A brief description of JAVASCRIPT

javascript is a scripting language used to make web pages interactive.

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Error with npm update: pngquant binary does not seem to work correctly

While installing npm for my ongoing project I got a error as shown below:

To rectify the error I followed the steps given below and it worked for me:

Step 1: Run sudo apt-get install libpng-dev.

Step 2: Run npm install -g pngquant-bin.

Step 3: Run npm install.


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Failed at the node-sass@4.11.0 postinstall script

While installing npm for my ongoing project I got a error as shown below:

To rectify the error I followed the steps given below and Booyah it worked for me:

Step 1: Remove node_modules folder.

Step 2: Remove package-lock.json file.

Step 3: Run npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-sass

Step 4: Run npm install.

Step 5: Run npm run dev.


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