Whenever we import the database we need to install the passport as it is not able to access the previous client secret. We need to change the new client secret after it is installed in the projects to all the locations required.
php artisan passport:install
For generating key we use the following command
php artisan key:generate
Then we need to run few commands for convenience so that we don’t get errors.
php artisan c:cache
php artisan r:cache
php artisan r:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan view:clear
If the error shows as Replicating claims as headers are deprecated and will remove from v4.0. Please manually set the header if you need it replicated. then run the following command
composer require lcobucci/jwt=3.3.3
We can also check for updating composer and for this we use command
php artisan composer:update
to link the storage we need to run following command
php artisan storage:link
We can also do for our convenience migrating the database, for this we use command
php artisan migrate
For refreshing the migration table
php artisan migrate:refresh