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How to Create Multiple Role Based Authentication and Access control in Laravel 5.8



1st step:-open command prompt on xampp\htdocs directory.

2nd step:-Create laravel project with command given below

3rd step:- move to the project directory on command prompt.

4th step:-Write the command given below for user      Authentication

     php artisan make:auth

5th step:- write the given code in  (database/migration/2014_10_12_000000_create_user_table.php)

6th step:- create model and migration. Write the command given below in command prompt.

           php artisan make:model Role -m

7th step:- write the given code in  (database/migration/ 2020_06_10_060108_create_roles_table)

8th step:- In role model create users() function for relationship. Paste the code in Role.php file given below:-

9th step:- In user model create roles() function for relationship.

Paste the code in User.php file given below:-

10th step:- Now create seeder file for user. File name                UserTableSeeder. Write the command given below in command prompt to create UserTableSeeder:-

php artisan make:seed UsersTableSeeder

   11th step:- Now create seeder file for Role. File name                RoleTableSeeder. Write the command given below in command prompt to create RoleTableSeeder:-

        php artisan make:seed RolesTableSeeder

12th step:-Add insert function in RolesTableSeeder.php file(database/seeds/RolesTableSeeder.php)

Add DB file given below:-

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

Paste the code given below in RolesTableSeeder.php:-

13th step:-Add insert function in RolesTableSeeder.php file(database/seeds/UsersTableSeeder.php).

Add DB file given below:-

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

Paste the code given below in UsersTableSeeder.php:-

14th step:-Create Database in mysql.(database name=devopsschool)

15th step:- Go to .env file and set database=devopsschool,username=root

Code for .env file is given below:-

16th step:- Migrate the table to the database. Write the command given below in command prompt:-

php artisan migration

17th step:- Define RoletableSeeder and UserTableSeeder class on Database.php file. The code is given below:-

18th step:- insert datas in tables. Write the code given below in command prompt:

   php artisan db:seed

19th step:- create DashboardController for Admin. Write the code given below in command prompt:

php artisan make:controller Admin/DashboardController

20th step:- create DashboardController for Admin. Write the code given below in command prompt:

php artisan make:controller User/DashboardController

21st step:- create Adminmiddleware for Admin. Write the code given below in command prompt.

php artisan make:middleware AdminMiddleware

22nd step:- create Usermiddleware for User. Write the code given below in command prompt.

php artisan make:middleware UserMiddleware

23rd step:- Use Auth class for authentication in AdminMiddleware.php

24th step:- implement condition in handle() function of AdminMiddleware.php. Code of AdminMiddleware.php is given below:

25th step:- Use Auth class for authentication in UserMiddleware.php.

26th step:- :- Implement condition in handle() function of UserMiddleware.php. Code of UserMiddleware.php is given below:

27th step:-   Implement Condition for Admin and User Login in RedirectIfAuthenticated(app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php). code given below:

28th step:- remove =/home from protected $redirectTo = ‘/home’; from (app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php).

29th step:- implement condition in _construct() function in (app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php).

 code given below:-

30th step:- remove =/home from protected $redirectTo = ‘/home’; from (app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php).

31st step:- implement condition in _construct() function in (app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ResetPasswordController.php)

code given below:-

32nd step:- use AdminMiddleware in Kernal.php file

use App\Http\Middleware\AdminMiddleware;

33rd step:-Define AdminMiddleware in routemiddleware in kernel.php file

'admin' => AdminMiddleware::class,

34th step:- use UserMiddleware in Kernal.php file

use App\Http\Middleware\UserMiddleware;

35th step:- define UserMiddleware in routeMiddleware

'user' => UserMiddleware::class,

36th step:- set Admin middleware and Route. In (route/web.php)

37th step:- set user middleware and route. In (route/web.php)

Code of web.php file is given below:-

shashank K
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