Top 50 Swift Interview Questions with Answers

Swift Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is the latest version of Swift?

A) Swift 4.0
B) Swift 5.0
C) Swift 6.0
D) Swift 7.0

Answer: B) Swift 5.0

2. What is optionals in Swift?

A) A way to represent that a value might be absent
B) A type of function in Swift
C) Another name for Swift closures
D) A way to use Swift with Objective-C code

Answer: A) A way to represent that a value might be absent

3. What is a guard statement in Swift?

A) A way to check the validity of a statement before executing it
B) A way to define a new variable in Swift
C) A type of loop in Swift
D) A way to call a function in Swift

Answer: A) A way to check the validity of a statement before executing it

4. What is a closure in Swift?

A) A way to represent a function without a name
B) A way to declare a new class in Swift
C) A way to store information in Swift
D) A type of error in Swift

Answer: A) A way to represent a function without a name

5. What is the use of a weak reference in Swift?

A) To avoid reference cycles
B) To ensure that a reference is strong
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To avoid memory leaks

Answer: A) To avoid reference cycles

6. What is a string interpolation in Swift?

A) A way to insert values into a string
B) A way to copy a string
C) A way to define a new string in Swift
D) A type of Swift loop

Answer: A) A way to insert values into a string

7. What is the use of guard let in Swift?

A) To unwrap an optional value
B) To define a new variable in Swift
C) To check the validity of a statement before executing it
D) To create a new array in Swift

Answer: A) To unwrap an optional value

8. What is the use of the defer keyword in Swift?

A) To delay the execution of a statement until the end of the current scope
B) To call a function in Swift
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new class in Swift

Answer: A) To delay the execution of a statement until the end of the current scope

9. What is the difference between struct and class in Swift?

A) Structs are value types, while classes are reference types
B) Structs and classes cannot be used interchangeably
C) Structs are used for UI elements, while classes are used for data processing
D) Structs are immutable, while classes are mutable

Answer: A) Structs are value types, while classes are reference types

10. What is the use of the @escaping keyword in Swift?

A) To indicate that a closure might be called after a function has returned
B) To indicate that a function is throwing an error
C) To indicate that a variable is a reference type
D) To indicate that a function is generic

Answer: A) To indicate that a closure might be called after a function has returned

11. What is property observers in Swift?

A) A way to observe changes to a property’s value
B) A type of Swift loop
C) A way to declare a new property in Swift
D) Another name for Swift closures

Answer: A) A way to observe changes to a property’s value

12. What is the use of the @IBAction keyword in Swift?

A) To indicate that a function is being used as an action in an interface control
B) To indicate that a function is generic
C) To indicate that a variable is a reference type
D) To indicate that a function is throwing an error

Answer: A) To indicate that a function is being used as an action in an interface control

13. What is the difference between a force unwrap and a safe unwrap in Swift?

A) A force unwrap will crash if the value is nil, while a safe unwrap will not
B) A safe unwrap will crash if the value is nil, while a force unwrap will not
C) There is no difference between the two
D) A force unwrap and a safe unwrap can only be used with different types of variables

Answer: A) A force unwrap will crash if the value is nil, while a safe unwrap will not

14. What is the use of the @objc keyword in Swift?

A) To make a Swift function or variable accessible to Objective-C code
B) To declare a new class in Swift
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new array in Swift

Answer: A) To make a Swift function or variable accessible to Objective-C code

15. What is the use of the didSet keyword in Swift?

A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set
B) To run a code block when a property’s value is accessed
C) To declare a new property in Swift
D) Another name for Swift closures

Answer: A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set

16. What is the difference between a protocol and a delegate in Swift?

A) A protocol defines a set of rules, while a delegate is an implementation of those rules
B) A protocol and a delegate are the same thing
C) A protocol is a way to store information, while a delegate is a way to access it
D) A protocol is immutable, while a delegate is mutable

Answer: A) A protocol defines a set of rules, while a delegate is an implementation of those rules

17. What is the use of the where keyword in Swift?

A) To apply a condition to a generic type or function
B) To define a new class in Swift
C) To declare a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new array in Swift

Answer: A) To apply a condition to a generic type or function

18. What is the use of the @IBOutlet keyword in Swift?

A) To indicate that a property is linked to an interface element
B) To indicate that a function is throwing an error
C) To indicate that a variable is a reference type
D) To indicate that a function is being used as an action in an interface control

Answer: A) To indicate that a property is linked to an interface element

19. What is the use of the @discardableResult keyword in Swift?

A) To indicate that the result of a function can be discarded if not needed
B) To indicate that the function is throwing an error
C) To indicate that a variable is a reference type
D) To indicate that a function is generic

Answer: A) To indicate that the result of a function can be discarded if not needed

20. What is the use of the fatalError() function in Swift?

A) To crash the program intentionally
B) To check a condition before proceeding with a statement
C) To define a new function in Swift
D) To create a new class in Swift

Answer: A) To crash the program intentionally

21. What is the use of the removeFromSuperview() function in Swift?

A) To remove a view from its superview
B) To add a view to its superview
C) To define a new class in Swift
D) To create a new function in Swift

Answer: A) To remove a view from its superview

22. What is the use of the guard else statement in Swift?

A) To handle any failure case in code
B) To create a new variable in Swift
C) To define a new function in Swift
D) To create a new class in Swift

Answer: A) To handle any failure case in code

23. What is the use of the break keyword in Swift?

A) To exit a loop or switch statement
B) To continue to the next iteration of a loop
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new array in Swift

Answer: A) To exit a loop or switch statement

24. What is the use of the continue keyword in Swift?

A) To jump to the next iteration of a loop
B) To exit a loop or switch statement
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new array in Swift

Answer: A) To jump to the next iteration of a loop

25. What is the use of the @available keyword in Swift?

A) To indicate the minimum version of iOS that a function or variable can be used
B) To indicate that a function is being used as an action in an interface control
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new class in Swift

Answer: A) To indicate the minimum version of iOS that a function or variable can be used

26. What is the difference between a class method and an instance method in Swift?

A) A class method can be called on the class itself, while an instance method must be called on an instance of the class
B) A class method and an instance method are the same thing
C) A class method is defined in a protocol, while an instance method is defined in a class
D) A class method is immutable, while an instance method is mutable

Answer: A) A class method can be called on the class itself, while an instance method must be called on an instance of the class

27. What is the use of the didSet and willSet keywords in Swift?

A) To run code when a property’s value is about to change or has just changed
B) To define a new variable in Swift
C) To call a function in Swift
D) To create a new class in Swift

Answer: A) To run code when a property’s value is about to change or has just changed

28. What is the use of the guard statement in Swift?

A) To check the validity of a statement before executing it
B) To define a new variable in Swift
C) To create a new class in Swift
D) To call a function in Swift

Answer: A) To check the validity of a statement before executing it

29. What is the use of the didSet keyword in Swift?

A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set
B) To run a code block when a property’s value is accessed
C) To declare a new property in Swift
D) Another name for Swift closures

Answer: A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set

30. What is the use of lazy properties in Swift?

A) To defer the initialization of a property until it is first accessed
B) To define a new variable in Swift
C) To create a new array in Swift
D) To call a function in Swift

Answer: A) To defer the initialization of a property until it is first accessed

31. What is the use of the extension keyword in Swift?

A) To add functionality to an existing class or struct
B) To define a new class in Swift
C) To create a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new function in Swift

Answer: A) To add functionality to an existing class or struct

32. What is the difference between a closure and a function in Swift?

A) A closure is an unnamed function that captures and stores a reference to any constants and variables from the context in which it is defined, while a function is a named, self-contained block of code that performs a specific task.
B) A closure can only be used once, while a function can be used multiple times.
C) A closure can only be defined within another function or method, while a function can be defined anywhere.
D) There is no difference between the two.

Answer: A) A closure is an unnamed function that captures and stores a reference to any constants and variables from the context in which it is defined, while a function is a named, self-contained block of code that performs a specific task.

33. What is the use of the inout keyword in Swift?

A) To pass a variable by reference
B) To pass a variable by value
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new function in Swift

Answer: A) To pass a variable by reference

34. What is the use of the @escaping keyword in Swift?

A) To indicate that a closure might be called after a function returns
B) To indicate that a function is throwing an error
C) To indicate that a variable is a reference type
D) To indicate that a function is generic

Answer: A) To indicate that a closure might be called after a function returns

35. What is the use of the finally keyword in Swift?

A) To run a block of code after a try-catch block, regardless of whether an error was thrown or caught
B) To define a new variable in Swift
C) To create a new class in Swift
D) To call a function in Swift

Answer: A) To run a block of code after a try-catch block, regardless of whether an error was thrown or caught

36. What is the use of a lazy stored property in Swift?

A) To defer initialization of a property until it is first accessed
B) To run a code block when a property’s value is set
C) To check the validity of a statement before executing it
D) To declare a new variable in Swift

Answer: A) To defer initialization of a property until it is first accessed

37. What is a generic type in Swift?

A) A way to define a type that can work with any other type
B) A type of loop in Swift
C) A way to declare a new variable in Swift
D) A way to use Swift with Objective-C code

Answer: A) A way to define a type that can work with any other type

38. What is the use of the map function in Swift?

A) To transform each element of an array using a provided closure
B) To remove elements from an array that meet certain conditions
C) To add elements to an array at specific positions
D) To obtain a subset of an array based on certain criteria

Answer: A) To transform each element of an array using a provided closure

39. What is the difference between “as” and “as!” in Swift?

A) “as” is used to perform an optional upcast, while “as!” is used for a force upcast
B) “as” is used for a force upcast, while “as!” is used to perform an optional upcast
C) “as” and “as!” are interchangeable
D) There is no difference between the two

Answer: A) “as” is used to perform an optional upcast, while “as!” is used for a force upcast

40. What is the use of the didSet keyword in Swift?

A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set
B) To run a code block when a property’s value is accessed
C) To declare a new property in Swift
D) Another name for Swift closures

Answer: A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set

41. What is the use of the @escaping keyword in Swift?

A) To indicate that a closure might be called after a function returns
B) To indicate that a function is throwing an error
C) To indicate that a variable is a reference type
D) To indicate that a function is generic

Answer: A) To indicate that a closure might be called after a function returns

42. What is the use of the @objc keyword in Swift?

A) To make a Swift function or variable accessible to Objective-C code
B) To declare a new class in Swift
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new array in Swift

Answer: A) To make a Swift function or variable accessible to Objective-C code

43. What is the difference between let and var in Swift?

A) Let is used to declare a constant, while var is used to declare a variable.
B) Let can only be used with struct, while var can only be used with classes
C) There is no difference between the two
D) Let is used with classes, while var is used with structs

Answer: A) Let is used to declare a constant, while var is used to declare a variable.

44. What is the use of the guard statement in Swift?

A) To check the validity of a statement before executing it
B) To define a new variable in Swift
C) To create a new class in Swift
D) To call a function in Swift

Answer: A) To check the validity of a statement before executing it

45. What is the use of the implicitly unwrapped optional in Swift?

A) To declare an optional that is guaranteed to always contain a value
B) To declare a variable that is not optional
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new array in Swift

Answer: A) To declare an optional that is guaranteed to always contain a value

46. What is a computed property in Swift?

A) A property whose value is calculated each time it is accessed
B) A property whose value is defined in the initializer and cannot be changed
C) A type of Swift loop
D) A way to store information in Swift

Answer: A) A property whose value is calculated each time it is accessed

47. What is the use of the @objcMembers keyword in Swift?

A) To automatically make all members of a class accessible to Objective-C code
B) To define a new class in Swift
C) To create a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new function in Swift

Answer: A) To automatically make all members of a class accessible to Objective-C code

48. What is the use of the ?? operator in Swift?

A) To provide a default value for an optional
B) To unwrap an optional
C) To check the validity of a statement before executing it
D) To define a new variable in Swift

Answer: A) To provide a default value for an optional

49. What is the use of the didSet keyword in Swift?

A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set
B) To run a code block when a property’s value is accessed
C) To declare a new property in Swift
D) Another name for Swift closures

Answer: A) To run a code block when a property’s value is set

50. What is the use of the optional chaining in Swift?

A) To safely unwrap an optional without the need for a force unwrap
B) To check the validity of a statement before executing it
C) To define a new variable in Swift
D) To create a new function in Swift

Answer: A) To safely unwrap an optional without the need for a force unwrap.

Ashwani Kumar
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