Top 50 Reactjs Interview Questions with Answers

Reactjs Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is ReactJS?

a) A back-end framework
b) A front-end framework
c) A JavaScript library
d) A web server

Answer: c) A JavaScript library

2. What is virtual DOM in ReactJS?

a) A programming language
b) A virtual machine
c) A virtual database
d) A virtual representation of the DOM (Document Object Model)

Answer: d) A virtual representation of the DOM (Document Object Model)

3. What is JSX in ReactJS?

a) A programming language
b) A file format
c) A visual representation of components
d) A syntax extension for JavaScript

Answer: d) A syntax extension for JavaScript

4. What is the purpose of rendering in ReactJS?

a) To update the DOM with new changes
b) To create a virtual DOM
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: a) To update the DOM with new changes

5. What is the purpose of props in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To create a virtual DOM
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To pass data from one component to another

6. What is the difference between state and props in ReactJS?

a) State is used for data that changes frequently, while props are used for data that does not change frequently
b) State is used for data that does not change frequently, while props are used for data that changes frequently
c) State and props are used interchangeably
d) State and props are not used in ReactJS

Answer: a) State is used for data that changes frequently, while props are used for data that does not change frequently

7. What is the purpose of setState() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component
b) To update the props of a component
c) To create a new component
d) To delete a component

Answer: a) To update the state of a component

8. What is the difference between functional and class components in ReactJS?

a) Functional components are used for styling, while class components are used for logic
b) Functional components use the render() method, while class components have a render() method
c) Functional components do not have state, while class components have state
d) Functional components are not used in ReactJS

Answer: c) Functional components do not have state, while class components have state

9. What is the purpose of componentWillMount() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component before it renders
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: a) To update the state of a component before it renders

10. What is the purpose of componentDidUnmount() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component before it renders
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To perform any necessary cleanup before a component is unmounted

Answer: d) To perform any necessary cleanup before a component is unmounted

11. What is the purpose of shouldComponentUpdate() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To determine whether a component should be updated or not

Answer: d) To determine whether a component should be updated or not

12. What is the purpose of componentDidCatch() method in ReactJS?

a) To handle errors in a component tree
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: a) To handle errors in a component tree

13. In ReactJS, what is the purpose of refs?

a) To access the DOM element of a component
b) To access the state of a component
c) To manage props in a component
d) To pass data from one component to another

Answer: a) To access the DOM element of a component

14. What is the purpose of bind() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component
b) To update the props of a component
c) To bind a method to a component
d) To delete a component

Answer: c) To bind a method to a component

15. What is the purpose of keys in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To identify each component uniquely
d) To store data in memory

Answer: c) To identify each component uniquely

16. What is the purpose of event handling in ReactJS?

a) To change the state of a component
b) To update the props of a component
c) To bind a method to a component
d) To handle user interactions with a component

Answer: d) To handle user interactions with a component

17. What is the purpose of stateless components in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To create a functional component
d) To create a presentational component

Answer: d) To create a presentational component

18. What is higher-order component in ReactJS?

a) A component that is higher up in the component hierarchy
b) A component that wraps around another component to add functionality
c) A component that has multiple levels of nested components
d) A component that is not used in ReactJS

Answer: b) A component that wraps around another component to add functionality

19. What is the purpose of context in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To create a virtual DOM
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To pass data from one component to another

20. What is the purpose of render() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component
b) To update the props of a component
c) To create a virtual DOM
d) To display content on a page

Answer: d) To display content on a page

21. What is the purpose of componentDidMount() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component after it renders
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To perform any necessary initialization before a component is mounted

Answer: d) To perform any necessary initialization before a component is mounted

22. What is the purpose of componentDidUpdate() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component after it renders
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: a) To update the state of a component after it renders

23. What is the purpose of componentWillReceiveProps() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component before it receives new props
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: a) To update the state of a component before it receives new props

24. What is the purpose of setState() in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To update the props of a component
d) To create a new component

Answer: a) To manage state in a component

25. What is the purpose of defaultProps in ReactJS?

a) To set default values for props in a component
b) To manage state in a component
c) To pass data from one component to another
d) To display content on a page

Answer: a) To set default values for props in a component

26. What is the purpose of fragments in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To create a virtual DOM
d) To group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM

Answer: d) To group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM

27. What is the purpose of React Router in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To create a virtual DOM
c) To handle routing in a single-page application
d) To display content on a page

Answer: c) To handle routing in a single-page application

28. What is the purpose of Redux in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To create a virtual DOM
c) To handle complex state management in an application
d) To display content on a page

Answer: c) To handle complex state management in an application

29. What is the purpose of the map() method in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To create a virtual DOM
c) To render a list of items
d) To display content on a page

Answer: c) To render a list of items

30. What is the purpose of React.cloneElement() method in ReactJS?

a) To create a new element from an existing React element
b) To manage state in a component
c) To pass data from one component to another
d) To manage props in a component

Answer: a) To create a new element from an existing React element

31. What is the purpose of React.PureComponent in ReactJS?

a) To create a class component in ReactJS
b) To optimize performance of a React component
c) To manage state in a component
d) To pass data from one component to another

Answer: b) To optimize performance of a React component

32. What is the purpose of React.lazy() function in ReactJS?

a) To create a new component in ReactJS
b) To optimize performance by loading a component only when it is needed
c) To manage state in a component
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To optimize performance by loading a component only when it is needed

33. What is the purpose of React.memo() function in ReactJS?

a) To create a new component in ReactJS
b) To optimize performance of a functional component by avoiding unnecessary re-renders
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: b) To optimize performance of a functional component by avoiding unnecessary re-renders

34. What is the purpose of shouldComponentUpdate() method in ReactJS?

a) To update the state of a component
b) To update the DOM with new changes
c) To manage state in a component
d) To determine whether a component should be updated or not

Answer: d) To determine whether a component should be updated or not

35. What is the purpose of React.createContext() function in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To pass data from one component to another

36. What is the purpose of useContext() hook in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another using context
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To pass data from one component to another using context

37. What is the purpose of useReducer() hook in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component using the reducer pattern
b) To optimize performance of a React component
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: a) To manage state in a component using the reducer pattern

38. What is the purpose of useMemo() hook in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To optimize performance by memoizing a computed value
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To optimize performance by memoizing a computed value

39. What is the purpose of useCallback() hook in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To memoize a callback function
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To memoize a callback function

40. What is the purpose of useEffect() hook in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To optimize performance by running a side-effect only when necessary
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To optimize performance by running a side-effect only when necessary

41. What is the purpose of useLayoutEffect() hook in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To optimize performance by running a side-effect immediately after rendering
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To optimize performance by running a side-effect immediately after rendering

42. What is the purpose of useRef() hook in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To create a mutable ref object
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To create a mutable ref object

43. What is the difference between useReducer() and useState() hooks in ReactJS?

a) useReducer() is used for simple state management, while useState() is used for complex state management
b) useReducer() is used for complex state management, while useState() is used for simple state management
c) useReducer() and useState() are interchangeable
d) useReducer() and useState() are not used in ReactJS

Answer: b) useReducer() is used for complex state management, while useState() is used for simple state management

44. What is the purpose of React.forwardRef() function in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To forward a ref from a parent to a child component
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To forward a ref from a parent to a child component

45. What is the purpose of React.memo() function in ReactJS?

a) To create a new component in ReactJS
b) To optimize performance of a functional component by avoiding unnecessary re-renders
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: b) To optimize performance of a functional component by avoiding unnecessary re-renders

46. What is the purpose of memoization in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To optimize performance by caching computed values
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To optimize performance by caching computed values

47. What is the purpose of React.lazy() function in ReactJS?

a) To create a new component in ReactJS
b) To optimize performance by loading a component only when it is needed
c) To manage state in a component
d) To display content on a page

Answer: b) To optimize performance by loading a component only when it is needed

48. What is the purpose of React.memo() function in ReactJS?

a) To create a new component in ReactJS
b) To optimize performance of a functional component by avoiding unnecessary re-renders
c) To manage state in a component
d) To store data in memory

Answer: b) To optimize performance of a functional component by avoiding unnecessary re-renders

49. What is the purpose of React.Fragment in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To pass data from one component to another
c) To create a new component in ReactJS
d) To group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM

Answer: d) To group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM

50. What is the purpose of React.StrictMode in ReactJS?

a) To manage state in a component
b) To optimize performance of a React component
c) To detect potential problems in a React application
d) To display content on a page

Answer: c) To detect potential problems in a React application.

Ashwani Kumar
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