AWS Error: Access denied by EC2 Instance Connect


Failed to connect to your instance

Access denied by EC2 Instance Connect. Either your AWS credentials are not valid or you do not have access to the EC2 instance.


Policy Name – EC2InstanceConnect

Allows customers to call EC2 Instance Connect to publish ephemeral keys to their EC2 instances and connect via ssh or the EC2 Instance Connect CLI.

How to get Blackduck Trial version?

There are two ways to get a Black Duck trial version:

  1. Request a trial through the Synopsys website. To do this, go to the Synopsys website and click on the “Try It Now” button. You will then be asked to fill out a form with your contact information and company details. Once you have submitted the form, a Synopsys sales representative will contact you to schedule a demo and provide you with access to a trial version of the software.
  2. Sign up for a free account on Open Hub. Open Hub is a free community platform that provides access to open source code and tools. Black Duck offers a free trial version of its software through Open Hub. To sign up for a free account, go to the Open Hub website and click on the “Sign Up” button. You will then be asked to create an account and provide some basic information about yourself. Once you have created an account, you will be able to access the Black Duck trial version.

PHP ionCube Error: cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader


[Sat Dec 02 05:31:14.814821 2023] [charset_lite:debug] [pid 1053332] mod_charset_lite.c(219): [client] AH01448: incomplete configuration: src unspecified, dst unspecified
[Sat Dec 02 05:31:14.815037 2023] [authz_core:debug] [pid 1053332] mod_authz_core.c(818): [client] AH01626: authorization result of Require all granted: granted
[Sat Dec 02 05:31:14.815047 2023] [authz_core:debug] [pid 1053332] mod_authz_core.c(818): [client] AH01626: authorization result of <RequireAny>: granted
[Sat Dec 02 05:31:14.815066 2023] [charset_lite:debug] [pid 1053332] mod_charset_lite.c(219): [client] AH01448: incomplete configuration: src unspecified, dst unspecified
[Sat Dec 02 05:31:14.815096 2023] [charset_lite:debug] [pid 1053332] mod_charset_lite.c(219): [client] AH01448: incomplete configuration: src unspecified, dst unspecified
[Sat Dec 02 05:31:14.829531 2023] [php:error] [pid 1053332] [client] PHP Fatal error:  The file /opt/lampp/htdocs/ encoded as type [1/81] cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader.\n in Unknown on line 0
[Sat Dec 02 05:31:14.833073 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 1053332] ssl_engine_io.c(1151): [client] AH02001: Connection closed to child 1 with standard shutdown (server


This issue ocurred to us coz of ionCube was only supported php8.1 but we were running with php8.2

Here’s what this error means and how you can address it:

  1. IonCube Loader Version Mismatch: The file Application.php is encoded with a version of ionCube that is not compatible with the version of ionCube Loader installed on your server. The ionCube Loader is a PHP extension that runs files encoded with ionCube to protect the source code from being viewed or modified.
  2. Check IonCube Loader Version: Determine which version of ionCube Loader is currently installed on your server. You can do this by creating a PHP info file (a file with <?php phpinfo(); ?> content) and accessing it via your web browser. Look for the ionCube Loader section to find out the version.
  3. Update IonCube Loader: If the ionCube Loader version is outdated or not compatible with the encoded file, you’ll need to update it. You can download the latest version of ionCube Loader from the official ionCube website. Ensure you choose the correct version for your PHP version.
  4. Re-encode Files (if necessary): If updating the ionCube Loader doesn’t solve the issue, the file might be encoded with a newer version of ionCube that is incompatible with your PHP version. If you have access to the source code and the ionCube encoder, re-encode the files with a compatible version.
  5. PHP Version Compatibility: Ensure that your PHP version is compatible with the ionCube Loader version you are using. Sometimes, upgrading PHP can lead to compatibility issues with the ionCube Loader.
  6. Server Configuration: After updating the ionCube Loader, you may need to modify your PHP configuration (php.ini) to load the new version. The installation process typically includes instructions on how to do this.
  7. Restart Web Server: After making changes to the PHP configuration or updating the ionCube Loader, remember to restart your web server (Apache, Nginx, etc.) for the changes to take effect.
  8. Check for Error Logs: If the problem persists, check the Apache/PHP error logs for more detailed information. This can provide further insights into the issue.

Cloudbees CD/RO Error: ectool


ubuntu@ip-172-31-52-75:~/CloudBeesFlowTools-2023.10.0.169425/bin$ ./ectool
./ectool: 61: exec: /home/ubuntu/CloudBeesFlowTools-2023.10.0.169425/perl/bin/perl: Exec format error
ubuntu@ip-172-31-52-75:~/CloudBeesFlowTools-2023.10.0.169425/bin$ ./ec-perl
./ec-perl: 59: exec: /home/ubuntu/CloudBeesFlowTools-2023.10.0.169425/perl-legacy/bin/perl: Exec format error
ubuntu@ip-172-31-52-75:~/CloudBeesFlowTools-2023.10.0.169425/bin$ ./ec-groovy
COMMANDER_HOME environment variable must be defined
ubuntu@ip-172-31-52-75:~/CloudBeesFlowTools-2023.10.0.169425/bin$ ./dslsync
Error: could not find ./jre/bin/java

Elast Agent Error: Received fatal alert: bad_certificate


[2023-11-15T03:54:06,861][WARN ][o.e.h.AbstractHttpServerTransport] [ip-172-31-95-25] caught exception while handling client http traffic, closing connection Netty4HttpChannel{localAddress=/, remoteAddress=/}io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Received fatal alert: bad_certificate
        at io.netty.codec@4.1.94.Final/io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.callDecode(
        at io.netty.codec@4.1.94.Final/io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
        at io.netty.transport@4.1.94.Final/
        at io.netty.transport@4.1.94.Final/
        at io.netty.transport@4.1.94.Final/

See logs for more details.


Add ssl.verification_mode: none in elastic-agent.yml

$ systemctl stop elastic-agent
$ cd /opt/Elastic/Agent
$ vi elastic-agent.yml
$ systemctl start elastic-agent
$ systemctl status elastic-agent

    type: elasticsearch
      - ''
    username: 'elastic'
    password: '7SNe*fn_aqroKovhjH4E'
    ssl.verification_mode: none

Best Digital Asset Management Software

DAM stands for Digital Asset Management. It is a system for managing digital assets, such as images, videos, audio files, and documents. DAM systems can be used to store, organize, catalog, and share digital assets with others.

DAM systems are typically used by businesses and organizations to manage their digital assets more efficiently and effectively. For example, a marketing department might use a DAM system to manage its library of product images, logos, and marketing materials. A news organization might use a DAM system to manage its library of photos and videos.

Why do we need DAM?

We need Digital Asset Management (DAM) for several compelling reasons:

  1. Efficient Asset Organization: In today’s digital age, organizations accumulate vast collections of digital assets, including images, videos, documents, and more. DAM systems help organize these assets systematically, making it easy to locate and retrieve specific files quickly. This efficiency saves valuable time and resources.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: DAM facilitates collaboration among teams and stakeholders, even when they are geographically dispersed. It provides a central hub where users can collaborate on projects, share assets, and maintain version control, streamlining creative workflows.
  3. Brand Consistency: For businesses, maintaining brand consistency across various channels is crucial. DAM systems ensure that approved logos, images, and branding assets are readily available to all team members, helping maintain a consistent and professional image.
  4. Improved Security: DAM software offers robust access controls and permissions, ensuring that sensitive or confidential assets are only accessible to authorized personnel. This helps protect intellectual property and sensitive data.
  5. Time and Cost Savings: Searching for assets, recreating lost files, or dealing with version control issues can be time-consuming and costly. DAM systems reduce these inefficiencies, saving organizations time and money in the long run.
  6. Content Distribution: DAM systems facilitate the distribution of assets to various platforms, including websites, social media, marketing campaigns, and more. This ensures that the right content is delivered to the right channels, enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Many DAM systems offer analytics and reporting features that provide insights into asset usage, user engagement, and performance. This data-driven approach helps organizations make informed decisions and optimize their content strategies.

Feature of Digital Asset Management Software?

Digital Asset Management (DAM) software is a system for storing, organizing, managing, and sharing digital assets, such as images, videos, audio files, and documents. DAM systems offer a variety of features that can help businesses and organizations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their digital asset management processes.

Some of the key features of DAM software include:

  • Centralized storage: DAM systems provide a centralized location for businesses to store all of their digital assets. This makes it easy to find and access the assets you need when you need them.
  • Metadata management: DAM systems allow businesses to add metadata to their digital assets, such as tags, keywords, and descriptions. This makes it easy to search and filter your assets to find the ones you need quickly and easily.
  • Version control: DAM systems track changes to digital assets over time, so you can always go back to a previous version if needed.
  • Collaboration tools: DAM systems make it easy for businesses to collaborate on digital assets with other users, both inside and outside of their organization.
  • Security features: DAM systems offer robust security features to protect your digital assets from unauthorized access and theft.

Best Digital Asset Management Software in the world?

The best digital asset management (DAM) software in the world in 2023 is Wizbrnad. It is a cloud-based DAM solution that offers a wide range of features and benefits, including:

  • Centralized storage and organization of digital assets
  • Powerful search and filtering capabilities
  • Versioning and collaboration tools
  • Robust security and compliance features
  • Easy to use and implement
  • Scalable and affordable
  • Supported by a team of experts

Wizbrnad is a good choice for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. It is also a good choice for businesses in a variety of industries, including marketing, advertising, media, and retail.

Other popular DAM software solutions include:

  • Bynder
  • Brandfolder
  • Canto
  • Adobe Experience Manager Assets
  • Acquia DAM (Widen)
  • MediaValet
  • Scaleflex
  • Filecamp
  • Brightspot

Rundeck Error:

Rundeck error with linux node from windows rundeck server
Failed: Unknown: Cannot invoke "net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.keyprovider.KeyProvider.getPublic()" because "this.kProv" is null
Execution failed: 74 in project Workflow: [Workflow result: , step failures: {1=Dispatch failed on 1 nodes: [remote-node: Unknown: Cannot invoke "net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.keyprovider.KeyProvider.getPublic()" because "this.kProv" is null + {dataContext=MultiDataContextImpl(map={ContextView(node:remote-node)=BaseDataContext{{exec={exitCode=-1}}}, ContextView(step:1, node:remote-node)=BaseDataContext{{exec={exitCode=-1}}}}, base=null)} ]}, Node failures: {remote-node=[Unknown: Cannot invoke "net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.keyprovider.KeyProvider.getPublic()" because "this.kProv" is null + {dataContext=MultiDataContextImpl(map={ContextView(node:remote-node)=BaseDataContext{{exec={exitCode=-1}}}, ContextView(step:1, node:remote-node)=BaseDataContext{{exec={exitCode=-1}}}}, base=null)} ]}, status: failed]

AWS Reserved Instances Queued status means in AWS EC2 instance

When a Reserved Instance (RI) is in the Queued status in AWS EC2, it means that the purchase of the RI has been accepted by AWS, but the RI has not yet been created. This can happen for a few reasons:

  • The RI offering is not currently available in the Availability Zone (AZ) where you requested it.
  • There are not enough available RIs in the AZ to fulfill your request.
  • You have reached your limit for the number of RIs in the AZ.

Once the necessary RIs become available, the RI will be created and will be associated with the EC2 instances that match the RI’s configuration. This will ensure that you receive the RI discount for those instances.

In the meantime, you can view the status of your queued RIs in the EC2 console. You can also cancel the request to purchase an RI if you no longer need it.

  1. Order Request Submitted: When you request to purchase or modify Reserved Instances in AWS, the request goes through various stages. Initially, the status might be “Reserved Instances Queued,” indicating that your request has been submitted to AWS.
  2. Processing: After the request is queued, AWS processes it. This involves validating the request, checking availability, and making necessary changes to your RI portfolio.
  3. Completed: Once AWS has successfully processed your request, the status should change to “Completed” or a similar status indicating that the purchase or modification has been applied.

Zabbix Errors: MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT ERROR 1396 SUPER privilege


WARNING: MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
 17435:20231014:161840.921 cannot use database "zabbix": its "users" table is empty (is this the Zabbix proxy database?)


The error message WARNING: MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. 17435:20231014:161840.921 cannot use database "zabbix": its "users" table is empty (is this the Zabbix proxy database?) indicates that:

  • The MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Zabbix.
  • The Zabbix database that you are trying to connect to does not have any users in the users table.
  • This may be because you are trying to connect to the Zabbix proxy database, which does not have any users by default.

To resolve this error, you can do one of the following:

  • Upgrade to a newer version of Zabbix that does not use the MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option.
  • Create a user in the Zabbix database.
  • Connect to the Zabbix server database instead of the Zabbix proxy database.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a user in the Zabbix database:

  1. Open the MySQL client.
  2. Connect to the Zabbix database.
  3. Run the following command to create a new user:
CREATE USER 'zabbix'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Replace password with a strong password.

  1. Grant the user the necessary permissions. For example, to grant the user the ability to read and write data to the Zabbix database, you can run the following command:
GRANT ALL ON zabbix.* TO 'zabbix'@'localhost';

  1. Flush the privileges.

Once you have created a user in the Zabbix database, you can connect to the database using that user.

Error 2

mysql> create user zabbix@localhost identified by 'DevOpsSchool$123';
ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE USER failed for 'zabbix'@'localhost'

Solution 2

There are a few possible reasons why you are getting the error message ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE USER failed for 'zabbix'@'localhost':

  • You may not have the necessary permissions to create a new user in the MySQL database.
  • The user name or password may be invalid.
  • The user may already exist.

To resolve this error, you can do one of the following:

  • Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to create a new user in the MySQL database.
  • Check the user name and password to make sure that they are valid.
  • If the user already exists, you can try to reset the password for the user.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to reset the password for a MySQL user:

  1. Open the MySQL client.
  2. Connect to the MySQL database.
  3. Run the following command to reset the password for the zabbix user:
ALTER USER 'zabbix'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'DevOpsSchool$123';

  1. Flush the privileges.

Once you have reset the password for the zabbix user, you will be able to connect to the MySQL database using that user.

Here are some additional tips for troubleshooting this error:

  • Make sure that the MySQL service is running.
  • Check the MySQL error log for any additional information about the error.
  • Try restarting the MySQL service.
  • If you are still having problems, you can contact your MySQL administrator for assistance.

Error 3

root@ip-172-31-33-47:/var/log/zabbix# zcat /usr/share/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/server.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix
Enter password:
ERROR 1419 (HY000) at line 2114: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

Solution 3

The error message ERROR 1419 (HY000) at line 2114: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) indicates that the zabbix user does not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled. This is required for the user to be able to create functions and triggers.

To resolve this error, you can do one of the following:

Grant the SUPER privilege to the zabbix user.
Disable binary logging.
Set the log_bin_trust_function_creators variable to 1.
To grant the SUPER privilege to the zabbix user, you can run the following command:

mysql> GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO 'zabbix'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
To disable binary logging, you can edit the my.cnf file and set the log_bin variable to 0.

To set the log_bin_trust_function_creators variable to 1, you can edit the my.cnf file and add the following line:

log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
Once you have made the necessary changes, you can restart the MySQL service and try to import the Zabbix SQL scripts again.

Dynatrace Certification: Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1.0 – Definitions

Certification shall mean passing the requisite Dynatrace Certification Exam and meeting any other requirements set out in this Agreement for the applicable Certification Program offered by Dynatrace. Dynatrace may offer one or more Certification Programs. Your Certification shall only apply to the application Certification Program in which You have passed the required Certification Exam and paid the applicable fees.

Certification Exam shall mean the examination as determined and administered by Dynatrace that individuals must pass to become Dynatrace certified for the applicable Certification Program.

Certification Program shall mean the certification program(s) as described in this Agreement.

Confidential Information shall mean any information that relates to Dynatrace’s Certification Exam and any information which has not been made available to the general public. Confidential Information, however, does not include information that: (a) is now or subsequently becomes generally available to the public through no fault or breach on the part of you; (b) you can demonstrate to have had rightfully in your possession prior to disclosure to you by Dynatrace; (c) is independently developed by you without the use of any Confidential Information; or (d) you rightfully obtained from a third party who has the right to transfer or disclose it to you without limitation.

1.1 – Modification to Certification Requirements

Dynatrace reserves the right to cancel or change the Certification Program, without cause or notice, including but not limited to adding or deleting available Certifications and modifying certification requirements, recommended training, testing objectives, outlines and exams. Any such cancellation or modification shall not result in a refund of any type. You agree to meet the Certification Program requirements, as changed, as a condition of obtaining and maintaining your Certification.

1.2 – Certification Grant

Upon completion of the applicable Certification Program requirements you are granted a nonexclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, personal, revocable right to designate Yourself, as applicable, as being “Dynatrace Certified” for the applicable Certification Program. You may use that “Dynatrace Certified” designation only to promote Your qualifications related to the use of the Dynatrace technology and for no other purpose.

1.3 – Logo Rights: and Restrictions

Upon completion of the applicable Certification Program requirements you are granted a nonexclusive, non-transferable, personal right to use the Dynatrace Certification Program logo on Your resume, business cards, marketing collateral, letterhead and website solely in connection with Your provision of services in relation to the Dynatrace product line. You are granted no other right, title, or license to the logo or any other Dynatrace trademarks or logos. You agree that the logo is owned solely and exclusively by Dynatrace. Your use of the Logo is subject to the terms of this Agreement and Dynatrace’s then current logo usage guidelines.

1.4 – Termination

Termination Without Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, on thirty (30) calendar day’s prior written notice to the other party.

1.4.1 – Termination for Cause

Dynatrace may immediately terminate this Agreement upon written notice on any of the following events:

– you fail to comply with any applicable Dynatrace Certification Program requirements
– you otherwise fail to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement
– you engaged in unauthorized disclosure of any Confidential Information of Dynatrace
– you engaged in any other activities prohibited by law or that compromises the integrity of Dynatrace Certification Program

1.4.2 – Effects of Termination

In all events of termination of this Agreement, all rights granted to you under the Certification Program are immediately terminated. You will immediately:

– cease all activity relating to the Certification Program
– stop identifying yourself as a participant in the Certification Program
– cease all use of any name or logo and Certification Program benefit
– destroy any associated materials that you have received as part of the Certification Program

If You terminate without cause then all such pre-paid fees shall be forfeited without any further obligation, including but not limited to refund, on the part of Dynatrace.

1.5 – Compliance with Testing Regulations

You agree to:

(i) comply with all testing regulations required by Dynatrace
(ii) not cheat
(iii) not falsify your identity
(iv) not engage in fraudulent conduct
(v) engage in any other misconduct that could be considered by Dynatrace, in its sole discretion, as compromising the integrity, security or confidentiality of the Certification Exam.

1.6 – Confidentiality

The Certification Exam is the confidential property of Dynatrace and is made available to You for the sole purpose of testing your knowledge in the applicable material. You agree:

(i) to hold Confidential Information in confidence and take all reasonable precautions to protect it
(ii) not to use Confidential Information at any time during the term or after the termination of this Agreement; except as provided herein
(iii) that You shall not disclose, publish, reproduce or transmit any Confidential Information to any third party, in any form, including without limitation, verbal, written, electronic or any other means for any purpose

1.7 – Ownership

Dynatrace retains all rights, title and interest in and to all information, content and data contained in the Certification Exam and all copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights and other proprietary rights thereto provided by Dynatrace under this Agreement.

1.8 – No Misuse of the Certification Exam

You agree that You will not copy, publish, offer to sell, sell, publicly perform or display, distribute or otherwise transfer, modify or make derivative works of the Certification Exam.

1.9 – Retake Policy

If you fail the requirements of the applicable Certification Exam, you may retake the exam for a second time, after three (3) business days of original Certification Exam. If you fail the Certification Exam on the second attempt, you may not retry again for fourteen (14) days. You must pay the exam fee for each attempt.

1.10 – Noncompliance

You understand and agree that, if for any reason and at its sole discretion, Dynatrace believes Your Certification Exam result does not accurately reflect Your true knowledge or mastery of the subject matter of the test and/or that You have violated the compliance terms, Dynatrace has the right (without refund of any kind) to deny You any further participation in the Certification Exam, cancel a passed Certification Exam result, revoke any pre-existing Dynatrace Certifications and your Dynatrace Certified status and any other rights previously conferred on you by Dynatrace, and to permanently bar You from any further participation in Dynatrace’s Certification Program.

1.11 – Recertification

An active certification status demonstrates your commitment to maintaining expert level knowledge in the Application Performance Management world. Recertification is an important indicator to IT professionals, their employers and other stakeholders, that you have demonstrated continued competence even as the technology changes in Application Performance Management. Certificate holders are required to continually expand their skills and knowledge and pay for and pass the applicable recertification exam every two (2) years. If you do not recertify, your certification status may be suspended at the sole discretion of Dynatrace and you and your employer will lose the benefits associated with your expert status.

1.12 – Representations and Warranties

You represent and warrant that: (i) You will refrain from any conduct that could reflect unfavorably on or may harm the goodwill and reputation of Dynatrace or its products; and (ii) You shall not make any representation, warranty or promise on behalf of or binding upon Dynatrace. You may not advertise, promote, or suggest in any manner that the services being provided to customers in connection with the logos and names are provided by, sponsored by, or associated with Dynatrace, or that you are employed by, affiliated with, or sponsored by Dynatrace, except to state that you have successfully completed all requirements for the particular Dynatrace Certification Program you have earned, including having passed the applicable Dynatrace Certification Exams, as applicable. You will insert the following language in each contract under which you provide services involving Dynatrace technologies: “Dynatrace is not a party to this Agreement, and will have no liability whatsoever with respect to the services that are the subject of this contract. The Dynatrace Certification indicates that I have successfully completed the corresponding Dynatrace Certification requirements, which reflect commensurate skills required to implement, utilize, support, and maintain solutions with relevant Dynatrace technologies.”

1.13 – Disclaimer


1.14 – Privacy

Dynatrace will treat the personal information you provide while participating in the Certification Program in accordance with the Dynatrace Privacy Policy. Disclosure of Exam Scores and Certification Status: Dynatrace shall not disclose personally identifiable test scores to a third party unless the examinee has provided written consent.

1.15 – Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Dynatrace harmless against any losses, liabilities, damages, claims and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and court costs) arising out of any claims or suits, whatever their nature and however arising, in whole or in part, which may be brought or made against Dynatrace, or its affiliates, officers, employees or assigns, in connection with: (i) any personal injury, property damage or other claims which are caused, directly or indirectly by any negligent act, omission, illegal or willful misconduct by You, (ii) Your use of misuse of the Certification Program and/or the logo; (iii) Your use or misuse of Dynatrace’s Confidential Information; and/or (iv) Your breach of any obligations or warranties under this Agreement.

1.16 – Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that Dynatrace shall have no liability to You for any claim in any way related to the Certification Exam, including but not limited to the accuracy, timeliness or reporting of Certification Exam results.

1.17 – Damages


1.18 – Scheduling

You shall have ninety (90) days from the date of payment of the applicable fees to take and pass the required Certification Exam(s). If You have not taken and passed the required Certification Exam(s) within such ninety (90) day period, then all pre-paid fees shall be forfeited without any further obligation, including but not limited to refund, on the part of Dynatrace.

If you reschedule an exam within 24 hours prior to the scheduled exam, a rescheduling fee will be charged. Cancellation of an exam will terminate all rights to reschedule the exam, and fees paid for the exam will not be refunded. If you cancel, and later wish to take the exam, the exam fee must be paid again.