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How to Implement Google reCaptcha in bootstrap 4 Form using PHP?

First Go to in this website and create a Account using your gmail account and generate Secret Key and Site Key.

Click Here

After that create a form as below code:-

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Syntax ERROR: A non well formed numeric value encountered

When you using @foreach value in a variable in your blade file and put any value and using any Mathematics function in your value for showing your document this type of error.

 @foreach($allcourses as $i => $allclass)

                        $fee = $allclass['total_fees_of_class']; 
                        $c = ($fee);
                        $a = (100);
                        $d = (20);
                        $e = $c * $d / $a;
                        $fee = $c + $e;


Then, You can add (int) as prefix in your foreach value as “$c = (int)($fee);” and write as below code

                    $fee = $allclass['total_fees_of_class']; 
                    $c = (int)($fee);
                    $a = (100);
                    $d = (20);
                    $e = $c * $d / $a;
                    $fee = $c + $e;

Your program will run.

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