Cache setup sources and merge modules

InstallerExpert created the topic: cache setup sources and merge modules

I use merge modules in my setup for ATL/CRT/MFC/STL7.1. If I turn “Always cache setup sources” on then the install fails because the merge module or it’s file (eg: atl71.dll) isn’t found in [ALLUSERS]Applicationdata\…

I already found a thread that may be related:

How can I solve this problem? I need cache setup sources for my single file setup because of fututre patching.

Thank you!

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Installer Sub-Projects: Merge Modules in InstallAnywhere

installanywhereExpert created the topic: Installer Sub-Projects: Merge Modules in InstallAnywhere
Merge Modules are essentially installer sub-projects that can be created
independently of one another and later merged together. A Merge Module is a
reusable collection of installation functionality. A Merge Module is just like an
installer, complete with features, components, panels, actions, and files. However, a
Merge Module cannot be installed without being part of an InstallAnywhere project;
instead use Merge Modules to include the functionality of one installer within another

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