Tutorials for PHP “Switch Case” Condition

What is “The switch Statement”?

The assertion (Switch) looks like a series of declarations that all say the same thing. To select one of the numerous executable code blocks, use the term (Switch).

switch (n) {
  case label1:
    code to be executed if n=label1;
  case label2:
    code to be executed if n=label2;
  case label3:
    code to be executed if n=label3;
    code to be executed if n is different from all labels;
PHP Switch - javatpoint







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Tutorials for PHP “if elseif else” Condition

What is “The if...elseif...else” Statement“?

The special Statement (if…elseif…else) is used to combine multiple Statements (if…else). The if-else-if-else statement allows you to combine multiple If-else statements, allowing the compiler to specify behaviors with more than two possible outcomes.

if (condition) {
  code to be executed if this condition is true;
} else if (condition) {
  code to be executed if first condition is false and this condition is true;
} else {
  code to be executed if all conditions are false;
PHP If Else - javatpoint

Example1:- If this condition is true!


Example2:- If first condition is false and this condition is true!


Example3:- If all conditions are false!


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Tutorials for PHP “if else” Condition

What is “The if...else Statement”?

You can improve the decision-making process by adding a separate argument to the if statement. When using the if-else statement, you must run one block of code if the condition is true, and another block of code if it is false. The following is an example of how it could be written:

C if else - w3resource


    // Code to be executed if condition is true
} else{
    // Code to be executed if condition is false
PHP If Else - javatpoint

Example1:- When The Condition is True!


Example2:- When The Condition is False!


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Tutorials for PHP “if” Condition

What is If statement?

If the conditions stated are true, the (if statement) is used to execute the code block. In PHP, these are the most basic and cross-platform statements. The if statement in PHP allows code to be executed only if it meets certain criteria. It is executed if condition is True.


if (condition) {
  code to be executed if condition is true;
C++ If...else (With Examples)
PHP If Else - javatpoint



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Tutorials for PHP Conditioning

What is PHP Conditioning?

PHP, like other programming languages, allows you to build code that executes multiple behaviors based on the results of logical or equivalent testing conditions. This presupposes that test conditions may be written in terms of expressions that evaluate true or false, and that actions can be carried out based on the results.

PHP allows programmers to assess numerous situations and determine whether they are true or false during the programming process.

A conditional statement is a programming structure that conveys these circumstances and their associated behavior.

What are the types of conditional statements?

If the test condition is not used, PHP is used. There are several ways to use a sentence in PHP.

  • The if statement
  • The if…else statement
  • The if…elseif….else statement
  • The switch…case statement
Conditional Statementfinal PHP 02
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