Reverting Another User’s Files

scmuser created the topic: Reverting Another User’s Files
Could you please help me with following…

How do I revert files opened in another user’s client workspace?
How do I revert files for a user or client that no longer exists?

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: Reverting Another User’s Files
There are two ways to revert files opened in a Perforce client workspace not owned by you. The first method can be done with an account with Perforce admin or super privileges while the second method can only be done by an account with Perforce super privilege.

The simplest solution is to delete the client workspace containing the opened files. For example, if p4 opened shows:
– edit default change (txt) by bruno@bruno_workspace

the “bruno_workspace” client workspace can be deleted with:
p4 client -d -f bruno_workspace

You might want to revert a file without deleting the client workspace. In that case, you can impersonate the user that owns the client workspace and then run the p4 revert command. For example:
p4 login user
p4 -u user -c client -H host revert -k file

where file is the file you want to revert, user is the user who has the file open, client is the client workspace where the file is opened, and host is the host name associated with that client workspace.

Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

alwaysharsha replied the topic: Re: Reverting Another User’s Files
You can reopen those files in to your client using ‘p4 reopen’, then revert the files.

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The following files are writable and may contain edits

scmuser created the topic: The following files are writable and may contain edits

I have one strange issues. When i try to sync one path then i get issues syncing one file from my path.

While syncing that particular file, i get following error in promted window…

The following files are writable and may contain edits. The requested operation will delete or replace these files.

and when i press “Continue”

I get another prompted window for

File rename() failed after 10 attempts.
rename: C:/Users/rajesh\pathabc\file.cpp: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

Any idea?

scmuser replied the topic: Re: The following files are writable and may contain edits
I got one strange things is here…I got following error

File rename() failed after 10 attempts.
rename: c:\Users\rajesh\file.cpp#p: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

while running following command….

p4 sync -f c:\Users\rajesh\file.cpp#head

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Transport: partial message read

scmuser created the topic: Transport: partial message read

I got following error message while syncing the code using proxy…

05:25:39 RpcTransport: partial message read
05:25:39 Perforce client error:
05:25:39 RpcTransport: partial message read

Anhy ideA?

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P4 Replication and P4 Broker Questions

scmuser created the topic: P4 Replication and P4 Broker Questions
I would like to implement such a functionality in which if my broker has redirect p4 command to Rep1 server, and same time I got another sync command, it should redirect to rep2 from broker as rep 1 is already busy.

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Remote depot ” database access failed

scmuser created the topic: Remote depot ” database access failed
I get following Errors.. what can be the reason?

Remote depot ” database access failed.
Access for user ‘remote’ has not been enabled by ‘p4 protect’.

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Lock the branch in perfoce

scmuser created the topic: lock the branch in perfoce
We want to lock the release branch so that there are no more check-ins. Could you please do the same.

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: lock the branch in perfoce
modify the protect table using…

write group * * -//depot/release_branch/…
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

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How to create new group in Perforce.

rajeshkumar created the topic: How to create new group in Perforce.
Step 1: Login to perforce server using super account.
 p4 -p -u login

Step 2: Create a group using following command
 p4 -p -u group

Step 3: This will prompt you a form in which you need to add LDAP ids which is suppose to a part of that group.

Step 4: Later you can access of the group in protect table by following
 p4 -p -u group protect
and you can add following lines in it.

read group * //…
write group * //…

For more information, please refer following url….…/cmdref/protect.html
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @

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