How To Create Hexagon Using HTML and CSS with different shape Source code?

In this tutorial, I am using HTML & CSS and create a Hexagon shape in an easy way. So, before I am creating an HTML & CSS file with “.html” & “.css” extension. as below-

In this “index.html” page I am using a “class” with “hexagon” and after that hexagon class using below “style.css” page which is mention below-

This is hexagon shape. Here, I am using three different color but if you want to change then you can change as your wish.

If you want to create a different shape then Click Here and create a different- different shap as you wish. as below step-

When you will be open link then shown below page with left side show shape list-

After that click any shape and shown below “css” code –

So, Copy this code and paste in your css section as below-
After that create your shape below-
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