Top 50 Slack Interview Questions with Answers

Slack Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Slack?

A) A social media platform
B) A team collaboration tool
C) A project management software

Answer: B) A team collaboration tool

2. What are channels in Slack?

A) A way to tag team members
B) A way to categorize conversations
C) A way to share files

Answer: B) A way to categorize conversations

3. What is a direct message (DM) in Slack?

A) A message sent to yourself
B) A message sent to a specific team member
C) A message sent to a channel

Answer: B) A message sent to a specific team member

4. What is an emoji reaction in Slack?

A) A way to send an automated response
B) A way to show appreciation or agreement
C) A way to report inappropriate behavior

Answer: B) A way to show appreciation or agreement

5. How do you invite someone to a Slack workspace?

A) Send them an email
B) Give them a phone call
C) Send them an invite link

Answer: C) Send them an invite link

6. What is Slackbot?

A) A human chat moderator in Slack
B) An automated assistant in Slack
C) A way to send direct messages to team members

Answer: B) An automated assistant in Slack

7. What is a Thread in Slack?

A) A way to start a new conversation
B) A way to branch off an existing conversation
C) A way to send private messages

Answer: B) A way to branch off an existing conversation

8. What is a status in Slack?

A) A way to show your availability
B) A way to show your personality
C) A way to show your job title

Answer: A) A way to show your availability

9. What is a mention in Slack?

A) A way to tag a specific team member
B) A way to send a message to yourself
C) A way to mark a message as unread

Answer: A) A way to tag a specific team member

10. What is a reminder in Slack?

A) A way to set a notification for yourself
B) A way to send a message to a channel
C) A way to share a file with a team member

Answer: A) A way to set a notification for yourself

11. How do you delete a message in Slack?

A) You can’t delete a message in Slack
B) You can only delete messages in private channels
C) You can delete a message by hovering over it and clicking the delete button

Answer: C) You can delete a message by hovering over it and clicking the delete button

12. What is a pin in Slack?

A) A way to mark a message as important
B) A way to send a direct message to a team member
C) A way to share a file with the team

Answer: A) A way to mark a message as important

13. What is a star in Slack?

A) A way to mark a message as important
B) A way to send a direct message to a team member
C) A way to share a file with the team

Answer: A) A way to mark a message as important

14. What is a reaction thread in Slack?

A) A way to add more context to an emoji reaction
B) A way to view all reactions to a message in one thread
C) A way to start a new conversation based on a reaction

Answer: A) A way to add more context to an emoji reaction

15. What is a @here mention in Slack?

A) A way to tag a specific team member
B) A way to send a message to everyone in a channel who is online
C) A way to send a message to a channel

Answer: B) A way to send a message to everyone in a channel who is online

16. What is a @channel mention in Slack?

A) A way to tag a specific team member
B) A way to send a message to everyone in a channel who is online and offline
C) A way to send a message to a channel

Answer: B) A way to send a message to everyone in a channel who is online and offline

17. What is a @group mention in Slack?

A) A way to tag a specific team member
B) A way to send a message to a specific group of team members
C) A way to send a message to a channel

Answer: B) A way to send a message to a specific group of team members

18. What is a slash command in Slack?

A) A way to send a message to a specific team member
B) A way to perform a specific action in Slack
C) A way to share a file with the team

Answer: B) A way to perform a specific action in Slack

19. How do you create a new channel in Slack?

A) You can’t create a new channel in Slack
B) Click on the plus icon next to Channels and select Create a Channel
C) Go to the team settings and create a new channel

Answer: B) Click on the plus icon next to Channels and select Create a Channel

20. How do you leave a channel in Slack?

A) You can’t leave a channel in Slack
B) Click on the channel name and select Leave Channel
C) You need to ask an admin to remove you from the channel

Answer: B) Click on the channel name and select Leave Channel

21. How do you archive a channel in Slack?

A) You can’t archive a channel in Slack
B) Click on the channel name and select Archive Channel
C) You need to ask an admin to archive the channel

Answer: B) Click on the channel name and select Archive Channel

22. How do you search for messages in Slack?

A) Click on the magnifying glass icon and enter your search terms
B) Click on the channel name and scroll through the messages
C) You can’t search for messages in Slack

Answer: A) Click on the magnifying glass icon and enter your search terms

23. What is a Slackbot command?

A) A way to send a message to a specific team member
B) A way to perform a specific action through Slackbot
C) A way to share a file with the team

Answer: B) A way to perform a specific action through Slackbot

24. How do you customize your Slack notifications?

A) Go to the team settings and customize your notifications
B) Click on your profile picture and select Preferences > Notifications
C) You can’t customize your Slack notifications

Answer: B) Click on your profile picture and select Preferences > Notifications

25. What is a snippet in Slack?

A) A way to share a code snippet with the team
B) A way to send a message to a specific team member
C) A way to share a file with the team

Answer: A) A way to share a code snippet with the team

26. How do you create a new emoji in Slack?

A) You can’t create a new emoji in Slack
B) Go to team settings and upload a new image as an emoji
C) Click on the emoji icon and select Create a New Emoji

Answer: B) Go to team settings and upload a new image as an emoji

27. What is a guest account in Slack?

A) An account with limited access to the Slack workspace
B) An account that can only participate in specific channels
C) An account that can’t send direct messages

Answer: A) An account with limited access to the Slack workspace

28. How do you invite a guest to a Slack workspace?

A) Send them an email
B) Give them a phone call
C) Send them a guest invite link

Answer: C) Send them a guest invite link

29. What is a shared channel in Slack?

A) A channel that is accessible by multiple Slack workspaces
B) A channel that is accessible only by specific team members
C) A channel that is accessible by guests only

Answer: A) A channel that is accessible by multiple Slack workspaces

30. How do you join a shared channel in Slack?

A) You can’t join a shared channel in Slack
B) Accept an invitation from the other Slack workspace
C) Click on the channel name and select Join Channel

Answer: B) Accept an invitation from the other Slack workspace

31. What is a bot in Slack?

A) A team member who only communicates through automated messages
B) An external application that communicates with Slack
C) A Slack user who specializes in a specific skill

Answer: B) An external application that communicates with Slack

32. How do you add a bot to Slack?

A) Send the bot an invitation
B) Go to team settings and add the bot as an integration
C) Click on the bot’s name and select Add to Slack

Answer: B) Go to team settings and add the bot as an integration

33. What are workflow steps in Slack?

A) A way to automate routine tasks in Slack
B) A way to categorize channels by workflow
C) A way to send a message to a specific team member

Answer: A) A way to automate routine tasks in Slack

34. What is a workspace in Slack?

A) A workspace is a single instance of Slack used by one team
B) A workspace is a group of channels that are used for the same purpose
C) A workspace is a way to organize team members in Slack

Answer: A) A workspace is a single instance of Slack used by one team

35. How do you switch between workspaces in Slack?

A) You can’t switch between workspaces in Slack
B) Click on your profile picture and select Switch Workspace
C) You need to log out and log in to a different workspace

Answer: B) Click on your profile picture and select Switch Workspace

36. What is a workspace app in Slack?

A) A way to extend the functionality of Slack for a specific workspace
B) A way to customize the workspace’s appearance
C) A way to add new members to the workspace

Answer: A) A way to extend the functionality of Slack for a specific workspace

37. How do you install a workspace app in Slack?

A) Go to team settings and add the app as an integration
B) Click on the app’s name and select Install
C) You can’t install a workspace app in Slack

Answer: A) Go to team settings and add the app as an integration

38. What is a slash command app in Slack?

A) A way to perform a specific action through a slash command
B) A way to customize the workspace’s appearance
C) A way to add new members to the workspace

Answer: A) A way to perform a specific action through a slash command

39. How do you use a slash command app in Slack?

A) Type the command in a channel or DM
B) Click on the app’s name and select Use Slash Command
C) You can’t use a slash command app in Slack

Answer: A) Type the command in a channel or DM

40. What is an app home in Slack?

A) A way to customize the Slack workspace for a specific app
B) A way to share files with the team
C) A way to send direct messages to team members

Answer: A) A way to customize the Slack workspace for a specific app

41. How do you access an app home in Slack?

A) Click on the app’s name and select Open App Home
B) Go to team settings and add the app as an integration
C) You can’t access an app home in Slack

Answer: A) Click on the app’s name and select Open App Home

42. What is a block kit in Slack?

A) A way to customize the appearance of messages in Slack
B) A way to organize messages in Slack
C) A way to send direct messages to team members

Answer: A) A way to customize the appearance of messages in Slack

43. How do you create a message with a block kit in Slack?

A) Type the message in a channel or DM and format it using markdown syntax
B) Use a third-party app to create the message and post it in Slack
C) Use the Block Kit Builder to create the message and post it in Slack

Answer: C) Use the Block Kit Builder to create the message and post it in Slack

44. What is an approval app in Slack?

A) A way to approve or reject requests through Slack
B) A way to mark a message as important
C) A way to share a file with the team

Answer: A) A way to approve or reject requests through Slack

45. How do you use an approval app in Slack?

A) Send a request through the app and wait for approval
B) Use a slash command to initiate an approval request
C) You can’t use an approval app in Slack

Answer: B) Use a slash command to initiate an approval request

46. What is a deadline app in Slack?

A) A way to set deadlines for tasks in Slack
B) A way to share files with the team
C) A way to send direct messages to team members

Answer: A) A way to set deadlines for tasks in Slack

47. How do you use a deadline app in Slack?

A) Use a slash command to set a deadline for a task
B) Create a message with a task and set a deadline for it
C) You can’t use a deadline app in Slack

Answer: A) Use a slash command to set a deadline for a task

48. What is a meeting app in Slack?

A) A way to schedule and join meetings through Slack
B) A way to mark a message as important
C) A way to share a file with the team

Answer: A) A way to schedule and join meetings through Slack

49. How do you use a meeting app in Slack?

A) Use a slash command to schedule a meeting
B) Send a message to the app with the meeting details
C) You can’t use a meeting app in Slack

Answer: A) Use a slash command to schedule a meeting

50. What is a file app in Slack?

A) A way to manage and share files in Slack
B) A way to customize the appearance of messages in Slack
C) A way to send direct messages to team members

Answer: A) A way to manage and share files in Slack

Ashwani Kumar
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