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How does JavaScript scope work?

Variable Scope

JavaScript has two scopes: –

  • Global
  • Local

Global Scope

A variable that is declared outside a function definition is a global variable, and its value is accessible and modifiable throughout your program. In a web browser, global variables are deleted when you close the browser window (or tab) but remain available to new pages loaded into the same window.

Local Scope

A variable that is declared inside a function definition is local. It is created and destroyed every time the function is executed, and it cannot be accessed by any code outside the function. Inside a function, if a variable has not been declared with var it is created as a global variable.

Local Scope

If there is a function inside a function the inner function can access outer function‟s variables but the outer function can not access inner function‟s variables. Function arguments (parameters) work as local variables inside functions.

Block Scope

Variables declared with var do not have block scope.

Block Scope

Identifiers declared with let and const do have block scope.

Variable Hoisting

Hoisting is JavaScript’s default behavior of moving declaration to the top of the function, if defined in a function, or the top of the global context, if outside a function.

Variable Hoisting

A variable can be used before it has been declared. Only variable declarations are hoisted to the top, not variable initialization.


A closure is a function having access to the parent scope. It preserves the data from the outside.

A closure is an inner function that has access to the outer (enclosing) function‟s variables.

For every closure we have three scopes:-

  • Local Scope ( Own scope)
  • Outer Functions Scope
  • Global Scope
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Top 5 Git hosting solutions | List of best Git hosting tools

This is the era of DevOps where automation and collaboration is the key of success in software industry. This is the reason code availability is for everyone in the team is the necessity for today’s work environment. Developers are using Git nowadays for their code management and collaboration. But, this is not enough. Now you need to decide, which GIT hosting solution is good for your collaboration within your team or organization.
You can find so many options who offers hosting for GIT Repositories, which makes it really a challenge to find the right solution for your needs. Therefore, we are presenting you the list of top ten git hosting solutions.
Here is the list of Top Five Git Hosting Solutions
1. Bitbucket

Bitbucket formerly knows as stash belongs to one of the best software solution provider Atlassian who also developed popular tools like JIRA, Bamboo & Confluence. It offers both plans free & Commercial. Bitbucket is written in python.

Key Features
  • web-based hosting service
  • Unlimited private repositories
  • Supports private & Public repositories
  • Native integration (Jira, Confluence,Bamboo)
  • Flexible deployment models
  • Source tree – works with any git hosting
  • Branch permissions
  • Git Large File Storage (LFS)
2. GitHub


Github is one of the top Git hosting solution which is belongs to GitHub, Inc. and founded in the year 2008. As per the latest Github reports they have  52 million repositories which shows that they are one of the most trusted brands in the industry. Github is written also written in Ruby.
Key features
  • web-based hosting service
  • Unlimited private repositories
  • Built-in code review
  • Supports private and Public repositories
  • Support Many Programming language
  • Flexible hosting plans
  • Free to use for public and open source projects
  • Comes with Issue tracking & Wikis
3. GitLab


Gitlab is an open source git hosting service provider which belongs to GitLab Inc. Gitlab claimed themselves as modern software development. This tool is launched in 2011 is written in Ruby and Go. Gitlab is also amongst the most trusted brand which is also used by even NASA. GItlab has more than 1400 contributors which makes it one of the most reliable service provider.
Key Features
  • Unlimited public and private repos
  • web-based Git repository manager
  • wiki and issue tracking features
  • open source
  • Allow Project importing
  • Own Continuous Integration service
  • Collect and share reusable code
  • Control read/write permissions to specific branches
4. Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services

 Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services

Visual studio team services formerly known as Visual Studio Online is a Microsoft product which is launched in the year 2012. Visual studio is also a very good option for Git hosting. This platform includes not only code hosting but it has its own CI & agile planning tools for scrum and kanban teams. If you have 5 members team than you can use there most features for free but you need to upgrade your plans if you want to increase that number.

Key Features
  • Unlimited private code repositories
  • Customizable Dashboards
  • Branch Updates
  • Code reviews
  • Web Hooks & API Integration
  • unlimited free private git repositories
  • Get functionality with extensions
  • Semantic Code Search
  • Security – SOC compliance and multi-factor authentication
  • Built-in continuous integration and support for Jenkins and others tools
5. Perforce


Perforce or perforce helix is also amongst one the most reliable and trusted git hosting solution. Perforce was initially released in the year 1995 which makes it one the veteran player of the software industry. Recently they have introduced Git Swarm with Gitlab collaboration. It comes with similar features like Gitlab but in terms of security and scalability it is more reliable.

Key Features

  • All the power and flexibility of Git without compromise:
  • Access control is more fine-grained
  • Specific branches and files can be locked
  • Developers can “slice” big repositories and pull only what they need
  • Pull requests
  • Merge-request workflow
  • Issue tracking
  • Git powered Wiki
  • Project visibility & security
  • Automatically mirrors work into Helix mainline repository
SO, these are the top players currently trending in GIT hosting solutions. Hope this will help you while selecting your hosting solutions. One more thing, if you think that this list is missing any other solutions instead of this than feel free to share with us in the comment section below.
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