Top 50 Redis Interview Questions with Answers

Redis Interview Questions with Answers
  1. What is Redis?
    a) A relational database
    b) A NoSQL database
    c) A graph database
    d) A document database

Answer: b

  1. What is the data structure used by Redis?
    a) JSON
    b) XML
    c) Key-Value
    d) Relational

Answer: c

  1. What is the maximum size of the key in Redis?
    a) 256 MB
    b) 512 MB
    c) 1 GB
    d) 2 GB

Answer: b

  1. What is the maximum number of Redis databases that can be created?
    a) 15
    b) 16
    c) 18
    d) 20

Answer: b

  1. Which command is used to get the value of a key in Redis?
    a) Get
    b) Set
    c) Mget
    d) Hget

Answer: a

  1. Which command is used to set the value of a key in Redis?
    a) Get
    b) Set
    c) Mget
    d) Hget

Answer: b

  1. Which data structure is used to store sorted data in Redis?
    a) Set
    b) List
    c) Hash
    d) Sorted Set

Answer: d

  1. Which Redis data structure is similar to a Dictionary in Python?
    a) Set
    b) List
    c) Hash
    d) Sorted Set

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to add an element to a Set in Redis?
    a) Add
    b) Set
    c) Sadd
    d) Sset

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to remove an element from a Set in Redis?
    a) Remove
    b) Del
    c) Srem
    d) Hrem

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to get the length of a List in Redis?
    a) Length
    b) Count
    c) Len
    d) Llen

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to add an element to the beginning of a List in Redis?
    a) Lpush
    b) Rpush
    c) Lpop
    d) Rpop

Answer: a

  1. Which command is used to add an element to the end of a List in Redis?
    a) Lpush
    b) Rpush
    c) Lpop
    d) Rpop

Answer: b

  1. Which Redis data structure is similar to a stack in programming?
    a) Set
    b) List
    c) Hash
    d) Sorted Set

Answer: b

  1. Which Redis data structure is similar to a queue in programming?
    a) Set
    b) List
    c) Hash
    d) Sorted Set

Answer: b

  1. Which data structure is used to store a value with an expiration time in Redis?
    a) Set
    b) List
    c) Hash
    d) Sorted Set

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to set the expiration time of a key in Redis?
    a) Expire
    b) SetEx
    c) Pexpire
    d) PsetEx

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to remove the expiration time of a key in Redis?
    a) Expire
    b) Persist
    c) Pexpire
    d) Ppersist

Answer: b

  1. Which command is used to get the remaining time for a key with an expiration time in Redis?
    a) Ttl
    b) Ltt
    c) Pttl
    d) Pltt

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to increment a value in Redis by a certain amount?
    a) Incr
    b) IncrBy
    c) Decr
    d) DecrBy

Answer: b

  1. Which command is used to get the value of multiple keys in Redis?
    a) Get
    b) Mget
    c) Hget
    d) Smget

Answer: b

  1. Which command is used to set the value of multiple keys in Redis?
    a) Set
    b) Mset
    c) Hset
    d) Smset

Answer: b

  1. Which command is used to check if a key exists in Redis?
    a) Exists
    b) Check
    c) KeyExists
    d) KeyCheck

Answer: a

  1. Which command is used to get all the keys in Redis?
    a) Keys
    b) AllKeys
    c) GetKeys
    d) ListKeys

Answer: a

  1. Which command is used to delete a key in Redis?
    a) Delete
    b) Remove
    c) Del
    d) Rem

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to delete multiple keys in Redis?
    a) Delete
    b) Remove
    c) Del
    d) Mdel

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to get the size of a Set in Redis?
    a) Length
    b) Count
    c) Size
    d) Scard

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to get the members of a Set in Redis?
    a) Members
    b) GetMembers
    c) Smembers
    d) SetMembers

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to check if an element exists in a Set in Redis?
    a) Exists
    b) Check
    c) Sexists
    d) SetExists

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to get the intersection of two Sets in Redis?
    a) Intersect
    b) Sinter
    c) Union
    d) Sunion

Answer: b

  1. Which command is used to get the union of two Sets in Redis?
    a) Intersect
    b) Sinter
    c) Union
    d) Sunion

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to get the difference of two Sets in Redis?
    a) Diff
    b) Sdiff
    c) SDiffStore
    d) SetDiff

Answer: b

  1. Which command is used to move an element from one Set to another in Redis?
    a) Move
    b) Transfer
    c) Smove
    d) Stransfer

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to add an element to a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Add
    b) Set
    c) Zadd
    d) Zset

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to remove an element from a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Remove
    b) Del
    c) Zrem
    d) Zdel

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to get the range of elements in a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Range
    b) GetRange
    c) Zrange
    d) SetRange

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to get the rank of an element in a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Rank
    b) GetRank
    c) Zrank
    d) SetRank

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to get the score of an element in a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Score
    b) GetScore
    c) Zscore
    d) SetScore

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to increment the score of an element in a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Incr
    b) IncrBy
    c) Zincr
    d) ZincrBy

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to get the size of a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Length
    b) Count
    c) Size
    d) Zcard

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to get the members of a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Members
    b) GetMembers
    c) Zmembers
    d) SortedMembers

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to get all the values in Redis?
    a) Values
    b) AllValues
    c) GetValues
    d) ListValues

Answer: a

  1. Which command is used to get the random key in Redis?
    a) Random
    b) GetRandom
    c) KeyRandom
    d) RandomKey

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to get the random element from a Set in Redis?
    a) Random
    b) GetRandom
    c) Srandom
    d) Srandmember

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to get the random element from a Sorted Set in Redis?
    a) Random
    b) GetRandom
    c) Zrandom
    d) Zrandmember

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to flush all the data in Redis?
    a) FlushAll
    b) Flush
    c) Clear
    d) Truncate

Answer: a

  1. Which command is used to backup Redis data?
    a) Backup
    b) Save
    c) Export
    d) Dump

Answer: d

  1. Which command is used to restore Redis data?
    a) Restore
    b) Load
    c) Import
    d) Recover

Answer: a

  1. Which command is used to check the Redis server status?
    a) Status
    b) CheckServer
    c) Ping
    d) Health

Answer: c

  1. Which command is used to shutdown the Redis server?
    a) Shutdown
    b) Stop
    c) End
    d) Quit

Answer: a

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