FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited u

rajeshkumar created the topic: FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited u
FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)


gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Starting Chef Client, version 11.12.2
Compiling Cookbooks...
Recipe: gitlab::default
* directory[/etc/gitlab] action create (up to date)

Recipe Compile Error in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/gitlab/recipes/default.rb

External URL must include a FQDN

Cookbook Trace:
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/gitlab.rb:95:in `parse_external_url'
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/gitlab.rb:191:in `generate_config'
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/gitlab/recipes/default.rb:34:in `from_file'

Relevant File Content:

89: def parse_external_url
90: return unless external_url
92: uri = URI(external_url.to_s)
94: unless uri.host
95>> raise "External URL must include a FQDN"
96: end
97: Gitlab['user']['git_user_email'] ||= "gitlab@#{uri.host}"
98: Gitlab['gitlab_rails']['gitlab_host'] = uri.host
99: Gitlab['gitlab_rails']['gitlab_email_from'] ||= "gitlab@#{uri.host}"
101: case uri.scheme
102: when "http"
103: Gitlab['gitlab_rails']['gitlab_https'] = false
104: when "https"

Running handlers:
[2014-11-03T12:38:40+05:30] ERROR: Running exception handlers
Running handlers complete

[2014-11-03T12:38:40+05:30] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2014-11-03T12:38:40+05:30] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
Chef Client failed. 0 resources updated in 3.925307977 seconds
[2014-11-03T12:38:40+05:30] ERROR: External URL must include a FQDN
[2014-11-03T12:38:41+05:30] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)

more /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# Check and change the external_url to the address your users will type in their browser
external_url ‘hostname:9999’
unicorn = 9090

Log file

Dumped to

RHEL 6.5
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

rajeshkumar replied the topic: FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited u
Solved after
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

rajeshkumar replied the topic: FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited u
I am still not able to access the gitlab url from browsers…with following info….
gitlab-ctl show-config
Starting Chef Client, version 11.12.2
Compiling Cookbooks…
“gitlab”: {
“bootstrap”: {

“user”: {

“redis”: {

“gitlab-rails”: {
“secret_token”: “f276844818b47932ab27c670536111f68d4ad8d84e3d02a42a0f8be23e00c78a0094f62efbd08655f3430a9524258f39b82281e10d52c391c2e751f5747d45dc”
“gitlab-shell”: {

“unicorn”: {
“port”: 9090
“sidekiq”: {

“nginx”: {

“logging”: {

“remote-syslog”: {

“logrotate”: {

“high-availability”: {

“postgresql”: {

“web-server”: {

Converging 0 resources

Running handlers:
Running handlers complete

Chef Client finished, 0/0 resources updated in 10.57749914 seconds

gitlab-ctl status
run: logrotate: (pid 19510) 136s; run: log: (pid 10239) 4278s
run: nginx: (pid 20043) 2s; run: log: (pid 9765) 4365s
run: postgresql: (pid 19516) 135s; run: log: (pid 9569) 4393s
run: redis: (pid 19524) 135s; run: log: (pid 9432) 4475s
run: sidekiq: (pid 19529) 134s; run: log: (pid 9712) 4371s
run: unicorn: (pid 19534) 134s; run: log: (pid 9664) 4377s

more /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
external_url = ‘xysudyd.dev.corp.local:9999’
unicorn = 9090
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

Couldn’t find host github.com in the _netrc file; using defaults

rajeshkumar created the topic: Couldn’t find host github.com in the _netrc file; using defaults
C:\Build_WS\BuildDeployment\Job1\117>git push –verbose

* Couldn’t find host github.com in the _netrc file; using defaults

* Adding handle: conn: 0xc7d838

* Adding handle: send: 0

* Adding handle: recv: 0

* Curl_addHandleToPipeline: length: 1

* – Conn 0 (0xc7d838) send_pipe: 1, recv_pipe: 0

* About to connect() to github.com port 443 (#0)

* Trying…

* Connected to github.com ( port 443 (#0)

* successfully set certificate verify locations:

* CAfile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git/bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt

CApath: none

* SSL connection using AES128-SHA

* Server certificate:

* subject: businessCategory=Private Organization;;;

serialNumber=5157550; street=548 4th Street; postalCode=94107; C=US;

ST=California; L=San Francisco; O=GitHub, Inc.; CN=github.com

* start date: 2014-04-08 00:00:00 GMT

* expire date: 2016-04-12 12:00:00 GMT

* subjectAltName: github.com matched

* issuer: C=US; O=DigiCert Inc; OU=www.digicert.com; CN=DigiCert

SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA

* SSL certificate verify ok.

> GET /EigenRisk/RACE/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: git/1.9.5.msysgit.0

Host: github.com

Accept: */*

Accept-Encoding: gzip

Pragma: no-cache

< HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required * Server GitHub Babel 2.0 is not blacklisted < Server: GitHub Babel 2.0 < Content-Type: text/plain < WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="GitHub" < Connection: close < * Closing connection 0 Build was aborted Aborted by anonymous Finished: ABORTED Regards, Rajesh Kumar Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Couldn’t find host github.com in the _netrc file; using defaults
Add following line…
git config http.postBuffer 524288000
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’

rajeshkumar created the topic: ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’
Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace D:\tools\jenkins\jobs\Matrix-Fast-java\workspace
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository github.com/scmgalaxy/helloworld-java-ant.git
> git.exe init D:\tools\jenkins\jobs\Matrix-Fast-java\workspace # timeout=10
ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’
ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’
Finished: FAILURE
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

rajeshkumar replied the topic: ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’
Solution 1: check if git is installed or not. Also git should be set in PATH
Solution 2: Go to http://localhost:8080/configure and Set the correct git executable path
see attached image as well….

How to Install git in Ubantu?
sudo apt-get install git

How to Install git in CentOS
yum install git

How to Install git in CentOS
git-scm.com/download/win && Set git executables in PATH
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

rajeshkumar replied the topic: ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin’
You can also install git automatically by selecting the checkbox as shown in pic

Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

After Pushing tag in Gitlab UI, Gitlab should fire jenkins job.

ghanshyamjisingh@gmail.com created the topic: After Pushing tag in Gitlab UI, Gitlab should fire jenkins job.
Requirement: After Pushing tag in Gitlab UI, Gitlab should fire jenkins job.

My setup:
I am using wehooks to to this configuration, the configuration is all fine.

Issue: when I push tag through Git Bash, it is triggering jenkins job, but when i push though Gitlab UI it does not.

Attach is my setup.

Also I dnt want to use Gitlab plunging to trigger jenkins job.

Tagged :

Protocol error: bad band #101?

scmuser created the topic: send-pack: protocol error: bad band #101?
How to resolve this issue during push in git using jenkins….
21:36:30 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.3.1-snc1:prepare (default-cli) on project wmi: Unable to tag SCM
21:36:30 [ERROR] Provider message:
21:36:30 [ERROR] The git-push command failed.
21:36:30 [ERROR] Command output:
21:36:30 [ERROR] send-pack: protocol error: bad band #101
21:36:30 [ERROR] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
21:36:30 [ERROR] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
21:36:30 [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
21:36:30 [ERROR]
21:36:30 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
21:36:30 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
21:36:30 [ERROR]
21:36:30 [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
21:36:30 [ERROR] [Help 1] cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException

Tagged :

Solve git scenario as given below

rajeshkumar created the topic: Solve git scenario as given below
Create a local repo and do following…

1. commit 10 text file into it.
2. 5 files should have 3 commits.
3. One commit should have 3 files changes
4. These changes should be pushed to new repo created in github
5. Send me the url of your github repo location.
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

sribhavani_u replied the topic: Solve git scenario as given below

brunda replied the topic: Solve git scenario as given below
Hi Rajesh,

Please find my git repo (public) as below:



anilpantham replied the topic: Solve git scenario as given below

anilpantham replied the topic: Solve git scenario as given below
—added petstore source code

koushik replied the topic: Solve git scenario as given below

srkomma@gmail.com replied the topic: Solve git scenario as given below

Tagged :

Homebrew – error: The following untracked working tree files would be

rajeshkumar created the topic: Homebrew – error: The following untracked working tree files would be
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

Check 1
Check the file permisson of the files/directories under /usr/local/homebrew if owner of them of them are root user?
To Fix the persmission issues –
> chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local

Check 2 –
Then go to your terminal and run these commands…
> cd /usr/local
> git reset –hard FETCH_HEAD
> git checkout Library
> brew update
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

Cloning/Accessing Repositories Form Windows

vinavs@yahoo.com created the topic: cloning/accessing repositories form windows
I am having trouble accessing the git repository from windows machine. I generated the ssh keys in windows from cygwin and added that in git lab. But still getting the error when accessing git repository

getting the following errior:

Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists

rajeshkumar replied the topic: cloning/accessing repositories form windows
You did not mentioned how you are accessing the git, using cygwin or cmd?
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

Tagged :

I don’t handle protocol ‘git@https’ error while trying to push

jayakumarp81 created the topic: fatal: I don’t handle protocol ‘git@https’ error while trying to push

I am trying to push to master and getting the below error . can you let me know , what i am doing wrong in this.

JAPAD@N39496 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/chefprogram (master)
$ git remote add origin git@https://github.com/jayakumarp81/chefcode.git

JAPAD@N39496 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/chefprogram (master)
$ git push origin master
fatal: I don’t handle protocol ‘git@https’

JAPAD@N39496 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/chefprogram (master)
$ git branch -r

JAPAD@N39496 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/chefprogram (master)

Tagged :