Top 50 Github Interview Questions with Answers

Github Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Git?

A. A text editor
B. A version control system
C. A programming language
D. A database management system

Answer: B

2. What is Github?

A. A software development company
B. A version control system hosting service
C. A project management tool
D. A code editor

Answer: B

3. What is a repository in Git?

A. A directory that contains your project files
B. A server where you store your Git files
C. A way to organize your Git files
D. A backup of your Git files

Answer: A

4. What is a pull request?

A. A way to merge changes from one branch to another
B. A way to submit changes to a project
C. A way to revert changes in a commit
D. A way to delete a branch

Answer: B

5. What is a branch in Git?

A. A separate copy of a project
B. A way to organize your files
C. A line of development that can be merged into another branch
D. A backup of your project files

Answer: C

6. What is a commit in Git?

A. A change made to your project
B. A way to save your project files
C. A way to update your project files
D. A way to delete your project files

Answer: A

7. What is a merge in Git?

A. A way to combine changes from one branch to another
B. A way to create a new branch
C. A way to delete a branch
D. A way to revert changes in a commit

Answer: A

8. What is a fork in Github?

A. A copy of a repository that someone else owns
B. A way to create a new repository
C. A way to merge changes from one repository to another
D. A way to revert changes in a commit

Answer: A

9. What is a tag in Git?

A. A way to mark a specific point in your project’s history
B. A way to delete a branch
C. A way to merge changes from one branch to another
D. A way to revert changes in a commit

Answer: A

10. What is the purpose of .gitignore file?

A. To include files that should be tracked by Git
B. To exclude files that should not be tracked by Git
C. To backup project files
D. To create a new branch

Answer: B

11. What is Github Actions?

A. A way to automate tasks and workflows in your Github repository
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A project management tool
D. A text editor

Answer: A

12. What is the purpose of file?

A. To exclude files that should not be tracked by Git
B. To provide information about your project
C. To backup project files
D. To create a new branch

Answer: B

13. How do you create a new branch in Git?

A. git add
B. git branch
C. git commit
D. git merge

Answer: B

14. How do you merge a branch in Git?

A. git add
B. git branch
C. git commit
D. git merge

Answer: D

15. How do you push changes to Github?

A. git add
B. git branch
C. git commit
D. git push

Answer: D

16. What is the difference between Git and Github?

A. Git is a version control system, while Github is a hosting service for Git repositories
B. Git is a text editor, while Github is a project management tool
C. Git is a programming language, while Github is a software development company
D. Git is a database management system, while Github is a version control system

Answer: A

17. What is a rebase in Git?

A. A way to combine changes from one branch to another
B. A way to delete a branch
C. A way to create a new branch
D. A way to change the base of a branch

Answer: D

18. How do you create a new repository in Github?

A. Click on the “New Repository” button
B. Click on the “Fork” button
C. Click on the “Create Branch” button
D. Click on the “Commit” button

Answer: A

19. How do you clone a repository in Git?

A. git push
B. git pull
C. git clone
D. git commit

Answer: C

20. What is the purpose of a Github webhook?

A. To allow Github to communicate with external services
B. To manage your code reviews
C. To backup project files
D. To create a new repository

Answer: A

21. What is a submodule in Git?

A. A separate copy of a project
B. A way to organize your files
C. A way to include one Git repository in another
D. A way to delete a branch

Answer: C

22. What is Github Pages?

A. A way to host your website for free using Github
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A project management tool
D. A text editor

Answer: A

23. What is the purpose of stash in Git?

A. To save changes that are not ready to be committed
B. To delete a branch
C. To revert changes in a commit
D. To merge changes from one branch to another

Answer: A

24. How do you create a tag in Git?

A. git add
B. git commit
C. git tag
D. git push

Answer: C

25. What is a PR review in Github?

A. A way to submit changes to a project
B. A way to merge changes from one branch to another
C. A way to review and comment on a pull request
D. A way to backup project files

Answer: C

26. What is a code review in Github?

A. A way to manage your code contributions
B. A way to revert changes in a commit
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to review and improve your code

Answer: D

27. What is the purpose of a Github issue?

A. To manage your code reviews
B. To backup project files
C. To track and discuss problems, tasks, and ideas related to your project
D. To submit changes to a project

Answer: C

28. What is a branch protection rule in Github?

A. A way to organize your files
B. A way to prevent certain changes from being made to a branch
C. A way to create a new repository
D. A way to manage your code reviews

Answer: B

29. How do you revert a commit in Git?

A. git add
B. git revert
C. git commit
D. git merge

Answer: B

30. What is a Github Gist?

A. A way to include one Git repository in another
B. A way to backup project files
C. A way to share snippets of code
D. A way to manage your code reviews

Answer: C

31. What is a Github Enterprise?

A. A way to create a new repository
B. A project management tool
C. A version control system hosting service for enterprise companies
D. A text editor

Answer: C

32. What is a Github Marketplace?

A. A project management tool
B. A way to browse and purchase developer tools and services
C. A text editor
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: B

33. What is a Github organization?

A. A way to manage your code reviews
B. A way to group users and repositories on Github
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: B

34. How do you create a Github organization?

A. Click on the “New Organization” button
B. Click on the “New Repository” button
C. Click on the “Fork” button
D. Click on the “Commit” button

Answer: A

35. What is the purpose of a Github team?

A. To group users and repositories on Github
B. To manage your code reviews
C. To backup project files
D. To browse and purchase developer tools and services

Answer: A

36. What is a Github project?

A. A way to browse and purchase developer tools and services
B. A way to organize your code and issues into a visual board
C. A text editor
D. A version control system hosting service

Answer: B

37. How do you create a Github project?

A. Click on the “New Project” button
B. Click on the “New Repository” button
C. Click on the “Fork” button
D. Click on the “Commit” button

Answer: A

38. What is the purpose of a Github bot?

A. To automate tasks and workflows within your Github repository
B. To manage your code reviews
C. To backup project files
D. To browse and purchase developer tools and services

Answer: A

39. What is a Github secret?

A. A way to manage your code reviews
B. A way to backup project files
C. A way to store sensitive data that can be used in workflows
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: C

40. How do you create a Github action?

A. Click on the “New Action” button
B. Click on the “New Repository” button
C. Click on the “Fork” button
D. Click on the “Commit” button

Answer: A

41. What is the purpose of a Github webhook payload?

A. To send information about events that occur within your Github repository to external services
B. To manage your code reviews
C. To backup project files
D. To create a new repository

Answer: A

42. How do you create a Github template?

A. Create a new file with the extension .template
B. Click on the “New Template” button
C. Create a new file with the extension .md
D. Click on the “New Repository” button

Answer: C

43. What is a Github query?

A. A way to search for specific issues, pull requests, or repositories
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: A

44. What is a Github gist comment?

A. A way to comment on a Github Gist
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: A

45. What is a Github label?

A. A way to group issues or pull requests together based on a certain criteria
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: A

46. What is a Github milestone?

A. A way to group issues or pull requests together based on a certain criteria
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: A

47. What is a Github wiki?

A. A way to create a knowledge base for your project
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: A

48. How do you contribute to a Github project?

A. Fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request
B. Click on the “New Repository” button
C. Click on the “Commit” button
D. Click on the “Fork” button

Answer: A

49. What is a Github review request?

A. A way to request a code review from a specific person or team
B. A way to backup project files
C. A way to create a new repository
D. A way to manage your code reviews

Answer: A

50. What is a Github issue template?

A. A template that can be used when creating a new issue
B. A way to manage your code reviews
C. A way to backup project files
D. A way to create a new repository

Answer: A

Ashwani Kumar
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