How to Read a Whole file at once in PHP?

How to Read a Whole file at once?

file_get_contents( ) Function is used to read entire file into a string. This function is the preferred way to read the contents of a file into a string. Because it will use memory mapping techniques, if this is supported by the server, to enhance performance. This function is binary-safe (meaning that both binary data, like images, and character data can be written with this function). The function returns the read data or FALSE on failure.

What is file_get_contents() Function?

The file_get_contents( ) function in PHP is a built-in function for reading a file and converting it to a string. The function makes advantage of server-supported memory mapping methods, which improves speed and makes it a favored method of reading file data.


file_get_contents($path, $include_path, $context, 
                              $start, $max_length)


The PHP method file_get_contents() takes one necessary parameter and four optional options.

  • $path: It provides the location of the file or directory to be examined.
  • $include_path: It’s an optional parameter that searches the include path (in php.ini) for a file even if it’s set to 1.
  • $context: It is an optional argument for specifying a custom context.
  • $start: It’s an optional argument that specifies where to start reading from in the file.
  • $max_length: It’s an optional parameter that specifies how many bytes should be read.

Return Value:

On success, it returns the read data; on failure, it returns FALSE.

Errors And Exception

  • If you wish to open a file that contains special characters like spaces, you must first encode it with urlencode ().
  • The file_get_contents() method produces a non-Boolean result that evaluates to FALSE, but it can also return a Boolean value.
  • If filename cannot be found, maxlength is less than zero, or searching to the given offset in the stream fails, an E WARNING level error is produced.

Let’s take examples to explain how file_get_contents() works:-

Input:  file_get_contents('');
Output: A computer science portal for scmgalaxy

Input:  file_get_contents('test.txt', FALSE, NULL, 0, 14);
Output: A computer science portal for scmgalaxy

Example 1:-


A computer science portal for scmgalaxy

Example 2:-


A computer science portal for scmgalaxy

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Tutorial for Closing File in PHP

Closing file in php is all related to fclose( ) Function. With the help of this code we can run closing function in php.

What is fclose( ) Function in php?

In PHP, the fclose() method is used to close a file referenced by an open file pointer. If the method fclose() is successful, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false. It accepts the file that needs to be closed as an input and closes it.


bool fclose( $file )


The $file argument is the only one accepted by PHP’s fclose() function. The file that has to be closed is specified by this argument.

Return Value:

If it succeeds, it returns true; if it fails, it returns false.

Errors And Exception:

  • If you want to read the contents of a file that was written using the fwrite() function, you must first shut it with the fclose() function.
  • For remote files, PHP’s fclose() method does not work. It only works with files that the server’s filesystem can access.

Let’s take examples to explain this function:

Input : $check = fopen("gfg.txt", "r");
Output : true

Input: $check = fopen("singleline.txt", "r");
       $seq = fgets($check);
       while(! feof($check))
         echo $seq ;
         $seq = fgets($check);

Example 1:-


Example 2:- The file test.txt in the software below includes just one line: “This file contains only one line.”


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Tutorials for PHP Function with Parameters or Arguments

What is Function with Parameters or Arguments?

The information or variables included within the function’s parentheses are referred to as parameters. These are used to keep track of values that can be used during runtime. The comma(,) operator allows the user to input as many arguments as he wants. These options are used to accept inputs during runtime. When transferring numbers, such as during a function call, arguments are used. A parameter is a container for parameters that are given to a function. A value supplied to a function is referred to as an argument. In layman’s terms, both parameter and statement have the same meaning. It’s crucial to keep in mind that each parameter must be accompanied with an argument.

PHP functions,Parameters and arguments


function function_name($first_parameter, $second_parameter) {
    executable code;


Setting Default Values for Function parameter:-

In PHP, we may define default arguments for function parameters. If no argument is supplied for a parameter with a default value, PHP will call the function with the parameter’s default specified value.

The default value for the parameter $num in the previous example is 12; if no value is supplied for this parameter in a function call, the default value is used. It’s also required because the option $str has no default value.

Functions with return values:-

Functions can also return values to the portion of the program where they were called. The value is returned to the program section from where it was named using the return keyword. It is possible to return any type of value, including arrays and objects. The return statement also marks the conclusion of the function, stops it from running, and returns the value.

Parameter passing to Functions:-

In PHP, there are two ways to pass an argument to a function.

Pass by Value:– Moving by value changes the value of an argument within a function, while the original value outside the function stays unaffected. This means that a statement that is a duplicate of the original value is transmitted.

Pass by Reference:– As statements are passed via proxy, the original value is transmitted. As a result, the starting value has changed. Using the ampersand symbol in pass by reference, we just transmit the value’s address, where it is kept (&).


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Tutorials for PHP Functions

What is Functions?

Complete Guide and Tutorials for PHP Functions with example -

A function is a segment of code in a program that is written to do a certain task. We should compare functions to workers in a real-world workplace to have a better grasp of how they work. Assume the management delegated the duty of determining the annual budget to one of his employees. So, what will be the outcome of this procedure? The employee would ask his supervisor for data, perform estimations, calculate the budget, and report the results to his superior. Functions work in a similar fashion. They accept data as an argument, process it using a set of statements or operations, and then return the output.

How many Types of Functions in PHP?

Complete Guide and Tutorials for PHP Functions with example -

There are Two Types of Functions :-

User Defined Functions:-These capabilities are used by developers and programmers when they need to execute their own logic. This functions are specified with the keyword function, and when a function call is made, a sequence of statements will be written within the function to execute it. Simply type functionname() in the address bar, and the function will be run.

Built-in functions:- These routines offer us with already-built-in library functionality. The PHP installation kit includes several capabilities, making the language more efficient and helpful. To use the function’s attributes, all we have to do is call it when we want the desired outcome. PHP makes use of date, numeric, string, and other built-in functions.

  • String Functions: These PHP features include built-in support for working with strings. Some of the string methods in PHP include strpos(), strncmp(), strrev(), and strlen() ,
  • Date Function: The format is a human-readable UNIX date and time format, and these functions are PHP standard components.
  • Numeric Functions: These functions have their own preset logic for numeric operations that PHP provides. As a result, it will either return a Boolean or a numeric value. Among them are is number(), number format(), round(), and other numeric procedures.

Why we should Use Functions in PHP?

Reusability:- This programming language has a feature that reduces the amount of lines of code that must be written many times. This would save time and effort for the developer or coder. We can put a piece of code in a feature and call it whenever and wherever it’s needed if it has to be used in many locations. This may be done by calling the functions from other programmes or from inside the same package.

Easier Error Detection:- Because the code is written as functions rather than single blocks, any problems may be immediately and readily recognized and rectified.

Easily Maintained:- Because functions are used throughout the program, we may quickly modify any function or line of code in the function, and the change will be reflected. As a result, it is simple to maintain everywhere.

How to create functions in PHP?

Complete Guide and Tutorials for PHP Functions with example -

A function is to find a collection of statements in a programmer repeatedly. When a function in a program is invoked, it is simply implemented. There are a few things to keep in mind while creating a user-identified feature.

  • Any word ending in an opened and closed parenthesis is a feature.
  • The function keyword is commonly used to start a name of the function.
  • Type your name followed by a parenthesis to launch a command.
  • The initial letter in a function word cannot be a number. It might start with a letter or an emphasis.
  • The name of a feature is important.


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