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Snapshot Versions Vs. Incremental Versions

scmuser created the topic: SNAPSHOT versions Vs. incremental versions
SNAPSHOT versions Vs. incremental versions

Hi All,

I am in a process of pushing Maven in my organization and I have a methodology question.
Up until now (before Maven), in most R&D teams, the development was broken into builds. If, for example we have a module called “my-module” with version, each build produced a jar will the following method:
My-module- (for build number 1)
My-module- (for build number 2)
And so on…

Now, when the module is built with Maven, each time the team deploy the module to Maven repository (release type), there is a new release version.
I think, the better way is to use SNAPSHOT version during development, so that all artifacts are under the same version umbrella. The problem is that the teams want to have a significant artifact for each build, something that says: this artifact is of build number 6…

1) Do you agree with me that the SNAPSHOT way is better?

2) Can you give your reasons of why this is better?

Surefire-Reports Dir not Created in Target

snehal.shaha created the topic: surefire-reports dir not created in target
Basically I am trying to create reports for all tests run in the project.
But after mvn test, surefire-reports is not created and reports for all failed test cases is not generated.

After mvn test, it even says refer to sure-fire tests directory.

Can anybody help.

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: surefire-reports dir not created in target
Can you please provide more details and all script file so i can look into this issues?
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

Tagged :

To run python setup tools using Maven

snehal.shaha created the topic: To run python setup tools using Maven
Hi All

I have two modules in my project.
1. Java module
2. Python Module

I am using Maven for java and building the module

For python I decided to use setuptools (

I want to use Maven and try and build Python Module.
Please can anybody help how to use any plugin available in Maven to Build Python Project.

The exact example code for POM.xml

If not this way, Can you suggest me some way I can use one tool and do both of this.
I am preferring Maven to be used for whole project.

Thanks in advance,

tpatil replied the topic: Re: To run python setup tools using Maven
Hi Snehal,

You can use maven-exec-plugin to execute python script using maven.

E.g. org.codehaus.mojo



python-build package

Hope this helps…

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Creating a maven project by using hudson

revanthreddy created the topic: creating a maven project by using hudson
iam new to maven.can any body help me how to create a new project by using hudson tool and also please give me necessary project structure hoe to create war file by using pom.xml


rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: creating a maven project by using hudson
This you can achieve using 2 steps.
1. First write your pom.xml – For generating war files using maven, you can use following plugins.…ng-webresources.html
2. Setup Jobs in Hudson and configure jobs using maven

hope this helps..
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

Tagged :

Downloaded Maven, what’s next?

mfeighner created the topic: Downloaded Maven, what’s next?
New to Maven, I downloaded Maven 3.0.4 SRC and BIN from to my Windows 7 Computer, What do I need to do next to use it?

scmuser replied the topic: Re: Downloaded Maven, what’s next?
This is good place to start with..if you have specific question, plz do ask…

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Windows/Maven and Role of Archiva

wasi_shez created the topic: Windows/Maven and Role of Archiva
Hi Guys!
I have some Questions for Maven.

1)I have generated simple ‘Jars’ and ‘Wars’ through Maven.I have an Idea that maven always download its Repository Structure once then We placed our Code and generate Builds accordingly.

Is it possible that we can adjust Maven according to Our Code line and let MAVEN to understand our Code line for generating Builds or performing rest of the functions accordingly?

2) We are working on Windows Environment and Want o initiate our Code Build generation through Maven. Does Windows is a Good Platform for this?

3)How does the ‘Archiva’ can work best for us in Windows Environment or is there any alternative you guys will suggest against this?

I hope my Queries will understand you to answer accordingly.

Looking forward for your Comprehensive acknowledgement.

Thanks in advance

Waseem Bokhari
CM Analyst
Skype: wasi_shez

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Windows/Maven and Role of Archiva
Sorry for late on this. are you still looking for the answer on this?
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

Tagged :

Resolution will not be Reattempted until the update interval of nexus

scmuser created the topic: resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus
was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has elapsed or updates are forced

[WARNING] The POM for jwnl:jwnl:jar:1.3.3 is missing, no dependency information available
[INFO] Total time: 1.678s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Nov 12 12:43:43 IST 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/618M
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project mumble: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.XXXX:YUYYYY:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find jwnl:jwnl:jar:1.3.3 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]…yResolutionException

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Package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist

rajeshkumar created the topic: package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist

I am kind of new to android build setup. Can you please help me fix the compilation issues as below;

[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[7,29] package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[63,26] cannot find symbol
symbol : class SQLiteDatabase
location: class
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[77,32] cannot find symbol
symbol : class SQLiteDatabase
location: class
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[90,40] cannot find symbol
symbol : class SQLiteDatabase
location: class
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[141,40] cannot find symbol
symbol : class SQLiteDatabase
location: class
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[7,20] package net.sqlcipher does not exist
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[8,29] package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[9,29] package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[6,29] package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[7,29] package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist
[ERROR] C:\vault\workspace\TREST\QBSharedLib\src\com\intuit\qbsharedlib\quickbooks\common\data\[117,38] cannot find symbol
symbol: class SQLiteOpenHelper
public class QBDatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

sqlcipher.jar file is located at

Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

Tagged :

Directory structure using Maven

bhavith created the topic: Directory structure using Maven
Hi Raj,

I am facing difficulty when trying to build a directory structure using maven. I get conect reset errors.
i used the below command to create a directory structure. Please let me know if i am missing anything.

mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=financialService -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false


rajeshkumar replied the topic: Directory structure using Maven
Commands seems to be correct. You have not shared the error message. Also please check if you are connected with internet as its needed to download many artifacts from apache repo.
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

bhavith replied the topic: Directory structure using Maven
Apologies for that.
Attaaced screenshot and yes internet is connected.

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Directory structure using Maven
I cant find the error attached. Plz post it
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

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