Tutorials for PHP Data type

What is Data Types?

Their sizes, as well as the names of the variables, might change. In most programming languages (such as C++ and Java), you may use a number of data types for variables. However, because PHP does not specify type explicitly, the variable type must be determined by the form or type of data to which it is applied.

What are the Data Types used in PHP?

PHP Data Types - Tutorial And Example

There are many data types for various purposes, such as null, binary, integer, float, text, object, property, and an array. We employ eight different types of data in PHP to create our variables. Below is a brief explanation of the various categories.

Basic of PHP

Integers − There are whole numbers, including 4195, without a decimal point.

Doubles − Floating points are numbers such as 3.14159 or 49.1

Booleans − Have either true or false only two possible values.

NULL − It has only one value: NULL, is a special kind.

Strings − There are character strings, such as ‘PHP supports string operations.’

Arrays − Collections of other values are called and indexed.

Objects − There are instances of programming classes that can package other class-specific values and functions.

Resources − Special variables provide access to external PHP tools (such as database connections).

Ashwani Kumar
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