Types of Selector in CSS & How to Use CSS Selector in HTML?

There are five types of Selector in CSS.

  • Simple selectors (select elements based on name, id, class)
  • Combinator selectors (select elements based on a specific relationship between them)
  • Pseudo-class selectors (select elements based on a certain state)
  • Pseudo-elements selectors (select and style a part of an element)
  • Attribute selectors (select elements based on an attribute or attribute value)

The CSS element Selector

  • ID
  • Class
  • Element

Id Selector

		          #id_selector {
			              color: red; font-size: 60px;
		<p id="id_selector">Hello World!</p>
		<p>This paragraph is not affected by the style.</p>

Class Selector


			.red {color: #FF0000; font-size: 60px;}
	            <h2 class="red">I am Heading</h2>
	            <p class ="red">I am first paragraph</p>
	            <p>I am second paragraph</p>

Element Specific-

			p.red {color: #FF0000; font-size: 60px;}
	            <h2 class="red">I am Heading</h2>
	            <p class ="red">I am first paragraph</p>
	            <p>I am second paragraph</p>

Use Two or more class

			p.red {color: #FF0000;}
			p.look{font-size: 60px;}
			.algn{text-align: center;}
	                    <h2 class="algn">I am Heading</h2>
	                    <p class ="red look">I am first paragraph</p>
	                    <p class="red algn">I am second paragraph</p>
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