
c) driver.pressKeycode(4)
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.back()

47. What is the Appium command to long press a key on the keyboard?

a) driver.longPressKeyCode()
b) driver.pressKeyCode()
c) driver.sendKeyEvent()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.longPressKeyCode()

48. What is the Appium command to set the location of the device?

a) driver.setLocation()
b) driver.setGeoLocation()
c) driver.setLocationProvider()
d) None of the Above

Answer: b) driver.setGeoLocation()

49. What is the Appium command to reload the app?

a) driver.restartApp()
b) driver.reloadApp()
c) driver.closeApp()
d) None of the Above

Answer: b) driver.reloadApp()

50. What is the Appium command to quit the session?

a) driver.quit()
b) driver.close()
c) driver.exit()
d) None of the Above

Answer: a) driver.quit()

Ashwani Kumar
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