How to get SRE Foundation Certification?

So you’re interested in becoming a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) and want to get certified? That’s great! In this article, we’ll explore the steps you need to take to obtain the SRE Foundation Certification.

What is SRE Foundation Certification?

The SRE Foundation Certification is a certification offered by the DevOps Institute that validates the knowledge and skills of Site Reliability Engineers (SREs). SREs are responsible for the reliability, performance, scalability, and security of software systems.

The SRE Foundation Certification exam covers the following topics:

  • SRE principles and practices
  • Service level objectives (SLOs)
  • Monitoring and alerting
  • Incident management
  • Change management
  • Continuous delivery (CD)
  • DevOps culture

Why SRE Certification is important?

SRE Certification is a valuable credential for SREs and other IT professionals who want to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in Site Reliability Engineering. The certification can help you advance your career, improve your knowledge and skills, and network with other SREs.

Here are some additional benefits of getting an SRE certification:

  • Increased job satisfaction: SREs who are certified are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs, as they are able to use their skills and knowledge to make a real impact on the reliability and performance of their organization’s software systems.
  • Improved career prospects: The demand for SREs is growing rapidly, and certified SREs are in high demand. This means that certified SREs have a better chance of finding a job and getting promoted.
  • Higher salaries: Certified SREs typically earn higher salaries than non-certified SREs. This is because certified SREs have the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.

What are the tools needed to learn for a strong SRE Foundation?

Here are some of the tools that you need to learn for a strong SRE Foundation:

  • Monitoring and alerting tools: SREs need to be able to monitor their systems and applications for performance and availability issues. They also need to be able to set up alerts so that they are notified when problems occur. Some popular monitoring and alerting tools include Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack.
  • Incident management tools: SREs need to be able to manage incidents quickly and effectively. They need to be able to identify the root cause of the incident, triage the issue, and restore service to users as quickly as possible. Some popular incident management tools include PagerDuty, VictorOps, and Opsgenie.
  • Change management tools: SREs need to be able to manage changes to their systems and applications in a safe and controlled manner. They need to be able to track changes, test changes, and roll back changes if necessary. Some popular change management tools include Octopus Deploy, Puppet, and Chef.
  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools: SREs need to be able to automate the deployment of their systems and applications. This helps to ensure that changes are deployed in a reliable and repeatable manner. Some popular CI/CD tools include Jenkins, CircleCI, and Travis CI.
  • DevOps culture: SREs need to be able to work effectively with other teams, such as development, operations, and security. They need to be able to collaborate and communicate effectively to ensure that systems are reliable, performant, and secure.

How DevOpsSchool’s is best for SRE Foundation Certification?

DevOpsSchool is a great option for SRE Foundation Certification. The course is comprehensive, well-taught, and comes with a number of features that will help you succeed.

DevOpsSchool is a great option for SRE Foundation Certification for a number of reasons:

  • The course is comprehensive and covers all of the essential topics for the exam. The course includes over 100 lectures and hands-on exercises that will help you master the fundamentals of SRE.
  • The instructors are experienced SRE professionals who can share their real-world knowledge and experience with you. The instructors are passionate about SRE and are committed to helping you succeed.
  • The course is self-paced, so you can learn at your own pace. This is great if you have a busy schedule or if you want to take the time to really understand the material.
  • The course includes a practice exam that will help you assess your readiness for the real exam. This is a great way to identify any areas where you need additional practice.
  • The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. This means that you can try the course risk-free. If you’re not satisfied with the course, you can simply ask for a refund.
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Top 10 Reinforcement Learning Libraries

Reinforcement Learning is the third paradigm of Machine Learning which is conceptually quite different from the other supervised and unsupervised learning. Although we had a good number of libraries for supervised and unsupervised learning for a long time, it was not the case with reinforcement learning a few years back. Its algorithms had to be coded from scratch, but with its growing popularity many reinforcement learning libraries have come up that can make life easier for RL developers.

Here are ten popular RL libraries (in no particular order) as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021:

1. TensorFlow:

TensorFlow is a popular open-source library developed by Google. It provides a comprehensive framework for building and training machine learning models, including reinforcement learning algorithms. TensorFlow has a dedicated module called tf-agents that offers RL-specific functionalities.

2. PyTorch:

PyTorch is an open-source deep learning library widely used for various machine learning tasks, including reinforcement learning. It offers a flexible and intuitive interface and supports dynamic computation graphs, making it popular among researchers. Several RL-specific libraries, such as Stable Baselines3 and RLlib, are built on top of PyTorch.

3. OpenAI Gym:

OpenAI Gym is a widely used RL library that provides a collection of standardized environments for benchmarking RL algorithms. It offers a simple and unified interface for interacting with different environments and supports a range of classic control tasks, Atari games, robotics simulations, and more.

4. Stable Baselines3:

Stable Baselines3 is a high-level RL library built on top of PyTorch. It provides a set of stable and well-tested baseline algorithms, such as DQN, PPO, A2C, and SAC, along with tools for training and evaluating RL agents. Stable Baselines3 offers an easy-to-use API and supports parallel training.

5. RLlib:

RLlib is an open-source RL library developed by Ray, an emerging framework for distributed computing. RLlib offers a scalable and efficient infrastructure for RL training and evaluation. It provides a wide range of state-of-the-art algorithms, including DQN, PPO, and IMPALA, and supports distributed training across multiple machines.

6. Dopamine:

Dopamine is an open-source RL framework developed by Google. It focuses on providing a research platform for reliable and reproducible RL experiments. Dopamine includes a set of state-of-the-art baselines, such as DQN and C51, along with easy-to-use interfaces and utilities for building new agents.

7. Keras-RL:

Keras-RL is a high-level RL library built on top of Keras, a popular deep learning library. It offers a simple and modular API for implementing RL algorithms. Keras-RL includes various RL techniques, such as DQN, DDPG, and A3C, and supports customization and experimentation.

8. Garage:

Garage is a toolkit for RL research developed by the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) Lab. It provides a wide range of algorithms, interfaces, and utilities to facilitate RL research. Garage aims to support efficient experimentation and reproducibility in RL.

9. Coach:

Coach is an RL library developed by Intel AI Lab. It provides a comprehensive set of building blocks and algorithms for RL. Coach focuses on modularity, allowing users to easily customize and extend the library for specific research or application needs.

10. Unity ML-Agents:

Unity ML-Agents is an open-source toolkit developed by Unity Technologies for training RL agents in Unity environments. It allows researchers and developers to integrate RL into Unity’s 3D simulation environments, enabling the training of agents for tasks like game playing and robotics.

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What Is Azure DevOps?

It is a DevOps platform by Microsoft also Azure DevOps is a software program by Microsoft which delivers endwise DevOps tool series for developing and deploying software.  It is also integrated with the greatest primary tools in the arcade and is a decent option for organizing a DevOps toolchain.

Features of Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps provides a variety of facilities covering the complete development life-cycle.  On the period of inscription these are features:

  • Azure Boards: agile planning, work item tracking, visualisation and reporting tool.
  • Azure Pipelines: a language, platform and cloud agnostic CI/CD platform with support for containers or Kubernetes.
  • Azure Repos: provides cloud-hosted private git repos.
  • Azure Artifacts: provides integrated package management with support for Maven, npm, Python and NuGet package feeds from public or private sources.
  • Azure Test Plans: provides an integrated planned and exploratory testing solution.
  • Azure DevOps can also be used to orchestrate third-party tools.

When was Azure DevOps First launched in the market?

Even though being launched in October 2018, Azure DevOps is not the fresh kid on the DevOps block.  Its extraction can be found all the way back to Visual Studio Team System which was launched in 2006. This is a developed product with a gorgeous feature-set that has above 80,000 internal operators at Microsoft.

What are the benefits of azure DevOps?

  • Reliability: software as a service offering, Azure DevOps is trustworthy, ascendable and worldwide available. It is also supported by an SLA of 99.9% uptime and by 24×7 care.
  • Access to the latest features: Azure DevOps operators get permission of access to new features every 3 weeks. Microsoft is apparent, have available the product roadmap and are dedicated to speedily iterating on the feature-set.
  • End of the upgrade cycle: For groups running on-premises CI/CD tooling, improvements are a consistent headache. By moving to a SaaS model, you no longer need to concern about fixing and improvement the tool chain.

What Is Uses of Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps delivers combined features that you can access through your web browser or IDE client. You can use one or more of the following individual services according to your business needs:

Azure Repos Offers Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) or offers Git repositories for source control of your code.

Azure Pipelines offers to build and release facilities to support uninterrupted integration and delivery of your applications.

Azure Boards delivers a suite of agile tools to support planning and tracking work, code defects, and issues using Kanban and Scrum methods.

Azure Test Plans provides several tools to test your apps, including manual/exploratory testing and continuous testing.

Azure Artifacts Permits teams to share packages such as Maven, npm, NuGet, and more from public and private sources and integrate package sharing into your pipelines

You can also use the following collaboration tools:

Customizable team dashboards with configurable widgets to share information, progress, and trends

Built-in wikis for sharing information

Configurable notifications

Azure DevOps supports adding extensions and integrating with other popular services, such as Campfire, Slack, Trello, UserVoice, and more, and developing your own custom extensions.

Azure DevOps Services supports integration with and GitHub Enterprise Server repositories. Azure DevOps Server supports integration with GitHub Enterprise Server repositories.


Azure DevOps is a type of DevOps culture powered by Microsoft. It is the second most used and ranked DevOps program after AWS. It does provide you reliability; the latest features; options for upgrade cycle etc. Our ScmGalaxy does also provide Microsoft azure courses with the best of experienced trainers. For Azure, training, and certification you can visit our website DevOpsSchool. We provide all types of training and certification courses regarding DevOps and Microsoft.

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