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Tutorial for feof () in Reading file

What is feof () used in Reading file?

The feof() function in PHP is an inherent function that checks a file pointer for the end-of-file. It determines whether or not the “end-of-file” has been reached. If the size of the content of a file is not known ahead of time, the feof() method is used to loop over it.

Why feof () used in Reading file ?

If the end-of-file has been reached or an error has occurred, the feof() method returns True. Otherwise, False is returned.


feof( $file )


In PHP, the feof() method takes only one parameter, $file. The file to be examined for end-of-file is specified by this argument.

Return Value:

If the end of the file has been reached or an error has occurred, it returns TRUE. Otherwise, False is returned.

Errors And Exception:

  • If the supplied file reference is invalid, it enters an infinite loop since end-of-file does not return True.
  • If a connection opened by fsockopen() is not terminated by the server, the feof() function hangs.

Let’s take one Example:-

Below examples will explain the feof() function:

Example 1:- In the below program the file named “test.txt” contains only a single line of text which is “This file consists of only a single line.”.


Example 2:- In the below program the file named “test-test.txt” contains the following text.

This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.


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Tutorials for PHP Loops

What is Loop?

A loop is a repetition control structure. it causes a single statement or  block to be executed repeatedly What is a loop? - ppt download

A loop is an Iterative Control Structure that requires the same number of codes to be executed several times until a specific condition is met. When writing code, you may want a specific block of code to run a certain number of times. As a result, rather than applying nearly similar code lines to a script, we can employ loops.

What are the Different types of Loops?

PHP 7 Fundamental Tutorial for Beginners - PHP Loop -

Loops are used repeatedly to run the same piece of code as long as a given condition is met. A loop’s basic premise is to simplify recurring procedures in a programmer in order to save time and effort. PHP supports four different loop styles.

  • while – Loops through a code block as long as the given condition is true.
  • do...while – The code block running once and then is tested. State. If the condition is true, the declaration shall be repeated until the condition stated is true.
  • for – Loops via a code block before a given number is reached in the counter.
  • foreach – Loops for each unit of an array across a block of code.

Why to Use Loops?

When trying to recreate code, it might be tedious to retype or copy and paste the same code over and over again. Worse, unintentional mistakes might lead to programme malfunctions.

That’s quite a few keystrokes! What if you decide later that you want to start each statement with “The count is currently: ”? You’d have to copy it and paste it into every single line.

Fortunately, loops are a function in most programming languages that allows you to automatically repeat code before such requirements are met. Iteration is a phrase used to describe the repetition of code, and it refers to each time the code is executed. Loops will reduce the number of lines of code you write while still allowing you to update it later.

PHP is no exception, as it offers a variety of ways to repeat the execution of a code block.

This Article has cover the following PHP loop types:

  • while
  • do … while
  • for
  • foreach

There are conditions in each of these loops that prevent the loop from executing. If these requirements are not met, an endless loop will follow, and the software will never be able to quit executing the code block.

How to use loops in PHP?

In order to write effective code, any programmer needs have a thorough understanding of loops and how to use them effectively in programming.

When writing code, we must always repeat a same set of functions. Performing them one at a time would result in a higher number of lines of code and a longer duration. As a result, the software gets more difficult to understand. As a result, instead of using loops to run the code, we can use them!

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Tutorials for PHP Function with Parameters or Arguments

What is Function with Parameters or Arguments?

The information or variables included within the function’s parentheses are referred to as parameters. These are used to keep track of values that can be used during runtime. The comma(,) operator allows the user to input as many arguments as he wants. These options are used to accept inputs during runtime. When transferring numbers, such as during a function call, arguments are used. A parameter is a container for parameters that are given to a function. A value supplied to a function is referred to as an argument. In layman’s terms, both parameter and statement have the same meaning. It’s crucial to keep in mind that each parameter must be accompanied with an argument.

PHP functions,Parameters and arguments


function function_name($first_parameter, $second_parameter) {
    executable code;


Setting Default Values for Function parameter:-

In PHP, we may define default arguments for function parameters. If no argument is supplied for a parameter with a default value, PHP will call the function with the parameter’s default specified value.

The default value for the parameter $num in the previous example is 12; if no value is supplied for this parameter in a function call, the default value is used. It’s also required because the option $str has no default value.

Functions with return values:-

Functions can also return values to the portion of the program where they were called. The value is returned to the program section from where it was named using the return keyword. It is possible to return any type of value, including arrays and objects. The return statement also marks the conclusion of the function, stops it from running, and returns the value.

Parameter passing to Functions:-

In PHP, there are two ways to pass an argument to a function.

Pass by Value:– Moving by value changes the value of an argument within a function, while the original value outside the function stays unaffected. This means that a statement that is a duplicate of the original value is transmitted.

Pass by Reference:– As statements are passed via proxy, the original value is transmitted. As a result, the starting value has changed. Using the ampersand symbol in pass by reference, we just transmit the value’s address, where it is kept (&).


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Tutorials for PHP Functions

What is Functions?

Complete Guide and Tutorials for PHP Functions with example -

A function is a segment of code in a program that is written to do a certain task. We should compare functions to workers in a real-world workplace to have a better grasp of how they work. Assume the management delegated the duty of determining the annual budget to one of his employees. So, what will be the outcome of this procedure? The employee would ask his supervisor for data, perform estimations, calculate the budget, and report the results to his superior. Functions work in a similar fashion. They accept data as an argument, process it using a set of statements or operations, and then return the output.

How many Types of Functions in PHP?

Complete Guide and Tutorials for PHP Functions with example -

There are Two Types of Functions :-

User Defined Functions:-These capabilities are used by developers and programmers when they need to execute their own logic. This functions are specified with the keyword function, and when a function call is made, a sequence of statements will be written within the function to execute it. Simply type functionname() in the address bar, and the function will be run.

Built-in functions:- These routines offer us with already-built-in library functionality. The PHP installation kit includes several capabilities, making the language more efficient and helpful. To use the function’s attributes, all we have to do is call it when we want the desired outcome. PHP makes use of date, numeric, string, and other built-in functions.

  • String Functions: These PHP features include built-in support for working with strings. Some of the string methods in PHP include strpos(), strncmp(), strrev(), and strlen() ,
  • Date Function: The format is a human-readable UNIX date and time format, and these functions are PHP standard components.
  • Numeric Functions: These functions have their own preset logic for numeric operations that PHP provides. As a result, it will either return a Boolean or a numeric value. Among them are is number(), number format(), round(), and other numeric procedures.

Why we should Use Functions in PHP?

Reusability:- This programming language has a feature that reduces the amount of lines of code that must be written many times. This would save time and effort for the developer or coder. We can put a piece of code in a feature and call it whenever and wherever it’s needed if it has to be used in many locations. This may be done by calling the functions from other programmes or from inside the same package.

Easier Error Detection:- Because the code is written as functions rather than single blocks, any problems may be immediately and readily recognized and rectified.

Easily Maintained:- Because functions are used throughout the program, we may quickly modify any function or line of code in the function, and the change will be reflected. As a result, it is simple to maintain everywhere.

How to create functions in PHP?

Complete Guide and Tutorials for PHP Functions with example -

A function is to find a collection of statements in a programmer repeatedly. When a function in a program is invoked, it is simply implemented. There are a few things to keep in mind while creating a user-identified feature.

  • Any word ending in an opened and closed parenthesis is a feature.
  • The function keyword is commonly used to start a name of the function.
  • Type your name followed by a parenthesis to launch a command.
  • The initial letter in a function word cannot be a number. It might start with a letter or an emphasis.
  • The name of a feature is important.


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Tutorials for PHP Data type

What is Data Types?

Their sizes, as well as the names of the variables, might change. In most programming languages (such as C++ and Java), you may use a number of data types for variables. However, because PHP does not specify type explicitly, the variable type must be determined by the form or type of data to which it is applied.

What are the Data Types used in PHP?

PHP Data Types - Tutorial And Example

There are many data types for various purposes, such as null, binary, integer, float, text, object, property, and an array. We employ eight different types of data in PHP to create our variables. Below is a brief explanation of the various categories.

Basic of PHP

Integers − There are whole numbers, including 4195, without a decimal point.

Doubles − Floating points are numbers such as 3.14159 or 49.1

Booleans − Have either true or false only two possible values.

NULL − It has only one value: NULL, is a special kind.

Strings − There are character strings, such as ‘PHP supports string operations.’

Arrays − Collections of other values are called and indexed.

Objects − There are instances of programming classes that can package other class-specific values and functions.

Resources − Special variables provide access to external PHP tools (such as database connections).

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Tutorials for PHP Variables

What is Variable?

In any programming language, a variable is a computer memory name that represents knowledge. One of the numerous computer program components is the variables. For declare a variable in php, the $ sign with its signature, like $myVariable, can be used.

How to declare PHP variable?

  • All variables in PHP start with a $(doller) sign followed by the name of the variable.
  • A valid Variable name starts with a letter (A-Z, a-z) or underscore(_), followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
  • If a variable name is more than one word, it can be separated with underscore(for example $employee_code instead of $employeecode).
  • ‘$’ is a special variable that can not be assigned.

What are the Types of Variable?

Local Variables:- A local variable is one that only exists inside a certain scope. They only exist in the function in which they were created. They’re frequently referred to as automatic variables since they’re produced automatically when the function starts running and disappear immediately when it’s completed. The term auto can be used to create these variables explicitly, but it isn’t required because auto is the default.

Global Variables:- A global variable is one that is defined outside of all functions and is accessible to all of them. These variables are unaffected by scopes and are always accessible, implying that a global variable persists until the program is terminated. It’s possible to make a global variable in one file and use it in another. The variable must be defined in both files to do this, but the term extern must come before the “second” declaration.

Static Variables:- A global or local variable can be a static variable. Both are generated by using the term static before the variable definition. A local static variable is one that can keep its value from one function call to the next and will persist until the program is finished. When creating a local static variable, it should be given an initial value. If it isn’t, the value will be set to 0 by default. A global static variable may only be accessed within the file in which it was created. File scope is a term used to describe a variable’s scope.

Variable Initialization?

PHP can store all type of data in variables. Before using a variable in PHP, assign a value to it so PHP will create that variable and store data in it. That means we have to assign data to a variable before attempting to read a variable’s value.


$roll = 256;
$price = 25.50;
$name = “Geeky Shows”;
Note - If a variable is created without a value, it is automatically assigned a value of NULL.
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Basic Structure of PHP

Basic Structure of PHP

The server executes the PHP script, which will send the HTML output to the browser. Normally HTML and PHP tags can be present. A popular open source general programming language, PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor may be built into an HTML. The .php extension is used to store PHP files. In PHP tags, PHP scripts and standard HTML may be written in any page.

For beginners or pros alike, PHP is a pleasant language to use. We start working with PHP in this PHP Tutorial Series on the first floor. Even more experienced developers who need refreshment are very great to start from the start. Frequently you will realize that sophisticated difficulties are often a fairly fundamental mistake. That’s what makes the fundamentals so vital. They are the foundation for building on your whole understanding of programming. So let’s start getting our hands dirty with PHP today we look at what PHP is, and the history of this some times contentious language.


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How PHP works?

How PHP works?

Chapter 1 : Introduction to PHP

The PHP programmer communicates with the website server, which transmits web pages to the rest of the globe. You are instructing the web server in the URL to send an HTML file if you input a URL in your web browser’s address bar. The requested file is sent by the web server. Your browser reads the HTML file and displays the site. You also request a file from the web server when you press a source on a webpage. In addition, when you click a web page button that submits a form, a file is processed by the web server. The method is precisely the same when PHP is mounted. You are submitting a file and, because of PHP, the web server that runs PHP answers with HTML. Through these steps you can stand:-

Step-1:- Client send a page request to the web server.

Step 2 – Web server forwards that request to the PHP interpreter.

Step 3 – Now PHP interpreter will take the Date from Database and response it back to the Web server.

Step 4 – At last Web server response to the client who has asked for the page request.

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What is PHP?

What is PHP?

What is PHP? - Quora

PHP is an open source programming and server scripting language that is especially well suited for creating static or dynamic web pages, as well as Web applications, and may be included in HTML codes. It’s used to develop full e-commerce websites, as well as handle complicated content, databases, and session logging. Although PHP is now commonly known as a hypertext preprocessor, it was originally known as Personal Home Page. It was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, a programmer. PHP is a reasonably straightforward language to learn, but you must first have a solid understanding of HTML. PHP works with a variety of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server, and may communicate with other services using LDAP, POP3, HTTP, IMAP, and COM protocols. PHP runs on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X, among others.

What are the features of PHP?

Why do we need PHP? - Quora

The beauty of PHP is that it is extremely simple for a beginner to learn while still providing a variety of advanced capabilities for a seasoned developer. Don’t be scared off by PHP’s extensive list of capabilities. In a few of hours, you should be able to start developing simple programmes.

  • On a computer, PHP performs system activities like as creating, opening, reading, writing, and closing files.
  • PHP can handle formats, which means it can get data from databases, save it to a file, email it to the user, and return it to them.
  • You can edit, delete, and add entries to your database using PHP.
  • PHP’s main focus on Server-side scripting. If you want to practice as an independent at home, that’s the way forward.
  • Command line scripting is suitable for scripts in scheduling tasks. For simple text editing, it is also handy.
  • PHP helps us communication on all servers, such as MySQL, back-end/database.
  • To get the current date you will use PHP and then build a monthly calendar.
  • The HTML code generation in web browsers is often used by PHP.
  • PHP may be used to rotate the banner advertising on your website.
  • You may use PHP to limit the access of a user to one web page.
  • You may create a login page with PHP for your user.
  • Set up a database with a web browser.

Why we use PHP Language?

Why should we learn php programming language | PHP Zone

You’ve heard of several other programming languages, and perhaps are interested about why we select PHP as our web programming poison. PHP is well documented online and has a robust function structure. The language is therefore reasonably easy to learn and has a big online community. There are a host of PHP techniques and difficulties forums and manuals, so you should find no help if you want them. Here’s a fundamental point.

  • It works on several systems, such as Windows, Linux and Unix.
  • It works for several databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle.
  • PHP is a free open source programming language for anybody.
  • The learning curve is relatively quick in contrast to other languages like as JSP, ASP, and others.
  • The language can be easily collected and used on the server side. It works nicely.
  • This is perfect for creating the web since it can be included into the HTML code directly.
  • It is commonly used in combination with Apache on many operating systems (the application server). It is also Microsoft IIS compatible on Windows.
  • PHP may also be used for the production of interactive websites.
  • PHP also has the benefit of a server-side scripting language, which means that you just have to install it on your server. Client computers requiring server services are unnecessary for PHP. It is sufficient to use a web browser.
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Why should I used Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps is a modern DevOps tool of developing, planning, testing and deploying modern apps with optimized cycle to provide quality delivery of applications. Azure DevOps provides bunch of tool which can help you in track software building progress and also help you to take decision to deliver great software to the end users. Azure DevOps services are not dependent on cloud platform.

Azure DevOps includes the following services:

  • Azure Boards

It is a powerful agile tool for managing Kanban board, reporting, and product backlog. It also helps you to plan, track, and discuss work across the team.

It has components like work items, backlogs, Boards, queries, sprints details.

  • Azure Repos

Azure Repos service provides you unlimited cloud-hosted private Git repository for your project. This is a type of standard Git service and works use as distributed source controls. Azure Repos supports all Git clients and all IDEs.

  • Azure Pipelines

It is a cloud-hosted pipelines that helps you in for fast CI/CD that works with any language, platform, and cloud. It helps you with continuously changes Release by connecting to any source control like GitHub, this service can release changes continuously to any cloud. Azure Pipelines has components like build, release, library, task groups, and deployment groups.

  • Azure Test Plans

Azure Test Plans provides manual and exploratory testing tools. It also help you to do automated and manual testing.  XML files can be used for load testing as well.

  • Azure Artifacts

Azure Artifact service manages the dependencies used in source code. It can host and share package (like NPM, Nuget, and Maven) feeds from public and private sources. These artifacts simplify job building process.

Benefits of Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps allows their users to develop, deploy, and monitor code without opening multiple interfaces and you can also manage all of this from one view and bring ease to the customers.

Some of the main benefits are

  • Timely Access to New Features

Every three weeks, DevOps users receive access to new features. No need to scramble around and wonder what’s new. These are not to be confused with upgrades, and speaking.

  • No Upgrades to Worry About

Users need not worry about upgrading or patching up the toolchain because the Azure DevOps is a SaaS product. Companies that run on a CI/CD model no longer need to slow things down for the sake of upgrading.

  • Reliability

Azure DevOps is backed by 24 x7 support and a 99.9% SLA.

  • Flexibility

If your DevOps team doesn’t want or need the full suite of services, they can acquire them independently.

  • Platform-agnostic

DevOps is designed to run on any platform like Linux, macOS, and Windows or language for example Android, C/C++, Node.js, Python, and Java, PHP, Ruby, .Net, and iOS apps.

  • Cloud-agnostic

Azure DevOps works with AWS and GCP.

Why we use Azure DevOps?

There has been a lot of buzz lately about Azure DevOps and you may be wondering– why we use Azure DevOps?

Here are some of the reasons to consider Azure DevOps:

Azure DevOps is a feature-rich platform. The flexibility of supported languages, platforms and cloud vendors make it a viable option for a huge range of organisations.  However, if you’re currently running an on-premises Team Foundation Server moving to Azure DevOps would be a natural upgrade for you.

Azure DevOps is not focussed at organisations that are end-to-end Microsoft or Windows. Azure DevOps provides a platform that is:

  • Flexible

You don’t have to go ‘all in’ on Azure DevOps. It is possible to adopt each of the services independently and integrate them with your existing tool chain, most popular tools are supported.

  • Platform agnostic

Designed to work with any platform (Linux, MacOS and Windows) or language (including Node.js, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, and C/C++, .NET, Android and iOS apps) Azure DevOps is not just aimed at organizations building and shipping.

  • Cloud Agnostic

Continuous delivery is supported to AWS and GCP as well as to Azure.

How long it take to Lean Azure DevOps?

If you have prior experience in software, programming, scripting, Linux, and Automation then you can learn DevOps basics such as CI/CD pipeline and its tools in one month.

If you have prior experience of software, programming, and scripting but not familiar with Linux, and Automation then you have to learn Linux and Automation first before learning DevOps basics such as CI/CD pipeline and its tools in 2-3 months.

 If you have prior experience of computer and software background but no experience in programming, scripting, Linux, and Automation then programming and scripting take two months, one month for OS and automation fundamentals, and one month for learning DevOps basics such as CI/CD pipeline and its tools. Overall, 4-5 months.

Roles and Responsibilities

DevOps Engineer works with developers and the IT team to oversee the code releases. Many-times developers who get interested in deployment and network operations or sysadmins who have a passion for scripting and coding and move into the development side where they can improve the planning of test and deployment.

Roles of Azure DevOps Engineer

  • Implementing Continuous Feedback.
  • Implementing Application Infrastructure.
  • Implementing DevOps Development Processes.
  • Implementing Dependency Management.
  • Implementing Continuous Integration.
  • Implementing Continuous Delivery.

Career opportunity as an Azure DevOps Engineer?

Azure DevOps Engineer is someone who has an understanding of the Software Development Lifecycle and if familiar with various automation tools for developing digital pipelines (CI/ CD pipelines).

Azure DevOps Engineers are responsible for defining and implementing a robust, scalable, pragmatic and realistic cloud solution that works for our clients. Design and implement cloud solutions which are secure, scalable, resilient, monitored, auditable and cost optimized.

So what are the options in front of you when you complete your Certification as an Azure DevOps Engineer?

Here are a few job roles that you can fill:

  • Cloud Engineer
  • DevOps
  • Cloud Specialist
  • High Availability
  • MEAN
  • Shell Scripting
  • Big Data
  • Windows Admiration

Salary of an Azure DevOps Engineer

More than 500 top Fortune companies as well as start-ups or small businesses that need an Azure DevOps Engineer who is certified and are ready to offer a lucrative Azure DevOps Engineer. So, don’t worry about the job prospect or salary aspect when it comes to being a certified Azure DevOps Engineer, just focus on upscaling your real-time expertise when you wish to be a part of any of these renowned organizations and get to work with your dream company with the salary you wished for. 

As an Azure DevOps engineer, the national average salary is $103,314.

  • The DevOps engineer based on 3 years of experience can expect $7,927 per annum.
  • The salary for the aforementioned experience ranges from $3,329 – $18,886.
  • Also, the Azure DevOps engineer salary is also dependent on experience such as Entry level, Intermediate, Senior ranging from $79,000 – $134,000.
  • Furthermore, Azure DevOps engineer salary also depends on the certification obtained through training platforms such as JanBask Training.

Now let us have a look at a range of salaries across the globe.

  • The Azure DevOps Engineer Salary in the United Kingdom on average is £82,472 per year or £29.18 per hour. 
  • The Azure DevOps Engineer Salary in the US on average is $136,500 per year or $70 per hour. 
  • The Azure DevOps Engineer Salary in India on average is ₹ 2,100,000 per year or ₹ 1,077 per hour.
  • The Azure DevOps Engineer Salary in Australia starts from an average of $130,000 per year or $66.67 per hour. 
  • The Azure DevOps Engineer Salary in Canada on average is $120,938 per year or $62.02 per hour.


In this Article, we all discussed on point of a career in Azure DevOps. We provided you the enough information about the salaries what you can expect to earn in different job roles with skills We also discussed the options that you can choose as a skilled DevOps professional depending on your interests. If you are curious to learn about Azure DevOps, and make a good career with this skill then I would suggest you please check out for more information.

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