Top 50 Ajax Interview Questions with Answers

Ajax Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is AJAX?

A. A programming language
B. A web development technique
C. A database management system

Answer: B

2. What is the full form of AJAX?

A. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
B. Asynchronous JavaScript and XHTML
C. Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON

Answer: A

3. What is the main advantage of using AJAX?

A. Improved page load time
B. Improved database performance
C. Improved server response time

Answer: A

4. Which HTTP request method is used in AJAX?

C. Both A and B

Answer: C

5. Which object is used to create an AJAX request?

A. XMLHttpRequest
B. JSONRequest
C. AjaxRequest

Answer: A

6. What is the role of JSON in AJAX?

A. To store data
B. To retrieve data
C. To exchange data

Answer: C

7. Which function is used to send an AJAX request?

A. xhr.send()
C. xhr.onload()

Answer: A

8. Which function is used to handle AJAX response?

A. xhr.onload()
C. xhr.send()

Answer: A

9. Which HTML tag is used to create an AJAX application?


Answer: C

10. Which file is used to handle AJAX requests in PHP?

A. ajax.php
B. ajax_handler.php
C. any PHP file can handle AJAX requests

Answer: C

11. Which function is used to encode a JavaScript object into JSON format?

A. JSON.format()
B. JSON.encode()
C. JSON.stringify()

Answer: C

12. Which function is used to decode a JSON string into a JavaScript object?

A. JSON.parse()
B. JSON.decode()
C. JSON.object()

Answer: A

13. Which method is used to append data to a form before submitting it using AJAX?

A. xhr.append()
B. xhr.send()
C. FormData.append()

Answer: C

14. How can you handle errors in AJAX requests?

A. Using try-catch block
B. Using xhr.onerror()
C. Both A and B

Answer: C

15. Which web development framework has built-in support for AJAX?

A. React
B. AngularJS
C. jQuery

Answer: C

16. What is the purpose of the XMLHttpRequest.readyState property in AJAX?

A. To indicate the status of the AJAX request
B. To handle AJAX response
C. To create an AJAX request

Answer: A

17. Which HTTP status code indicates a successful AJAX request?

A. 200
B. 400
C. 500

Answer: A

18. Which method is used to cancel an AJAX request?

A. xhr.cancel()
B. xhr.abort()
C. xhr.stop()

Answer: B

19. Which method is used to set a timeout for an AJAX request?

A. xhr.timeout()
B. xhr.setOnTimeout()
C. xhr.ontimeout()

Answer: C

20. Which method is used to disable caching for an AJAX request?

A. xhr.disableCache()
B. xhr.setRequestHeader()
C. xhr.cache(false)

Answer: B

21. What is the syntax for creating an AJAX request using jQuery?

A. $.ajax(url, options)
B. $.getJSON(url, data)
C. $.post(url, data)

Answer: A

22. Which method is used to set the data type of an AJAX response in jQuery?

A. dataType()
B. responseType()
C. contentType()

Answer: A

23. Which property is used to access the response data in an AJAX request using jQuery?

A. data
B. responseText
C. responseJSON

Answer: A

24. Which method is used to serialize a form data in jQuery?

A. serializeForm()
B. serializeObject()
C. serialize()

Answer: C

25. Which method is used to submit a form using AJAX in jQuery?

A. ajax()
B. submit()
C. post()

Answer: A

26. What is the syntax for creating an AJAX request using React?

A. fetch(url, options)
B. axios(url, options)
C. XMLHttpRequest(url, options)

Answer: B

27. Which method is used to handle errors in an AJAX request using React?

A. onError()
B. onFailure()
C. catch()

Answer: C

28. What is the purpose of the withCredentials property in AJAX requests?

A. To enable cookies in cross-domain requests
B. To set the credentials for authentication
C. To enable HTTPS requests

Answer: A

29. Which method is used to enable cross-domain requests in AJAX?

A. xhr.enableCORS()
B. xhr.crossDomain()
C. xhr.setRequestHeader()

Answer: C

30. What is the syntax for creating an AJAX request using AngularJS?

A. $http.get(url, options)
B. $ajax(url, options)
C. $xhr(url, options)

Answer: A

31. Which method is used to handle an error in an AJAX request using AngularJS?

A. error()
B. catch()
C. failure()

Answer: A

32. What is the purpose of the transformRequest function in AngularJS AJAX requests?

A. To transform the request data before sending
B. To transform the response data after receiving
C. To transform the HTTP headers

Answer: A

33. What is the purpose of the transformResponse function in AngularJS AJAX requests?

A. To transform the request data before sending
B. To transform the response data after receiving
C. To transform the HTTP headers

Answer: B

34. Which method is used to cancel an AJAX request in AngularJS?

A. $cancel()
B. $abort()
C. $http.abort()

Answer: A

35. What is the syntax for creating an AJAX request using Vue.js?

A. axios(url, options)
B. $xhr(url, options)
C. fetch(url, options)

Answer: A

36. Which method is used to handle an error in an AJAX request using Vue.js?

A. onError()
B. onFailure()
C. catch()

Answer: C

37. What is the purpose of the beforeRequest hook in Vue.js AJAX requests?

A. To modify the request before sending
B. To modify the response after receiving
C. To modify the HTTP headers

Answer: A

38. What is the purpose of the afterResponse hook in Vue.js AJAX requests?

A. To modify the request before sending
B. To modify the response after receiving
C. To modify the HTTP headers

Answer: B

39. Which method is used to cancel an AJAX request in Vue.js?

A. $cancel()
B. $abort()
C. axios.cancel()

Answer: A

40. Which HTTP headers are used to enable caching in AJAX requests?

A. Cache-Control and Expires
B. Last-Modified and ETag
C. Both A and B

Answer: C

41. What is the purpose of ETag header in HTTP responses?

A. To store cached data
B. To enable caching for dynamic content
C. To validate cached data

Answer: C

42. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous AJAX requests?

A. Synchronous requests are faster than asynchronous requests
B. Asynchronous requests do not block the UI thread
C. Synchronous requests do not require a callback function

Answer: B

43. What is the purpose of CORS in AJAX requests?

A. To enable cross-domain requests
B. To disable cross-domain requests
C. To validate cross-domain requests

Answer: A

44. Which web security vulnerability is associated with AJAX?

A. Cross-site scripting (XSS)
B. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
C. SQL injection

Answer: B

45. What is the purpose of using a nonce in AJAX requests?

A. To prevent CSRF attacks
B. To enable caching
C. To improve server performance

Answer: A

46. Which method is used to encrypt AJAX requests over HTTPS?

A. xhr.encrypt()
B. xhr.setSSL()
C. xhr.setRequestHeader()

Answer: C

47. What is the purpose of the HTTP referer header in AJAX requests?

A. To trace the origin of the request
B. To identify the user agent
C. To set the caching policy

Answer: A

48. What is the purpose of the HTTP user agent header in AJAX requests?

A. To trace the origin of the request
B. To identify the user agent
C. To set the caching policy

Answer: B

49. Which method is used to detect the presence of an AJAX request in JavaScript?

A. xhr.detect()
B. xhr.status()
C. xhr.readyState()

Answer: C

50. Which web development standard is used for AJAX requests?


Answer: A

Top 50 Objective-c Interview Questions with Answers

Objective-c Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Objective-C?

A. A programming language
B. A database management system
C. A web development framework

Answer: A

2. Who developed Objective-C?

A. Apple
B. Google
C. Microsoft

Answer: A

3. Which of the following is a feature of Objective-C?

A. Dynamic binding
B. Type safety
C. Both of the above

Answer: C

4. Objective-C is based on which programming language?

A. C
B. Java
C. Python

Answer: A

5. What is dynamic typing in Objective-C?

A. The type of a variable is determined at compile time
B. The type of a variable is determined at runtime
C. There is no typing in Objective-C

Answer: B

6. Which of the following is a data type in Objective-C?

A. Int
B. Float
C. Both of the above

Answer: C

7. Which of the following is a control structure in Objective-C?

A. If-else
B. Switch-case
C. Both of the above

Answer: C

8. What is the syntax for creating an array in Objective-C?

A. int array[] = {1, 2, 3};
B. NSArray *array = @[1, 2, 3];
C. ArrayList> array = new ArrayList>({1, 2, 3});

Answer: B

9. What is the syntax for creating a dictionary in Objective-C?

A. NSDictionary *dict = @{@”key1″: @”value1″, @”key2″: @”value2″};
B. Map, String> dict = new HashMap<>(){{“key1”, “value1”}, {“key2”, “value2”}};
C. Dictionary dict = Dictionary.create({{“key1”, “value1”}, {“key2”, “value2”}});

Answer: A

10. What is the syntax for creating a method in Objective-C?

A. -(void)methodName;
B. void methodName();
C. function methodName();

Answer: A

11. Which of the following is the correct way to call a method in Objective-C?

A. [object methodName];
B. object.methodName;
C. object->methodName;

Answer: A

12. Which of the following is the correct syntax for defining a class in Objective-C?

A. class MyClass {}
B. @interface MyClass : NSObject {}
C. public class MyClass {}

Answer: B

13. What is the purpose of @synthesize in Objective-C?

A. It creates a setter and getter for a property
B. It creates a constructor for a class
C. It creates a static variable

Answer: A

14. What is the purpose of @protocol in Objective-C?

A. It defines a set of methods that a class must implement
B. It defines a set of properties that a class must have
C. It defines a set of constants that a class must use

Answer: A

15. What is the purpose of @optional in an Objective-C protocol?

A. It specifies that a method is not required to be implemented by a class
B. It specifies that a property is not required to be present in a class
C. It specifies that a constant is not required to be used by a class

Answer: A

16. What is the purpose of @required in an Objective-C protocol?

A. It specifies that a method must be implemented by a class
B. It specifies that a property must be present in a class
C. It specifies that a constant must be used by a class

Answer: A

17. What is a category in Objective-C?

A. It is a way to add methods to an existing class
B. It is a way to define a new class
C. It is a way to encapsulate data

Answer: A

18. What is a block in Objective-C?

A. It is a way to define a method that can be passed as an argument to another method
B. It is a way to define an instance variable
C. It is a way to define a constant

Answer: A

19. What is the purpose of ARC in Objective-C?

A. It automatically manages memory for objects
B. It automatically manages memory for variables
C. It automatically manages memory for methods

Answer: A

20. What is the syntax for creating a property in Objective-C?

A. @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *name;
B. property String name = new String();
C. String name = new String(property);

Answer: A

21. What is the difference between nonatomic and atomic in Objective-C property declaration?

A. nonatomic means that the property is not thread safe
B. atomic means that the property is thread safe
C. Both of the above

Answer: B

22. Which of the following is a way to specify the access level of a property in Objective-C?

A. public
B. private
C. readonly

Answer: C

23. What is the purpose of the @synthesize directive?

A. It allows you to manually specify the name of the generated getter and setter methods
B. It automatically generates getter and setter methods for the property
C. It has no purpose in Objective-C

Answer: B

24. What is the difference between a synthesized and dynamic property in Objective-C?

A. A synthesized property has getter and setter methods automatically generated by the compiler, whereas a dynamic property must be implemented manually
B. A dynamic property has getter and setter methods automatically generated by the compiler, whereas a synthesized property must be implemented manually
C. There is no difference between a synthesized and dynamic property

Answer: A

25. How would you create a class method in Objective-C?

A. +(void)methodName;
B. void methodName();
C. function methodName();

Answer: A

26. How would you call a class method in Objective-C?

A. [ClassName methodName];
B. ClassName->methodName();
C. ClassName::methodName();

Answer: A

27. What is the difference between a class method and an instance method in Objective-C?

A. A class method is called on the class itself, whereas an instance method is called on an instance of the class
B. A class method is defined in a category, whereas an instance method is defined in the class itself
C. There is no difference between a class method and an instance method

Answer: A

28. What is a protocol in Objective-C?

A. It is a set of methods that a class must implement
B. It is a set of properties that a class must have
C. It is a set of constants that a class must use

Answer: A

29. How would you declare that a class conforms to a protocol in Objective-C?

A. @interface MyClass : NSObjectProtocol> {}
B. class MyClass : MyProtocol {}
C. public interface MyClass implements MyProtocol {}

Answer: A

30. What is the difference between a delegate and a data source in Objective-C?

A. A delegate is used to handle events, whereas a data source is used to provide data
B. A delegate is used to provide data, whereas a data source is used to handle events
C. There is no difference between a delegate and a data source

Answer: A

31. What is the syntax for creating a delegate in Objective-C?

A. @protocol MyDelegate {}
B. interface MyDelegate {}
C. public class MyDelegate {}

Answer: A

32. What is a notification in Objective-C?

A. It is a message sent to multiple objects when an event occurs
B. It is a message sent to a single object when an event occurs
C. It is a message sent whenever a property is updated

Answer: A

33. How would you register for a notification in Objective-C?

A. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(methodName:) name:@”NotificationName” object:nil];
B. [self addObserver:self forKeyPath:@”propertyName” options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];
C. There is no way to register for a notification in Objective-C

Answer: A

34. How would you post a notification in Objective-C?

A. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@”NotificationName” object:nil];
B. [self postNotification:@”NotificationName” object:nil];
C. There is no way to post a notification in Objective-C

Answer: A

35. What is a target-action in Objective-C?

A. It is a way to handle events using a method on an object
B. It is a way to define a delegate
C. It is a way to define a data source

Answer: A

36. How would you define a target-action in Objective-C?

A. [button addTarget:self action:@selector(methodName:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
B. [self addEventHandler:self forEvent:@”eventName”];
C. There is no way to define a target-action in Objective-C

Answer: A

37. What is a singleton in Objective-C?

A. It is a class that can only be instantiated once
B. It is a class that can be used to define shared resources
C. It is a class that can be used to define static data

Answer: A

38. How would you create a singleton in Objective-C?

A. +(instancetype)sharedInstance;
B. void createInstance();
C. public static Singleton getInstance();

Answer: A

39. What is a category in Objective-C?

A. It is a way to add methods to an existing class
B. It is a way to define a new class
C. It is a way to encapsulate data

Answer: A

40. How would you create a category in Objective-C?

A. @interface NSString (MyCategory) @end
B. category String(MyCategory) {}
C. There is no way to create a category in Objective-C

Answer: A

41. What is a block in Objective-C?

A. It is a way to define a method that can be passed as an argument to another method
B. It is a way to define an instance variable
C. It is a way to define a constant

Answer: A

42. How would you define a block in Objective-C?

A. void (^blockName)(void) = ^{ // block code here };
B. blockName = [^{}];
C. public void createBlock() = { // block code here };

Answer: A

43. How would you call a block in Objective-C?

A. blockName();
B. [blockName invoke];
C. There is no way to call a block in Objective-C

Answer: A

44. What is the difference between a block and a method in Objective-C?

A. A block is a piece of code that can be passed around and executed later, whereas a method is a piece of code that is executed immediately
B. A block is defined using the ^ syntax, whereas a method is defined using the – syntax
C. There is no difference between a block and a method

Answer: A

45. What is the difference between a block and a function in Objective-C?

A. A block can access variables in the enclosing scope, whereas a function cannot
B. A block is defined using the ^ syntax, whereas a function is defined using the regular C syntax
C. There is no difference between a block and a function

Answer: A

46. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution in Objective-C?

A. Synchronous execution blocks the current thread until the task is complete, whereas asynchronous execution does not
B. Synchronous execution does not block the current thread, whereas asynchronous execution does
C. There is no difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution

Answer: A

47. What is Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Objective-C?

A. It is a way to manage concurrency in Objective-C
B. It is a web development framework
C. It is a database management system

Answer: A

48. What is the syntax for executing a block asynchronously using GCD in Objective-C?

A. dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// block code here
B. [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(methodName:) withObject:nil];
C. There is no way to execute a block asynchronously using GCD

Answer: A

49. What is the syntax for executing a block synchronously using GCD in Objective-C?

A. dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ // block code here});
B. [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(methodName:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
C. There is no way to execute a block synchronously using GCD

Answer: A

50. What is the advantage of using GCD over NSThread in Objective-C?

A. GCD is a higher-level abstraction that provides better performance and memory management
B. NSThread is deprecated and should not be used
C. There is no advantage of using GCD over NSThread in Objective-C

Answer: A

Top 50 .net Interview Questions with Answers

.net Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is .NET Framework?

a) A programming language
b) A set of libraries and runtime
c) A database management system
d) None of the above

Answer: b

2. What is CLR?

a) Common Language Runtime
b) Common Library Runtime
c) Common Line Runtime
d) None of the above

Answer: a

3. What is the use of the ‘using’ statement in C#?

a) to declare a variable
b) to include using directive
c) to denote the start of a namespace
d) to release resources

Answer: d

4. What is the difference between Value Types and Reference Types?

a) Value types store values directly in memory
b) Reference types store reference to the value in memory
c) Value types use stack to store data
d) All of the above

Answer: d

5. What is the difference between ArrayList and List in C#?

a) ArrayList can store any type of data
b) List can only store generic data
c) ArrayList can store null values
d) All of the above

Answer: b

6. What is the difference between String and StringBuilder?

a) String is immutable while StringBuilder is mutable
b) StringBuilder is faster than String for concatenation
c) String is thread-safe while StringBuilder is not
d) All of the above

Answer: a

7. What is the difference between Boxing and Unboxing in C#?

a) Boxing is converting a value type to a reference type
b) Unboxing is converting a reference type to a value type
c) Boxing and unboxing are the same
d) None of the above

Answer: a

8. What is the use of the ‘static’ keyword in C#?

a) to create static variables
b) to create static methods
c) to create a static class
d) All of the above

Answer: d

9. What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class in C#?

a) Interfaces cannot have implementation while Abstract classes can
b) A class can implement multiple interfaces but can inherit only one Abstract class
c) Both interfaces and abstract classes prevent multiple inheritance
d) All of the above

Answer: d

10. What is the use of the ‘sealed’ keyword in C#?

a) to prevent inheritance
b) to prevent overriding
c) to prevent both inheritance and overriding
d) All of the above

Answer: c

11. What is the use of the ‘finally’ block in a try-catch-finally statement?

a) to execute code when an exception is caught
b) to execute code whether an exception is caught or not
c) to prevent code from executing when an exception is caught
d) None of the above

Answer: b

12. What is the difference between a private and a protected access modifier in C#?

a) Private members can only be accessed within the same class while protected members can be accessed within the same class and its derived classes
b) Private members can only be accessed within the same assembly while protected members can be accessed within the same assembly and its derived assemblies
c) Private members can only be accessed within the same namespace while protected members can be accessed within the same namespace and its derived namespaces
d) All of the above

Answer: a

13. What is the use of the ‘yield’ keyword in C#?

a) to create an iterator
b) to break out of a loop
c) to throw an exception
d) None of the above

Answer: a

14. What is a delegate in C#?

a) a reference to a method
b) a class
c) an interface
d) None of the above

Answer: a

15. What is the use of the ‘async’ and ‘await’ keywords in C#?

a) to create asynchronous methods
b) to create synchronous methods
c) to create parallel code
d) None of the above

Answer: a

16. What is a lambda expression in C#?

a) a way to define an anonymous function
b) a way to define constants
c) a way to define classes
d) a way to define interfaces

Answer: a

17. What is the difference between an event and a delegate in C#?

a) Events are built on top of delegates
b) Delegates are methods while events are actions
c) Delegates can be invoked directly while events cannot
d) All of the above

Answer: a

18. What is a LINQ in C#?

a) Language Integrated Query
b) LINQ is a programming language
c) LINQ is a database management system
d) None of the above

Answer: a

19. What is the use of the ‘var’ keyword in C#?

a) to declare a variable
b) to declare a constant
c) to declare a property
d) None of the above

Answer: a

20. What is the difference between a try-catch statement and a try-finally statement?

a) A try-catch statement catches exceptions while a try-finally statement does not
b) A try-finally statement executes code whether or not an exception is caught
c) Both try-catch and try-finally can catch exceptions
d) All of the above

Answer: b

21. What is the difference between a ‘ref’ parameter and an ‘out’ parameter in C#?

a) ‘ref’ parameters must be initialized before being passed while ‘out’ parameters do not
b) ‘out’ parameters must be initialized before being passed while ‘ref’ parameters do not
c) Both ‘ref’ and ‘out’ parameters must be initialized before being passed
d) All of the above

Answer: b

22. What is the use of the ‘as’ operator in C#?

a) to cast objects
b) to check if an object is a certain type
c) to compare two objects for equality
d) None of the above

Answer: a

23. What is a static constructor in C#?

a) a method that is called when an instance of a class is created
b) a method that is called when a class is loaded into memory
c) a method that is called when a class is unloaded from memory
d) None of the above

Answer: b

24. What is the use of the ‘base’ keyword in C#?

a) to access the base class’ properties and methods
b) to access the derived class’ properties and methods
c) to access the base class’ constructor
d) All of the above

Answer: a

25. What is the difference between an abstract method and a virtual method in C#?

a) Abstract methods cannot have implementation while virtual methods can
b) A class must implement all abstract methods while it can choose to override virtual methods
c) Both abstract and virtual methods can have implementation
d) None of the above

Answer: b

26. What is the use of the ‘protected internal’ access modifier in C#?

a) to mark a member as protected and internal
b) to mark a member as protected or internal
c) to mark a class as protected and internal
d) None of the above

Answer: a

27. What is the use of the ‘finally’ keyword in C#?

a) to indicate the end of a try-catch-finally block
b) to indicate the start of a try-catch-finally block
c) to indicate the end of a while loop
d) None of the above

Answer: a

28. What is the use of the ‘stack’ class in C#?

a) to manage a collection of elements in a last-in, first-out manner
b) to manage a collection of elements in a first-in, first-out manner
c) to manage a collection of elements in an ordered manner
d) None of the above

Answer: a

29. What is the difference between a field and a property in C#?

a) Fields are like variables while properties are like methods
b) Properties are like variables while fields are like methods
c) Both fields and properties are like variables
d) All of the above

Answer: a

30. What is the use of the ‘using’ directive in C#?

a) to include namespace in the current file
b) to declare a variable
c) to create a namespace
d) None of the above

Answer: a

31. What is the difference between a string and a StringBuilder in C#?

a) String is immutable while StringBuilder is mutable
b) StringBuilder is faster than String for concatenation
c) String is thread-safe while StringBuilder is not
d) All of the above

Answer: a

32. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in C#?

a) Interfaces cannot have implementation while Abstract classes can
b) A class can implement multiple interfaces but can inherit only one Abstract class
c) Both interfaces and abstract classes prevent multiple inheritance
d) All of the above

Answer: d

33. What is the use of the ‘static’ keyword in C#?

a) to create static variables
b) to create static methods
c) to create a static class
d) All of the above

Answer: d

34. What is the use of the ‘sealed’ keyword in C#?

a) to prevent inheritance
b) to prevent overriding
c) to prevent both inheritance and overriding
d) All of the above

Answer: c

35. Which of the following is a value type in C#?

a) int
b) string
c) object
d) None of the above

Answer: a

36. What is the difference between an array and a List in C#?

a) Arrays have a fixed size while Lists can grow and shrink dynamically
b) Arrays can store only a single type of element while Lists can store any type of element
c) Arrays use index while Lists use iterators
d) All of the above

Answer: a

37. What is the difference between a private and a protected access modifier in C#?

a) Private members can only be accessed within the same class while protected members can be accessed within the same class and its derived classes
b) Private members can only be accessed within the same assembly while protected members can be accessed within the same assembly and its derived assemblies
c) Private members can only be accessed within the same namespace while protected members can be accessed within the same namespace and its derived namespaces
d) All of the above

Answer: a

38. What is the use of the ‘finally’ block in a try-catch-finally statement?

a) to execute code when an exception is caught
b) to execute code whether an exception is caught or not
c) to prevent code from executing when an exception is caught
d) None of the above

Answer: b

39. What is the use of the ‘yield’ keyword in C#?

a) to create an iterator
b) to break out of a loop
c) to throw an exception
d) None of the above

Answer: a

40. What is a delegate in C#?

a) a reference to a method
b) a class
c) an interface
d) None of the above

Answer: a

41. What is the use of the ‘async’ and ‘await’ keywords in C#?

a) to create asynchronous methods
b) to create synchronous methods
c) to create parallel code
d) None of the above

Answer: a

42. What is a lambda expression in C#?

a) a way to define an anonymous function
b) a way to define constants
c) a way to define classes
d) a way to define interfaces

Answer: a

43. What is the difference between an event and a delegate in C#?

a) Events are built on top of delegates
b) Delegates are methods while events are actions
c) Delegates can be invoked directly while events cannot
d) All of the above

Answer: a

44. What is the use of the ‘var’ keyword in C#?

a) to declare a variable
b) to declare a constant
c) to declare a property
d) None of the above

Answer: a

45. What is the use of the ‘base’ keyword in C#?

a) to access the base class’ properties and methods
b) to access the derived class’ properties and methods
c) to access the base class’ constructor
d) All of the above

Answer: a

46. What is the use of the ‘protected internal’ access modifier in C#?

a) to mark a member as protected and internal
b) to mark a member as protected or internal
c) to mark a class as protected and internal
d) None of the above

Answer: a

47. What is the use of the ‘stack’ class in C#?

a) to manage a collection of elements in a last-in, first-out manner
b) to manage a collection of elements in a first-in, first-out manner
c) to manage a collection of elements in an ordered manner
d) None of the above

Answer: a

48. What is the use of the ‘using’ directive in C#?

a) to include namespace in the current file
b) to declare a variable
c) to create a namespace
d) None of the above

Answer: a

49. What is the difference between a string and a StringBuilder in C#?

a) String is immutable while StringBuilder is mutable
b) StringBuilder is faster than String for concatenation
c) String is thread-safe while StringBuilder is not
d) All of the above

Answer: a

50. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in C#?

a) Interfaces cannot have implementation while Abstract classes can
b) A class can implement multiple interfaces but can inherit only one Abstract class
c) Both interfaces and abstract classes prevent multiple inheritance
d) All of the above

Answer: d

Top 50 C Language Interview Questions with Answers

C Language Interview Questions with Answers

1. What does the acronym ‘C’ stand for?

a) Computer
b) Calculus
c) Calculator
d) Car

Answer: a) Computer

2. Which of the following is not a C keyword?

a) main
b) case
c) int
d) fact

Answer: d) fact

3. Which headers do you need to include for file operations?

d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b

4. What is the format specifier for printing a character?

a) %c
b) %d
c) %s
d) %f

Answer: a) %c

5. What does the function scanf() do?

a) Takes input from the user
b) Prints output to the screen
c) Reads a file
d) Writes to a file

Answer: a) Takes input from the user

6. Which of these is a unary operator?

a) +
b) /
c) *
d) %

Answer: c) *

7. What is the maximum size of an array?

a) 1000
b) 2000
c) Varies from compiler to compiler
d) Depends on the RAM capacity of the system

Answer: c) Varies from compiler to compiler

8. What is the difference between a local and global variable?

a) Local variables are declared outside of any functions, global variables are declared inside of functions.
b) Local variables have a limited scope and can only be accessed within the function they are declared in, global variables can be accessed throughout the entire program.
c) Local variables are declared with ‘extern’, global variables are declared with ‘static’.
d) There is no difference

Answer: b) Local variables have a limited scope and can only be accessed within the function they are declared in, global variables can be accessed throughout the entire program.

9. What is the ternary operator in C?

a) A conditional operator used as shorthand for an if-else statement.
b) An operator used to determine the memory address of a variable.
c) An operator used for bitwise operations.
d) A type of loop

Answer: a) A conditional operator used as shorthand for an if-else statement.

10. What is a typedef?

a) A way to create an alias for a data type.
b) A way to create an array of pointers.
c) A way to create a pointer to a function.
d) A way to create a structure

Answer: a) A way to create an alias for a data type.

11. What is a pointer?

a) A data type that stores a memory address.
b) A data type that stores a string.
c) An operator used to access elements of an array.
d) A loop

Answer: a) A data type that stores a memory address.

12. What is an array?

a) A data type that stores a string.
b) A data type that stores a memory address.
c) A data structure that can store a collection of elements of the same data type.
d) A loop

Answer: c) A data structure that can store a collection of elements of the same data type.

13. What is a function?

a) A data type that stores a memory address.
b) A block of code that performs a specific task.
c) A way to declare a variable as a pointer.
d) An operator

Answer: b) A block of code that performs a specific task.

14. What is the difference between pass by reference and pass by value?

a) Pass by reference passes a copy of the variable, whereas pass by value passes the variable itself.
b) Pass by reference passes the memory address of the variable, whereas pass by value passes a copy of the variable.
c) There is no difference.
d) Pass by reference is only used for arrays

Answer: b) Pass by reference passes the memory address of the variable, whereas pass by value passes a copy of the variable.

15. Which of the following is NOT a type of loop in C?

a) for
b) while
c) do-while
d) repeat-until

Answer: d) repeat-until

16. What is an operator in C?

a) A variable
b) A function
c) A symbol that performs an operation on one or more operands
d) A loop

Answer: c) A symbol that performs an operation on one or more operands

17. What is the difference between strcmp() and strncmp()?

a) strcmp() compares the entire string, whereas strncmp() compares only a specified number of characters.
b) strncmp() compares the entire string, whereas strcmp() compares only a specified number of characters.
c) They are the same function with different names.
d) strcmp() is not a valid function

Answer: a) strcmp() compares the entire string, whereas strncmp() compares only a specified number of characters.

18. What is a macro in C?

a) A keyword
b) A function
c) An operator
d) A way to define a constant

Answer: d) A way to define a constant

19. What is an enum in C?

a) A data type that stores a set of named constants
b) A data type that stores a memory address
c) A data type that stores a collection of elements of the same data type
d) A loop

Answer: a) A data type that stores a set of named constants

20. What is a structure in C?

a) A data type that stores a set of named constants
b) A data type that stores a memory address
c) A data type that stores a collection of elements of the same data type
d) A loop

Answer: c) A data type that stores a collection of elements of the same data type

21. What is the difference between a structure and a union in C?

a) A structure allows for different data types to be stored in different elements, whereas a union only allows for a single type of data to be stored.
b) A structure allows for a single type of data to be stored in different elements, whereas a union only allows for different data types to be stored.
c) There is no difference.
d) A union is not a valid data type

Answer: a) A structure allows for different data types to be stored in different elements, whereas a union only allows for a single type of data to be stored.

22. Which of the following is NOT a control statement in C?

a) if
b) else
c) switch
d) try-catch

Answer: d) try-catch

23. What is the difference between a break statement and a continue statement?

a) A break statement ends the current loop, whereas a continue statement skips the current iteration and moves on to the next.
b) A break statement skips the current iteration and moves on to the next, whereas a continue statement ends the current loop.
c) There is no difference.
d) Break and continue statements can only be used within if statements

Answer: a) A break statement ends the current loop, whereas a continue statement skips the current iteration and moves on to the next.

24. What is the purpose of the return statement in a function?

a) To exit the function
b) To print output to the screen
c) To execute a loop
d) To declare a variable

Answer: a) To exit the function

25. What is the difference between a preprocessor directive and a function call?

a) A preprocessor directive is used to include header files, whereas a function call is used to execute a specific function.
b) A preprocessor directive is used to call a specific function, whereas a function call is used to include header files.
c) There is no difference.
d) Preprocessor directives are not used in C

Answer: a) A preprocessor directive is used to include header files, whereas a function call is used to execute a specific function.

26. What is the scope of a variable declared within a function?

a) The entire program
b) The function it is declared in
c) The file it is declared in
d) The block it is declared in

Answer: d) The block it is declared in

27. What is a static variable?

a) A variable that can only be accessed within the function it is declared in
b) A variable that can only be accessed within the file it is declared in
c) A variable that retains its value between function calls
d) There is no such thing as a static variable

Answer: c) A variable that retains its value between function calls

28. What is a const variable?

a) A variable that can only be accessed within the function it is declared in
b) A variable that can only be accessed within the file it is declared in
c) A variable whose value cannot be changed during program execution
d) There is no such thing as a const variable

Answer: c) A variable whose value cannot be changed during program execution

29. What is a double data type?

a) A data type that stores a floating-point number with higher precision than float
b) A data type that stores a single character
c) A data type that stores a string
d) A loop

Answer: a) A data type that stores a floating-point number with higher precision than float

30. What is a file pointer?

a) A variable used to store the address of a file
b) A function used to read a file
c) A function used to write to a file
d) A data type

Answer: a) A variable used to store the address of a file

31. What is the purpose of the #define preprocessor directive?

a) To include a header file
b) To define a constant
c) To declare a variable
d) There is no such preprocessor directive

Answer: b) To define a constant

32. What is the purpose of the sizeof() operator?

a) To determine the number of elements in an array
b) To determine the size of a variable or data type
c) To allocate memory
d) To free memory

Answer: b) To determine the size of a variable or data type

33. What is a function prototype?

a) A function declaration with no function body
b) A function declaration with a function body
c) A function declaration used to declare a variable
d) A loop

Answer: a) A function declaration with no function body

34. What is a do-while loop?

a) A loop that executes until a condition is true
b) A loop that executes a fixed number of times
c) A loop that executes at least once before checking a condition
d) A loop that executes if a condition is true

Answer: c) A loop that executes at least once before checking a condition

35. What is a switch statement?

a) A statement used to declare a constant
b) A statement used to declare a variable
c) A statement used to execute a specific set of operations based on the value of an expression
d) A loop

Answer: c) A statement used to execute a specific set of operations based on the value of an expression

36. What is the difference between += and =+?

a) There is no difference
b) += is a compound assignment operator, whereas =+ is not a valid operator
c) =+ is a compound assignment operator, whereas += is not a valid operator
d) += and =+ are both operators, but they have different meanings

Answer: b) += is a compound assignment operator, whereas =+ is not a valid operator

37. What is the difference between a structure and a typedef struct?

a) There is no difference
b) A structure is a data type, whereas a typedef struct is a keyword used to define a structure
c) A structure has a single name, whereas a typedef struct has two names
d) A typedef struct allows for the creation of a data type with a single name

Answer: d) A typedef struct allows for the creation of a data type with a single name

38. What is the difference between break and exit()?

a) There is no difference
b) Break is used to exit a loop, whereas exit() is used to terminate the program
c) Exit() is used to exit a loop, whereas break is used to terminate the program
d) Break and exit() are not related

Answer: b) Break is used to exit a loop, whereas exit() is used to terminate the program

39. What is a void function?

a) A function with no return type
b) A function with no argument
c) A function that returns nothing
d) A loop

Answer: c) A function that returns nothing

40. What is a constant pointer?

a) A pointer that cannot be modified
b) A pointer that points to a constant value
c) A way to define a constant
d) There is no such thing as a constant pointer

Answer: b) A pointer that points to a constant value

41. What is the difference between a global and a local variable?

a) There is no difference
b) Global variables are declared outside of any functions, whereas local variables are declared inside of functions
c) Global variables have a limited scope and can only be accessed within the function they are declared in, whereas local variables can be accessed throughout the entire program
d) Local variables can only be accessed within the function they are declared in, whereas global variables can be accessed throughout the entire program

Answer: b) Global variables are declared outside of any functions, whereas local variables are declared inside of functions

42. What is a comma operator?

a) An operator used to separate elements in an array
b) An operator used to separate elements in a structure
c) An operator used to evaluate two expressions and return the result of the second expression
d) A loop

Answer: c) An operator used to evaluate two expressions and return the result of the second expression

43. What is a bit field in C?

a) A way to define a structure with a single member
b) A data type that stores a collection of elements of the same data type
c) A loop
d) A way to define a member of a structure as a specific number of bits

Answer: d) A way to define a member of a structure as a specific number of bits

44. What is dynamic memory allocation in C?

a) A way to allocate memory at compile-time
b) A way to allocate memory at run-time
c) A way to free memory
d) There is no such thing as dynamic memory allocation in C

Answer: b) A way to allocate memory at run-time

45. What is a function pointer?

a) A variable used to store a function’s memory address
b) A function that returns a pointer
c) A variable used to store a pointer to a function
d) A loop

Answer: c) A variable used to store a pointer to a function

46. What is the bitwise AND operator?

a) &
b) ?
c) |
d) ~

Answer: a) &

47. What is the bitwise OR operator?

a) &
b) ?
c) |
d) ~

Answer: c) |

48. What is the bitwise NOT operator?

a) &
b) ?
c) |
d) ~

Answer: d) ~

49. What is the difference between pre-increment and post-increment?

a) There is no difference
b) Pre-increment returns the value of the variable after incrementing it, whereas post-increment returns the value of the variable before incrementing it
c) Post-increment returns the value of the variable after incrementing it, whereas pre-increment returns the value of the variable before incrementing it
d) Incrementing is not a valid operation in C

Answer: c) Post-increment returns the value of the variable after incrementing it, whereas pre-increment returns the value of the variable before incrementing it

50. What is a header file in C?

a) A file containing declarations for functions and data types
b) A file containing executable code
c) A file containing data
d) A loop

Answer: a) A file containing declarations for functions and data types.

Top 50 Interview Questions with Answers Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is the full form of ASP.NET?

a) Active Server Pages .NET
b) Application Server Pages .NET
c) Advanced Server Pages .NET
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Active Server Pages .NET

2. What language is used to write ASP.NET?

a) C#
c) Both
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Both

3. What is ViewState in ASP.NET?

a) A mechanism to store and retrieve data in between postbacks
b) A way to secure data in the application
c) A process to increase the performance of the application
d) None of the above

Answer: a) A mechanism to store and retrieve data in between postbacks

4. What is the heart of the ASP.NET framework?

a) Web Forms
b) MVC
c) Web API
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Web Forms

5. Which of the following is not an advantage of ASP.NET?

a) Easy to maintain and deploy
b) Better performance
c) Good support for multiple languages
d) Expensive development tools

Answer: d) Expensive development tools

6. Which of the following is not a component of the ASP.NET architecture?

a) Web Forms
b) IIS
c) CLR

Answer: d) DBMS

7. What is App_Code folder used for in an ASP.NET application?

a) To store shared resources
b) To store compiled code
c) To store configuration files
d) None of the above

Answer: b) To store compiled code

8. Which of the following is not a type of caching supported by ASP.NET?

a) Page output caching
b) Object caching
c) HttpModule caching
d) Query string caching

Answer: d) Query string caching

9. What is IIS in ASP.NET?

a) Internet Information Services
b) International Information System
c) Internet Information System
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Internet Information Services

10. What is the role of Web.config file in ASP.NET?

a) To store configuration information
b) To store user accounts
c) To store code files
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To store configuration information

11. What is the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect in ASP.NET?

a) Server.Transfer is faster than Response.Redirect
b) Server.Transfer does not redirect the user to a different page
c) Response.Redirect uses server resources
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Server.Transfer does not redirect the user to a different page

12. What is a postback in ASP.NET?

a) A request from the server for a new page
b) A request from the user for a new page
c) An event that causes the server to reload the current page
d) None of the above

Answer: c) An event that causes the server to reload the current page

13. What is the difference between GET and POST method in ASP.NET?

a) GET method is faster than POST method
b) POST method is more secure than GET method
c) GET method can’t send large amount of data
d) All of the above

Answer: b) POST method is more secure than GET method

14. What is the purpose of the Page_Load event in ASP.NET?

a) To load the page
b) To initialize the page
c) To handle postback events
d) None of the above

Answer: b) To initialize the page

15. What is a web service in ASP.NET?

a) A component that runs on a web server and provides access to its functionality through the internet
b) A component that provides access to a database
c) A component that provides access to shared resources on the network
d) None of the above

Answer: a) A component that runs on a web server and provides access to its functionality through the internet

16. What is the role of Global.asax file in ASP.NET?

a) To store configuration information
b) To handle application-level events
c) To store user accounts
d) None of the above

Answer: b) To handle application-level events

17. What is the purpose of forms authentication in ASP.NET?

a) To prevent unauthorized access to a website
b) To provide secure communication between client and server
c) To improve website performance
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To prevent unauthorized access to a website

18. Which of the following is not a type of ASP.NET control?

a) HTML control
b) Web control
c) Server control
d) User control

Answer: a) HTML control

19. What is the difference between User control and Custom control in ASP.NET?

a) User control is a reusable component while Custom control is not
b) Custom control is a reusable component while User control is not
c) Both User control and Custom control are not reusable components
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Custom control is a reusable component while User control is not

20. What is the role of Master page in ASP.NET?

a) To provide a consistent look and feel to all the pages in a website
b) To handle user authentication
c) To reduce page loading time
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a consistent look and feel to all the pages in a website

21. What is URL rewriting in ASP.NET?

a) A process to redirect users to a different page
b) A process to improve website performance
c) A process to change the URL of a page
d) None of the above

Answer: c) A process to change the URL of a page

22. What is the role of the DataReader object in ADO.NET?

a) To read data from a database
b) To update data in a database
c) To insert data into a database
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To read data from a database

23. Which of the following is not a type of Data Adapter in ADO.NET?

a) OleDbDataAdapter
b) SqlDataAdapter
c) OracleDataAdapter
d) None of the above

Answer: d) None of the above

24. What is the role of the SqlCommand object in ADO.NET?

a) To execute a SQL statement
b) To open a database connection
c) To close a database connection
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To execute a SQL statement

25. Which of the following is not a type of transaction isolation level in ADO.NET?

a) ReadUncommitted
b) ReadCommitted
c) RepeatableRead
d) ReadDirty

Answer: d) ReadDirty

26. What is the role of the SqlCommandBuilder object in ADO.NET?

a) To build SQL statements dynamically
b) To create SqlCommand objects
c) To generate Update, Insert, and Delete commands automatically
d) None of the above

Answer: c) To generate Update, Insert, and Delete commands automatically

27. What is the difference between ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonQuery in ADO.NET?

a) ExecuteReader is used to read data while ExecuteNonQuery is used to execute non-query SQL statements
b) ExecuteReader is used to execute non-query SQL statements while ExecuteNonQuery is used to read data
c) Both ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonQuery are used to read data
d) None of the above

Answer: a) ExecuteReader is used to read data while ExecuteNonQuery is used to execute non-query SQL statements

28. What is the role of Data Access Layer in ASP.NET?

a) To handle database connections and transactions
b) To handle user authentication
c) To improve website performance
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To handle database connections and transactions

29. What is the role of Business Logic Layer in ASP.NET?

a) To handle database connections and transactions
b) To handle user authentication
c) To implement business rules and logic
d) None of the above

Answer: c) To implement business rules and logic

30. What is the role of Presentation Layer in ASP.NET?

a) To handle database connections and transactions
b) To handle user authentication
c) To display user interface to the user
d) None of the above

Answer: c) To display user interface to the user

31. What is the role of LINQ in ASP.NET?

a) To handle database connections and transactions
b) To implement business rules and logic
c) To query different types of data sources using a common syntax
d) None of the above

Answer: c) To query different types of data sources using a common syntax

32. What is the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable in LINQ?

a) IQueryable is used for deferred execution while IEnumerable is used for immediate execution
b) IEnumerable is used for deferred execution while IQueryable is used for immediate execution
c) Both IQueryable and IEnumerable are used for immediate execution
d) None of the above

Answer: a) IQueryable is used for deferred execution while IEnumerable is used for immediate execution

33. What is the role of Entity Framework in ASP.NET?

a) To handle database connections and transactions
b) To implement business rules and logic
c) To provide an object-relational mapping (ORM) infrastructure
d) None of the above

Answer: c) To provide an object-relational mapping (ORM) infrastructure

34. What is the advantage of using Entity Framework in ASP.NET?

a) Reduced development time
b) Improved application performance
c) Reduced database access time
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Reduced development time

35. What is the role of ADO.NET Entity Data Model in ASP.NET?

a) To create a conceptual model of the database
b) To create a physical model of the database
c) To create a logical model of the database
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To create a conceptual model of the database

36. What is the role of LINQ to SQL in ASP.NET?

a) To handle database connections and transactions
b) To implement business rules and logic
c) To provide an object-relational mapping (ORM) infrastructure for SQL Server
d) None of the above

Answer: c) To provide an object-relational mapping (ORM) infrastructure for SQL Server

37. What is the role of ASP.NET MVC in web development?

a) To provide a flexible and modular approach to web development
b) To provide a faster response time for user requests
c) To provide a better user interface design
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a flexible and modular approach to web development

38. What is the difference between ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC?

a) ASP.NET Web Forms uses server controls while ASP.NET MVC uses HTML controls
b) ASP.NET Web Forms provides a tightly coupled approach while ASP.NET MVC provides a loosely coupled approach
c) ASP.NET Web Forms uses script for client-side validation while ASP.NET MVC uses data annotations for client-side validation
d) None of the above

Answer: b) ASP.NET Web Forms provides a tightly coupled approach while ASP.NET MVC provides a loosely coupled approach

39. What is the role of Razor syntax in ASP.NET MVC?

a) To provide a flexible and easy to read syntax for creating views
b) To provide a way to create reusable components
c) To improve website performance
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a flexible and easy to read syntax for creating views

40. What is the role of ASP.NET Web API in web development?

a) To provide a flexible and modular approach to building HTTP services
b) To provide a faster response time for user requests
c) To provide a better user interface design
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a flexible and modular approach to building HTTP services

41. What is the difference between REST and SOAP in ASP.NET Web API?

a) REST uses HTTP while SOAP uses XML
b) REST is more secure than SOAP
c) SOAP provides better performance than REST
d) None of the above

Answer: a) REST uses HTTP while SOAP uses XML

42. What is the role of Dependency Injection in ASP.NET?

a) To provide a way to create modular and testable code
b) To provide a faster response time for user requests
c) To provide a better user interface design
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a way to create modular and testable code

43. What is the difference between constructor injection and property injection in Dependency Injection?

a) Constructor injection requires a constructor while property injection does not
b) Property injection requires a constructor while constructor injection does not
c) Both constructor injection and property injection require a constructor
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Constructor injection requires a constructor while property injection does not

44. What is the role of NUnit in ASP.NET?

a) To provide a way to write automated unit tests in .NET
b) To provide a way to test the website performance
c) To provide a way to improve website security
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a way to write automated unit tests in .NET

45. What is the role of NuGet in ASP.NET?

a) To provide a way to manage package dependencies in .NET
b) To provide a way to manage website database
c) To provide a way to manage website security
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a way to manage package dependencies in .NET

46. What is the role of SignalR in ASP.NET?

a) To provide a way to create real-time web applications
b) To improve website performance
c) To provide a better user interface design
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a way to create real-time web applications

47. What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS in ASP.NET?

a) HTTPS is more secure than HTTP
b) HTTP provides better performance than HTTPS
c) HTTPS is used for public websites while HTTP is used for private websites
d) None of the above

Answer: a) HTTPS is more secure than HTTP

48. What is the role of Web API attribute routing in ASP.NET?

a) To provide a way to map HTTP requests to actions based on attributes
b) To improve website security
c) To improve website performance
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To provide a way to map HTTP requests to actions based on attributes

49. What is the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable in Entity Framework?

a) IQueryable is used for deferred execution while IEnumerable is used for immediate execution
b) IEnumerable is used for deferred execution while IQueryable is used for immediate execution
c) Both IQueryable and IEnumerable are used for immediate execution
d) None of the above

Answer: a) IQueryable is used for deferred execution while IEnumerable is used for immediate execution

50. What is the role of Code First in Entity Framework?

a) To create a database based on domain classes
b) To create domain classes based on the database
c) To create a physical model of the database
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To create a database based on domain classes

Top 50 R Language Interview Questions with Answers

R Language Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is R used for?

a) Web development
b) Data analysis
c) Mobile app development
d) Game development

Answer: b) Data analysis

2. What is the extension of R files?

a) .r
b) .py
c) .js
d) .html

Answer: a) .r

3. Which function is used to load a CSV file in R?

a) csv()
b) load()
c) read.csv()
d) read()

Answer: c) read.csv()

4. What does a data frame in R represent?

a) A table of data
b) A vector
c) A matrix
d) A list

Answer: a) A table of data

5. Which function is used to calculate the mean in R?

a) median()
b) mean()
c) min()
d) max()

Answer: b) mean()

6. What is the purpose of the ggplot2 package in R?

a) To import data
b) To analyze data
c) To visualize data
d) To clean data

Answer: c) To visualize data

7. Which of the following is not a data type in R?

a) Numeric
b) Character
c) Boolean
d) Integer

Answer: c) Boolean

8. Which function is used to create a new variable in R?

a) create()
b) add()
c) new()
d) mutate()

Answer: d) mutate()

9. What is the purpose of the dplyr package in R?

a) To manipulate data frames
b) To visualize data
c) To import data
d) To clean data

Answer: a) To manipulate data frames

10. Which function is used to rename columns in R?

a) names()
b) rename()
c) label()
d) title()

Answer: b) rename()

11. Which function is used to convert a character string to a date object in R?

c) strptime()
d) date()

Answer: c) strptime()

12. Which function is used to subset data in R based on a condition?

a) subset()
b) filter()
c) select()
d) arrange()

Answer: b) filter()

13. Which function is used to sort data in R?

a) arrange()
b) order()
c) sort()
d) rank()

Answer: a) arrange()

14. Which package is used for linear regression in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) tidyr
d) stats

Answer: d) stats

15. Which function is used to calculate the correlation between two variables in R?

a) cor()
b) cov()
c) sd()
d) var()

Answer: a) cor()

16. Which function is used to create histograms in R?

a) hist()
b) barplot()
c) dotchart()
d) boxplot()

Answer: a) hist()

17. What is the purpose of the lubridate package in R?

a) To manipulate dates and times
b) To clean data
c) To import data
d) To visualize data

Answer: a) To manipulate dates and times

18. Which function is used to merge two data frames in R?

a) join()
b) merge()
c) append()
d) concat()

Answer: b) merge()

19. Which function is used to calculate the standard error in R?

a) sd()
b) se()
c) stderr()
d) stdev()

Answer: c) stderr()

20. Which function is used to create scatterplots in R?

a) scatterplot()
b) plot()
c) scatter()
d) scatterplotmatrix()

Answer: b) plot()

21. Which function is used to calculate the variance in R?

a) sd()
b) se()
c) stderr()
d) var()

Answer: d) var()

22. Which package is used for time series analysis in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) lubridate
d) forecast

Answer: d) forecast

23. Which function is used to calculate the standard deviation in R?

a) sd()
b) se()
c) stderr()
d) stdev()

Answer: a) sd()

24. Which function is used to create boxplots in R?

a) hist()
b) boxplot()
c) barplot()
d) scatterplot()

Answer: b) boxplot()

25. What is the purpose of the tidyr package in R?

a) To manipulate data frames
b) To visualize data
c) To import data
d) To clean data

Answer: d) To clean data

26. Which function is used to calculate the mode in R?

a) mean()
b) median()
c) mode()
d) max()

Answer: c) mode()

27. Which function is used to create a scatterplot matrix in R?

a) scatterplotmatrix()
b) pairs()
c) plotmatrix()
d) scatterplot()

Answer: b) pairs()

28. Which function is used to calculate the confidence interval in R?

a) ci()
b) confidence()
c) confint()
d) interval()

Answer: c) confint()

29. Which package is used for data manipulation in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) tidyr
d) reshape2

Answer: b) dplyr

30. Which function is used to calculate the coefficient of determination in R?

a) r()
b) c()
c) cd()
d) cor()

Answer: d) cor()

31. What is the purpose of the reshape2 package in R?

a) To manipulate data frames
b) To visualize data
c) To import data
d) To clean data

Answer: a) To manipulate data frames

32. Which function is used to calculate the skewness in R?

a) skew()
b) skewness()
c) kurt()
d) kurtosis()

Answer: b) skewness()

33. Which package is used for data visualization in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) tidyr
d) reshape2

Answer: a) ggplot2

34. Which function is used to calculate the kurtosis in R?

a) skew()
b) skewness()
c) kurt()
d) kurtosis()

Answer: d) kurtosis()

35. Which function is used to create density plots in R?

a) hist()
b) plot()
c) density()
d) boxplot()

Answer: c) density()

36. What is the purpose of the readr package in R?

a) To manipulate data frames
b) To visualize data
c) To import data
d) To clean data

Answer: c) To import data

37. Which function is used to calculate the chi-squared test in R?

a) chisq.test()
b) chi()
c) chi2()
d) chi.squared()

Answer: a) chisq.test()

38. Which package is used for data reshaping in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) tidyr
d) reshape2

Answer: c) tidyr

39. Which function is used to calculate the t-test in R?

a) t.test()
b) t()
c) ttest()
d) test()

Answer: a) t.test()

40. Which function is used to calculate the ANOVA in R?

a) aov()
b) anova()
c) analysis()
d) test()

Answer: a) aov()

41. Which function is used to calculate the Mann-Whitney U test in R?

a) wilcox.test()
b) mann-whitney()
c) mwu.test()
d) test()

Answer: a) wilcox.test()

42. Which package is used for statistical modeling in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) tidyr
d) statsmodels

Answer: d) statsmodels

43. Which function is used to calculate the chi-squared goodness of fit test in R?

a) chisq.test()
b) chi()
c) chi2()
d) chi.squared()

Answer: a) chisq.test()

44. Which function is used to calculate the Pearson correlation test in R?

a) pearson.test()
b) corr.test()
c) p.test()
d) test()

Answer: b) corr.test()

45. Which package is used for machine learning in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) tidyr
d) caret

Answer: d) caret

46. Which function is used to calculate the Wilcoxon rank sum test in R?

a) wilcox.test()
b) ranksum()
c) wrs.test()
d) test()

Answer: a) wilcox.test()

47. Which function is used to calculate the Kruskal-Wallis test in R?

a) kruskal.test()
b) kruskal()
c) kw.test()
d) test()

Answer: a) kruskal.test()

48. Which package is used for time series forecasting in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) forecast
d) stats

Answer: c) forecast

49. Which function is used to calculate the logistic regression in R?

a) glm()
b) lm()
c) logit()
d) regression()

Answer: a) glm()

50. Which package is used for data clustering in R?

a) ggplot2
b) dplyr
c) tidyr
d) cluster

Answer: d) cluster

Top 50 C++ Interview Questions with Answers

C++ Interview Questions with Answers

1) What is the size of a character in C++?

a) 8 bits
b) 16 bits
c) 32 bits
d) 64 bits

Answer: a) 8 bits

2) Which of the following is the correct syntax for declaring a pointer?

a) int *p;
b) *int p;
c) int p*;
d) *p int;

Answer: a) int *p;

3) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 20;
a = a ^ b;
b = a ^ b;
a = a ^ b;
std::cout << a << ” ” << b;
a) 20 10
b) 30 20
c) 10 20
d) 20 30

Answer: a) 20 10

4) Which of the following is a correct way to allocate an integer array of size 10 on the heap?

a) int array[10];
b) int *array = new int[10]();
c) int *array = new int(10);
d) int array = new int[10];

Answer: b) int *array = new int[10]();

5) What is the output of the following code?

int x = 10, y = 5;
std::cout << (x > y ? (x < 15 ? 1 : 2) : 0);
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) Compilation error

Answer: b) 1

6) Which of the following statements is true about the const keyword in C++?

a) It can be used to declare a constant variable.
b) It can be used to declare a function parameter that cannot be modified.
c) It can be used to declare a function return value that cannot be modified.
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

7) Which of the following is the correct way to declare a virtual function in C++?

a) virtual int foo();
b) virtual int foo(void);
c) virtual int foo() = 0;
d) virtual int foo() const;

Answer: a) virtual int foo();

8) Which of the following is the correct syntax to open a file in C++?

a) std::filestream myFile(“filename”, mode);
b) std::fstream myFile(“filename”, mode);
c) std::ifstream myFile(“filename”, mode);
d) Both b and c

Answer: d) Both b and c

9) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 5;
int &refA = a, &refB = b;
refA = refB;
std::cout << a << ” ” << b;
a) 5 10
b) 10 5
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: a) 5 10

10) Which of the following statements about templates in C++ is true?

a) They allow generic programming in C++.
b) They provide a way to define a common functionality for different data types.
c) They can be used to define functions or classes.
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

11) Which of the following is the correct syntax to pass an array to a function in C++?

a) void func(int * arr, int size);
b) void func(int arr[], int size);
c) void func(int arr[10], int size);
d) All of the above

Answer: b) void func(int arr[], int size);

12) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 5, c = 2;
std::cout << (a > b) << ” ” << (a < b) << ” ” << (a == b) << ” ” << (a >= c) << ” ” << (b <= c);
a) 1 0 0 1 0
b) 1 0 0 0 0
c) 0 1 0 1 1
d) Compilation error

Answer: a) 1 0 0 1 0

13) What is a destructor in C++?

a) A function that is called automatically when an object is created.
b) A function that is called automatically when an object is destroyed.
c) A function that is called manually to destroy an object.
d) A function that is used to initialize an object.

Answer: b) A function that is called automatically when an object is destroyed.

14) Which of the following is the correct syntax to define a class in C++?

a) class MyClass { public: int foo(); };
b) class MyClass() { public: int foo(); };
c) class MyClass { int foo(); };
d) class { int foo(); };

Answer: a) class MyClass { public: int foo(); };

15) What is the output of the following code?

std::cout << sizeof(“hello world”);
a) 11
b) 12
c) 13
d) Compilation error

Answer: b) 12

16) Which of the following is the correct syntax to declare an enumeration in C++?

a) enum { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
b) enum colors { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
c) enum colors { RED = 1, GREEN = 2, BLUE = 3 };
d) Both b and c

Answer: d) Both b and c

17) What is the output of the following code?

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::cout << sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5

Answer: d) 5

18) What is the output of the following code?

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int *ptr = arr;
std::cout << *ptr << ” ” << *(ptr + 3) << ” ” << *(arr + 4);
a) 1 3 5
b) 1 4 5
c) 1 4 4
d) 1 4 1

Answer: b) 1 4 5

19) What is a template specialization in C++?

a) It is a way to define a function or class for a specific data type.
b) It is a way to define a function or class for a generic data type.
c) It is a way to define a function or class for multiple data types at once.
d) It is a way to define a function or class for a derived data type.

Answer: a) It is a way to define a function or class for a specific data type.

20) Which of the following is an example of dynamic polymorphism in C++?

a) Function overloading
b) Constructor overloading
c) Operator overloading
d) Virtual functions

Answer: d) Virtual functions

21) Which of the following is not a type of inheritance in C++?

a) Public inheritance
b) Protected inheritance
c) Private inheritance
d) Multiple inheritance
e) All of the above are types of inheritance

Answer: e) All of the above are types of inheritance

22) Which of the following is the correct way to declare a member function of a class outside the class definition in C++?

a) void MyClass::foo() { }
b) void foo() { }
c) MyClass::void foo() { }
d) MyClass::foo() { }

Answer: a) void MyClass::foo() { }

23) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 20, c;
c = a++ + –b;
std::cout << a << ” ” << b << ” ” << c;
a) 10 20 30
b) 11 20 30
c) 10 19 30
d) 11 19 30

Answer: c) 10 19 30

24) Which of the following is the correct syntax to define a destructor in C++?

a) ~ MyClass { }
b) ~MyClass() { }
c) MyClass::~() { }
d) Both a and b

Answer: b) ~MyClass() { }

25) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 20;
std::swap(a, b);
std::cout << a << ” ” << b;
a) 10 20
b) 20 10
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: b) 20 10

26) Which of the following is the correct syntax to create a thread in C++?

a) std::thread myThread = new std::thread(foo);
b) std::thread myThread(foo);
c) std::thread myThread = std::thread::create(foo);
d) None of the above

Answer: b) std::thread myThread(foo);

27) What is the output of the following code?

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (int i : arr) {
std::cout << i << ” “;
a) 1 2 3 4 5
b) 5 4 3 2 1
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: a) 1 2 3 4 5

28) Which of the following is a correct way to include a header file in C++?

a) #include “myFile.h”
b) #include
c) #include
d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b

29) What is the output of the following code?

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::cout << arr << ” ” << &arr[0];
a) Same memory address
b) Different memory addresses
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: a) Same memory address

30) Which of the following is the correct syntax to declare a constant pointer in C++?

a) int * const ptr = &x;
b) const int * ptr = &x;
c) const int * const ptr = &x;
d) Both a and c

Answer: d) Both a and c

31) What is the output of the following code?

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int *ptr = arr;
std::cout << arr + 4 << ” ” << ptr + 4;
a) Same memory address
b) Different memory addresses
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: a) Same memory address

32) Which of the following is the correct syntax for a lambda function in C++?

a) []() { }
b) [](int x) { return x * x; }
c) [x, y](int z) { return x + y + z; }
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

33) Which of the following is the correct syntax to declare a base class in C++?

a) class Base { protected: int x; }
b) class Base : protected { int x; }
c) class Base { public: int x; }
d) class Base : public { int x; }

Answer: c) class Base { public: int x; }

34) What is a singleton in C++?

a) It is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object.
b) It is a class that can be instantiated multiple times.
c) It is a class that is derived from another class.
d) It is a function that takes a single argument as input.

Answer: a) It is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object.

35) What is the output of the following code?

int a = {10}, b = {20};
std::cout << a << ” ” << b;
a) 10 20
b) {10} {20}
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: a) 10 20

36) Which of the following is the correct syntax for a copy constructor in C++?

a) MyClass(MyClass &obj) { }
b) MyClass(MyClass obj) { }
c) MyClass(MyClass const &obj) { }
d) Both a and c

Answer: c) MyClass(MyClass const &obj) { }

37) What is the output of the following code?

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int *ptr = &arr[2];
std::cout << ptr[-2] << ” ” << *(ptr + 2);
a) 1 5
b) 2 4
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: b) 2 4

38) Which of the following is the correct syntax to call a superclass constructor in C++?

a) SuperClass();
b) SuperClass::constructor();
c) SuperClass::SuperClass();
d) Both b and c

Answer: c) SuperClass::SuperClass();

39) What is the output of the following code?

int x = 10;
int *ptr1 = &x, *ptr2 = &x;
std::cout << (ptr1 == ptr2) << ” ” << (*ptr1 == *ptr2);
a) 1 1
b) 0 0
c) 1 0
d) Compilation error

Answer: a) 1 1

40) Which of the following is the correct syntax to declare a function that takes a variable number of arguments in C++?

a) void foo(…);
b) void foo(int …);
c) void foo(int, …);
d) Both b and c

Answer: d) Both b and c

41) What is the output of the following code?


int foo(int x) { return x * x; }
int main() {
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::transform(arr, arr + 5, arr, foo);
for (int i : arr) {
std::cout << i << ” “;
a) 1 4 9 16 25
b) 1 2 3 4 5
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: a) 1 4 9 16 25

42) Which of the following is a correct way to declare a constant reference in C++?

a) const int & ref = x;
b) int const & ref = x;
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Both a and b

43) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 20;
swap(a, b);
std::cout << a << ” ” << b;
a) 10 20
b) 20 10
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: b) 20 10

44) Which of the following is the correct syntax for a move constructor in C++?

a) MyClass(MyClass &&obj) { }
b) MyClass(MyClass obj &&) { }
c) MyClass(MyClass const &&obj) { }
d) Both a and c

Answer: a) MyClass(MyClass &&obj) { }

45) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 20;
int *ptr1 = &a, *ptr2 = &b;
std::swap(ptr1, ptr2);
std::cout << *ptr1 << ” ” << *ptr2;
a) 10 20
b) 20 10
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: b) 20 10

46) Which of the following is the correct syntax to call a virtual function in C++?

b) MyClass::foo();
c) virtual;
d) None of the above

Answer: a);

47) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 20;
int *ptr1 = &a, *ptr2 = &b;
ptr2 = ptr1;
*ptr2 = 30;
std::cout << a << ” ” << b;
a) 10 20
b) 30 20
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error

Answer: b) 30 20

48) Which of the following is a correct way to declare a static member in C++?

a) class MyClass { public: static int x; };
b) class MyClass { static int x; public: };
c) class MyClass { static int x(); };
d) Both a and b

Answer: a) class MyClass { public: static int x; };

49) What is the output of the following code?

int a = 10, b = 2;
double c = static_cast>(a) / b;
std::cout << c;
a) 5.0
b) 5
c) 5.00
d) Compilation error

Answer: c) 5.00

50) What is a virtual destructor in C++?

a) It is a function that is called manually to destroy an object.
b) It is a function that is used to initialize an object.
c) It is a function that is called automatically when an object is destroyed.
d) It is a function that is used to create an object.

Answer: c) It is a function that is called automatically when an object is destroyed.