Tag: Clients
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Different Perforce Tools and Their Short Summary | Know About Different Perforce tools
Different Perforce Tools and Their Short Summary
P4V: Visual Client – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Provides access to versioned files through a graphical interface and also includes tools for merging and visualizing code evolution.
P4Merge: Visual Merge Tool – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Provides graphical three-way merging and side-by-side file comparisons
P4: Command-Line Client – (Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
(Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
P4Web: Web Client – (Included in the P4Web Installer)
Provides convenient access to versioned files through popular web browsers
P4D: Server – (Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
Stores and manages access to versioned files, tracks user operations and records all activity in a centralized database.
P4P: Proxy Server – (Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
A self-maintaining proxy server that caches versioned files remotely on distributed networks.
Plug-ins & Integrations
P4WSAD: Plug-in for Eclipse and WebSphere Studio
Access Perforce from within the Eclipse IDE and the Rational/WebSphere Studio WorkBench family of products
P4SCC: SCC Plug-in – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Enables you to perform Perforce operations from within IDEs that support the Microsoft SCC API including Visual Studio.
P4EXP: Plug-in for Windows Explorer – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Allows Windows users direct access to Perforce.
P4DTG: Defect Tracking Gateway – (Included in the P4DTG Installer)
Allows information to be shared between Perforce’s basic defect tracking system and external defect tracking systems.
P4GT: Plug-in for Graphical Tools
Provides seamless access to version control for files from within Adobe Photoshop, SoftImage XSI, Autodesk’s 3ds max, and Maya
P4OFC: Plug-in for Microsoft Office
Allows documents to be easily stored and managed in Perforce directly from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Project.
Tools & Utilities
P4Report: Reporting System
Supports leading tools such as Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Excel, or any reporting
tool that interfaces with an ODBC data source.
P4Thumb: Thumbnail Generator
Creates thumbnails of graphics files managed by Perforce and stores the thumbnails in the server for presentation in P4V.
P4FTP: FTP Plug-in
Allows FTP clients like Dreamweaver, Netscape, and Internet Explorer to access files in Perforce depots.’
Links to Download: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/downloads/platform.html
Good Video Tutorial Links
Perforce Quick Facts – Perforce Quick Start Guide
Perforce Quick Facts
P4V: Visual Client – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Provides access to versioned files through a graphical interface and also includes tools for merging and visualizing code evolution.
P4Merge: Visual Merge Tool – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Provides graphical three-way merging and side-by-side file comparisons
P4: Command-Line Client – (Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
(Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
P4Web: Web Client – (Included in the P4Web Installer)
Provides convenient access to versioned files through popular web browsers
P4D: Server – (Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
Stores and manages access to versioned files, tracks user operations and records all activity in a centralized database.
P4P: Proxy Server – (Included in the Perforce Server Windows Installer)
A self-maintaining proxy server that caches versioned files remotely on distributed networks.
Plug-ins & Integrations
P4WSAD: Plug-in for Eclipse and WebSphere Studio
Access Perforce from within the Eclipse IDE and the Rational/WebSphere Studio WorkBench family of products
P4SCC: SCC Plug-in – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Enables you to perform Perforce operations from within IDEs that support the Microsoft SCC API including Visual Studio.
P4EXP: Plug-in for Windows Explorer – (Included in the P4V Installer)
Allows Windows users direct access to Perforce.
P4DTG: Defect Tracking Gateway – (Included in the P4DTG Installer)
Allows information to be shared between Perforce’s basic defect tracking system and external defect tracking systems.
P4GT: Plug-in for Graphical Tools
Provides seamless access to version control for files from within Adobe Photoshop, SoftImage XSI, Autodesk’s 3ds max, and Maya
P4OFC: Plug-in for Microsoft Office
Allows documents to be easily stored and managed in Perforce directly from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Project.
Tools & Utilities
P4Report: Reporting System
Supports leading tools such as Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Excel, or any reporting tool that interfaces with an ODBC data source.
P4Thumb: Thumbnail Generator
Creates thumbnails of graphics files managed by Perforce and stores the thumbnails in the server for presentation in P4V.
P4FTP: FTP Plug-in
Allows FTP clients like Dreamweaver, Netscape, and Internet Explorer to access files in Perforce depots.’
Links to Download: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/downloads/platform.html
Script to list the clients in descending access date order
Write a script to list the clients in descending access date order (for deleting obsolete clients).
require “P4”
p4 = P4.new
clients = p4.run_clients.sort {|a,b| a[ “Access”].to_i <=> b[“Access”].to_i }
clients[0…10].each do
stamp = Time.at( c[ “Access” ].to_i )
printf( “%-20s %s\n”, c[ “client” ], stamp )
use P4;
my $p4 = new P4;
$p4->Init() or die( “Failed to connect to Perforce” );
my @clients = $p4->Clients();
@clients = sort { $a->{ “Access” } <=> $b->{ “Access” } } @clients;
@clients = @clients[ 0..9 ];
foreach my $client ( @clients )
last unless defined( $client );
my $stamp = localtime( $client->{ “Access” } );
printf( “%-20s %s\n”, $client->{ “client” }, $stamp );