Top 50 Rust Interview Questions with Answers

Rust Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Rust?

A) A programming language
B) A metal alloy
C) A video game

Answer: A

2. Which company developed Rust?

A) Google
B) Mozilla
C) Microsoft

Answer: B

3. What are some key features of Rust?

A) Memory safety
B) Data race prevention
C) High performance
D) All of the above

Answer: D

4. What is Rust’s package manager called?

A) npm
B) pip
C) Cargo

Answer: C

5. What is the Rust compiler written in?

A) Rust
B) C++
C) Assembly

Answer: A

6. What is the operator used for string concatenation in Rust?

A) +
B) &
C) *

Answer: A

7. Which of the following is not a primitive data type in Rust?

A) Integer
B) Floating-point
C) String
D) Boolean

Answer: C

8. What does the “mut” keyword do in Rust?

A) Declares a mutable variable
B) Declares an immutable variable
C) Declares a constant variable

Answer: A

9. What is Rust’s syntax for defining a function?

A) func my_function() {}
B) fn my_function() {}
C) function my_function() {}

Answer: B

10. What is a “match” statement in Rust?

A) A conditional statement
B) A loop statement
C) A switch statement

Answer: C

11. How does Rust handle memory management?

A) Automatic garbage collection
B) Manual memory allocation and deallocation
C) Ownership and borrowing

Answer: C

12. What is an “Option” type in Rust?

A) A type that represents a value that may or may not be present
B) A type that allows for dynamic memory allocation
C) A type that represents a collection of elements

Answer: A

13. What is a “Result” type in Rust?

A) A type that represents a value that may or may not be an error
B) A type that represents a collection of elements
C) A type that allows for dynamic memory allocation

Answer: A

14. What is a “closure” in Rust?

A) A function that captures variables from its surrounding environment
B) A type of loop
C) A type of switch statement

Answer: A

15. What is Rust’s syntax for creating a new struct?

A) struct MyStruct {}
B) struct MyStruct;
C) struct {} MyStruct;

Answer: A

16. What is Rust’s syntax for defining an enum?

A) enum MyEnum {}
B) enum {} MyEnum;
C) enum MyEnum;

Answer: C

17. What is Rust’s syntax for creating an array?

A) let my_array = [1, 2, 3];
B) let my_array = {1, 2, 3};
C) let my_array = (1, 2, 3);

Answer: A

18. What is Rust’s syntax for creating a vector?

A) let my_vector = vec![1, 2, 3];
B) let my_vector = {1, 2, 3};
C) let my_vector = (1, 2, 3);

Answer: A

19. What is Rust’s syntax for iterating over a collection?

A) for i in collection {}
B) for i in 0..collection.len() {}
C) for i in &collection {}

Answer: C

20. How does Rust handle error handling?

A) Through exceptions
B) Through return values that indicate errors
C) Through special error types

Answer: B

21. What is a “lifetime” in Rust?

A) The time during which a variable is valid
B) The time during which a function is executing
C) The time during which a program is running

Answer: A

22. What is “borrowing” in Rust?

A) Passing a reference to a variable to a function
B) Giving up ownership of a variable
C) Creating a new reference to a variable

Answer: A

23. What is “ownership” in Rust?

A) The concept of each variable having a unique owner
B) The concept of variables being owned by the program
C) The concept of variables being owned by the user

Answer: A

24. What is Rust’s syntax for creating a reference?

A) &variable
B) *variable
C) ~variable

Answer: A

25. What is Rust’s syntax for creating a mutable reference?

A) &mut variable
B) &variable
C) *variable

Answer: A

26. What is the “Copy” trait in Rust?

A) A trait that indicates that a type can be copied by value
B) A trait that indicates that a type can only be copied by reference
C) A trait that indicates that a type is not copyable

Answer: A

27. What is the “Clone” trait in Rust?

A) A trait that indicates that a type can be cloned by value
B) A trait that indicates that a type can only be cloned by reference
C) A trait that indicates that a type is not cloneable

Answer: A

28. What is the “Debug” trait in Rust?

A) A trait that provides formatted output for debugging purposes
B) A trait that provides execution debugging capabilities
C) A trait that provides memory debugging capabilities

Answer: A

29. What is the “Default” trait in Rust?

A) A trait that provides a default value for a type
B) A trait that provides default behavior for a type
C) A trait that indicates that a type does not have a default value

Answer: A

30. What is the “Into” trait in Rust?

A) A trait that allows for type conversion
B) A trait that provides I/O capabilities
C) A trait that provides networking capabilities

Answer: A

31. What is Rust’s syntax for implementing a trait for a type?

A) struct MyType: MyTrait {}
B) impl MyTrait for MyType {}
C) impl MyType: MyTrait {}

Answer: B

32. What is the “structopt” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for parsing command line arguments
B) A crate for parsing JSON data
C) A crate for parsing binary data

Answer: A

33. What is the “serde” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for serializing and deserializing data
B) A crate for networking
C) A crate for file I/O

Answer: A

34. What is the “rand” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for generating random numbers
B) A crate for testing
C) A crate for system-level programming

Answer: A

35. What is the “hyper” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for HTTP client and server programming
B) A crate for audio programming
C) A crate for database programming

Answer: A

36. What is the “tokio” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for asynchronous programming
B) A crate for network programming
C) A crate for testing

Answer: A

37. What is Rust’s syntax for creating a channel?

A) let (tx, rx) = channel();
B) let (rx, tx) = channel();
C) let channel = (tx, rx);

Answer: A

38. What is the “async” keyword in Rust?

A) A keyword that indicates that a function is asynchronous
B) A keyword that indicates that a function is synchronous
C) A keyword that indicates that a function is multithreaded

Answer: A

39. What is the “await” keyword in Rust?

A) A keyword that suspends execution until a future completes
B) A keyword that enables multithreading
C) A keyword that indicates a function is a coroutine

Answer: A

40. What is a “future” in Rust?

A) An object that represents the result of an asynchronous operation
B) An object that represents a variable binding
C) An object that represents a function call

Answer: A

41. What is a “stream” in Rust?

A) An object that represents a sequence of values
B) An object that represents a sequence of instructions
C) An object that represents a sequence of functions

Answer: A

42. What is the “async-std” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for asynchronous programming
B) A crate for testing
C) A crate for networking

Answer: A

43. What is the “actix” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for building web applications
B) A crate for building desktop applications
C) A crate for building mobile applications

Answer: A

44. What is the “rocket” crate in Rust?

A) A crate for building web applications
B) A crate for building desktop applications
C) A crate for building mobile applications

Answer: A

45. What is Rust’s syntax for calling a function in another module?

A) ::module::function()
B) module.function()
C) module::function()

Answer: C

46. What is Rust’s syntax for importing a module?

A) import module
B) use module
C) include module

Answer: B

47. What is Rust’s syntax for defining a constant?

A) const MY_CONSTANT: i32 = 10;
B) let MY_CONSTANT: i32 = 10;

Answer: A

48. What is Rust’s syntax for checking if two values are equal?

A) value1 == value2
B) value1 = value2
C) value1 != value2

Answer: A

49. What is Rust’s syntax for checking if a value is less than or equal to another value?

A) value1 <= value2

B) value1 >= value2
C) value1 < value2

Answer: A

50. What is Rust’s syntax for bitwise AND?

A) &
B) |
C) ^

Answer: A

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