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Syncro SVN Client v5.1 for Windows, Linux & MacOSX – Features


Syncro SVN Client makes easier the document and code sharing between content authors or developers. This multiplatform Subversion front-end allows you to browse repositories, check for changes, commit changes, update your working copy and examiner the revision history. The Syncro SVN Client was initially developed as an embedded application in the XML Editor and starting with version 8.1 of the editor it is available also as a separate product.

• Why Subversion?
– The advantages of the SVN version control system that recommend it as a replacement for the CVS system.
• Flexible Layout of the User Interface
– The layout of the user interface can be arranged by dragging dockable and floating views in the window and outside the window of the application.
• SVN Repository
– Special view for managing SVN repositories accessed through different protocols: SVN, SVN+SSH, HTTP(S).
• SVN Resource History
– The History view contains the revision number, author name, commit message and date of each revision of a file or folder from the SVN repository.
• Local Working Copy of a SVN Repository
– Each author that shares the SVN repository with other authors works on local versions of the repository resources called a working copy of the repository. The changes applied to the local copy of the repository must be synchronized with the repository hosted on the SVN server.
• Author Information at Line Level
– For each line of a file stored on a SVN server the author (user name) and the revision number of the last change applied to that line is displayed.
• Check Differences Between Local Version and Repository Version
– Compare the local working copy version of a file with the SVN repository version.
• Visual Conflict Editing
– Visually edit the conflicts generated in the local version of a file by an update operation.
• Revision Graph
– The history of a SVN resource can be viewed as a graph in which a node represents one revision of the resource committed to the trunk or a branch of the SVN repository.
• Directory Change Set
– The Directory Change Set view presents a set with all the resources changed between two revision numbers of a SVN folder.
• Integration with Bug Tracking Tools
– The commit message can include a bug ID which links the committed revision with a bug tracking tool. Special SVN properties configure the format and location of the bug ID in the commit message.

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Powerful New Amazon EC2 Boot Features – Introduction


Today a powerful new feature is available for our Amazon EC2 customers: the ability to boot their instances from Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store).

Customers like the simplicity of the AMI (Amazon Machine Image) model where they either choose a preconfigured AMI or upload their own AMI into Amazon S3. A wide variety of operating systems and software configurations is available for use. But customers have also asked us for more flexibility and control in the way that Amazon EC2 instances are booted such that they have finer grained control over for example what software configurations and data sets are available to the instance at boot time.


The ability to boot from Amazon EBS gives customers very powerful control over the boot configuration of the Amazon EC2 instances. In the traditional boot process, the root partition of the image will be the local disk, which is created and populated at boot time. In the new Amazon EBS boot process, the root partition is an Amazon EBS volume, which is created at boot time from an Amazon EBS snapshot. Other Amazon EBS volumes beyond the root disk can also made part of the instance before it is booted. This allows for a very fine-grain control of software and data configuration. An additional advantage of using the Amazon EBS boot process is that root partitions are no longer constrained by the size of the local disk and can be up to 1TB in size. And the new boot process is significantly faster because a local disk no longer needs to be populated.

With this new boot process another powerful feature is available to our Amazon EC2 customers: the ability to stop an instance and restart it at a later time with the disk configuration intact. When an instance is restarted, the customer can choose to use a different instance type (e.g., with more memory or CPU), a different operating system (e.g., with new security patches installed), or add new user data. While the instance is stopped it does not accrue any usage hours and customers are only charged for the storage associated with the Amazon EBS volume. The ability to stop and restart an instance is a very powerful mechanism that makes management of instances much easier; many scenarios related to adaptive instance sizing and software management have now become much simpler.

The new boot from Amazon EBS feature is an important step in our continuing quest to remove more and more of the heavy lifting that comes with today’s computer environments.

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