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HOWTO: Install e17 from SVN/source on Ubuntu


E17 is a lightweight window manager/bundle of libraries for Unix based operating systems. E17 is designed to be both elegant and fast – two goals it succeeds at very well. The only problem is that installing E17 on Ubuntu (and it’s derivatives) is not a very straight forward process if you have never done it before, the following are the steps I have taken to get the E17 environment up and running on Ubuntu 9.10 (however it should work for all Ubuntu based systems).

Step 1: Install the build dependencies, to do this simply paste the following chunk of code into your favorite terminal and let it work it’s magik

sudo apt-get install xterm make gcc bison flex subversion cvs automake1.10 autoconf autotools-dev autoconf-archive libtool gettext libpam0g-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev zlib1g-dev libjpeg62-dev libtiff4-dev libungif4-dev librsvg2-dev libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxrender-dev libxrandr-dev libxfixes-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libxss-dev libxp-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev libxft-dev libxfont-dev libxi-dev libxv-dev libxkbfile-dev libxkbui-dev libxres-dev libxtst-dev libltdl7-dev libglu1-xorg-dev libglut3-dev xserver-xephyr libdbus-1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev

Step 2: Now that we have all the dependencies installed, we are going to use the easy e17 script to download, compile, and install e17 from SVN. To do so click on the link I just provided to download the script. Then assuming you downloaded the file to the default Downloads folder run the following in terminal to get the install going

cd ~/Downloads && chmod +x && sudo ./ -i

Go get a cup of coffee or something, the length of time the above command takes to complete depends on your Internet connection and computer speed.

Step 3: Now assuming the commands you ran in step 2 finishes without issues/errors check the output in terminal, it should mention some “environmental variables” that need to be set. Copy and paste each of the export lines it lists to you and run them in terminal.

Step 4: We need to copy the elightenment .desktop file to the proper location in your shared folder so it appears as a log in option in gdm/kdm. To do so run the following in terminal

sudo cp /opt/e17/share/xsessions/elightenment.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/enlightenment.desktop

Log out of your current desktop and select “Enlightenment” from the log in options you are presented with in your login manager.

Enjoy your new E17 powered desktop! Also please remember E17 is considered beta software – so it is not encouraged to use it on production machines. Lastly I would like to also say that while the default configuration of e17 appears crude at first, this is intentional. E17 is extremely customizable. Play with settings, move things around, add and remove objects and you will see creating a beautiful and customized desktop is just a few clicks away!


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Upgrading Continuum – Continuum Upgradation Guide


This document will help you upgrade Continuum from 1.2.x to 1.3.3 and above.

When upgrading Continuum, it could have some database model changes. Usually these changes will be migrated for you, but in some cases you may need to use a backup from the previous version and restore that data into the new version. The Data Management tool exports data from the old database model and imports the data into the new database model.

If you had used the APP_BASE environment variable in Continuum 1.2 to differentiate your configuration from the installation, you should rename it to CONTINUUM_BASE in Continuum 1.3.

Note: The Jetty version in Continuum 1.3.4 and above has been upgraded to 6.1.19. When upgrading to Continuum 1.3.4 or higher, there is a need to update the library contents listed in $CONTINUUM_BASE/conf/wrapper.conf with the ones included in the new distribution especially if the $CONTINUUM_BASE directory is separate from the installation.

Using Backup and Restore to upgrade

There are 2 databases that need to be considered: one for the builds and one for the users.

There were no changes in the users database from 1.2.x to 1.3.2, so you can simply point Continuum 1.3.2 at your existing user database.

The builds database has had model changes, and will need to be exported and imported.

First, download the Data Management tools you will need. The tool is a standalone JAR that you can download from the central repo.

You will need to download two versions of the tool, one for the export out of the old version and one for the import into the new version:

Note: The 1.2, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 released versions of this tool have a bug. To export databases from 1.2.2 or 1.2.3, you will need to use version of the tool. To export databases from 1.2, you may use the 1.1 version of the tool.

Next, follow these steps to export data from the old version

  • Stop the old version of Continuum
  • Execute this command to create the builds.xml export file
java -Xmx512m -jar data-management-cli-1.2.x-app.jar -buildsJdbcUrl jdbc:derby:${old.continuum.home}/data/databases/continuum -mode EXPORT -directory backups

Then, follow these steps to import the data to the new version

  • Start the new version of Continuum to create the new data model, but do not configure it.
  • Stop Continuum
  • Execute this command to import the builds data from the xml file you created earlier:
java -Xmx512m -jar data-management-cli-1.3.2-app.jar -buildsJdbcUrl jdbc:derby:${new.continuum.home}/data/databases/continuum -mode IMPORT -directory backups -strict

Note: Remove -strict when importing data from 1.3.1 to 1.3.x to ignore unrecognized tags due to model changes.

Finally, be aware that sometimes the NEXT_VAL values in the SEQUENCE_TABLE need to be adjusted.

  • Before starting Continuum for the first time after the import, connect to the db with a client like Squirrel SQL and check the values in the NEXT_VAL column of the SEQUENCE_TABLE.
  • Values must be greater than the max id value in each table.
  • For example, the next value of “org.apache.maven.continuum.model.Project” must be greater than the greatest id in Project table.
  • Here are some example SQL statements. You may need to add or remove lines depending on the contents of your database.
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(systemconfiguration_id)+1 from SYSTEMCONFIGURATION) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system.SystemConfiguration';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from BUILDQUEUE) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildQueue';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from SCHEDULE) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Schedule';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from BUILDDEFINITION) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinition';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from LOCALREPOSITORY) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.continuum.model.repository.LocalRepository';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from PROJECTGROUP) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroup';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(scmresult_id)+1 from SCMRESULT) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ScmResult';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(projectdependency_id)+1 from PROJECTDEPENDENCY) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectDependency';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from BUILDDEFINITIONTEMPLATE) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinitionTemplate';
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from ABSTRACTPURGECONFIGURATION) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.continuum.model.repository.AbstractPurgeConfiguration';

Now you can start your new version of Continuum.




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Installation and Configuration Guide: Bamboo


Bamboo is available in two ‘distributions’ — Standalone or EAR-WAR. The Standalone distribution is recommended (even for organisations with an existing application server environment).
Standalone Installation Guide — Windows

Download and Install Bamboo Standalone for Windows (Windows Installer)

·  Download Bamboo Standalone for Windows. Bamboo Standalone for Windows is available for download from the Bamboo Download Center. Choose the Windows Installer (.exe) download.
·  Launch the Bamboo Windows installer (atlassian-bamboo-x.x-standalone.exe) to begin the installation wizard.
·  The installer requires you to specify two directories:
Bamboo installation directory — This is the directory where Bamboo’s application files will be installed. The default is:
C:/Program Files/Bamboo
Bamboo home directory — This is the directory where Bamboo will store its configuration data. If the directory you specify doesn’t exist, Bamboo will create the directory when it launches. The default is:
C:/Documents and Settings//Bamboo-home
Note: You must use forward-slashes in your directory path. Backslashes are not recognised by Bamboo. Please ensure that the Bamboo home directory is not located inside the Bamboo installation directory

Download and Install Bamboo Standalone for Windows (ZIP Archive)

·  Download Bamboo Standalone for Windows. Bamboo Standalone for Windows is available for download from the Bamboo Download Center. Choose the ZIP Archive (.zip) download (click the ‘Show all‘ link to show the ‘ZIP Archive‘ download link).
·  Extract the files from the ZIP Archive ( to a Bamboo installation directory of your choice. By default, the root directory in your zip file is named “Bamboo”.
·  Set up your Bamboo home directory — this is the directory where Bamboo will store its root configuration data. To do this, edit the file named in the Bamboo/webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory. In this file, insert the property “bamboo.home”, with an absolute path to your Bamboo home directory. Your file should look something like this:


Alternatively, you can specify an environment variable ‘BAMBOO_HOME’ which specifies the absolute path to your {BAMBOO_HOME} directory. Bamboo will check if an environment variable is defined.
·  If you are going to use Bamboo remote agents, set the following in the file in the /webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory:

  • Replace ‘localhost’ with the real host name or IP address of your Bamboo server.
  • If port number 54663 is already in use, specify a different port number.

Launch Bamboo

Launch via the Start Menu
If you have used the ‘Windows Installer’ to install Bamboo, you can start Bamboo via the Start Menu in Windows (generally under the ‘Bamboo’ folder by default). The following options will be available in your Start Menu:

  • Bamboo Continuous Integration Server Uninstaller‘ — uninstalls Bamboo from your computer
  • Install Service‘ — installs Bamboo as a Windows service (note, this will not start Bamboo)
  • Remove Service‘ — removes the Bamboo Windows service, if you have previously installed it (note, Bamboo will not be uninstalled from your computer)
  • Start in Console‘ — starts Bamboo in a Windows console
  • Start Service‘ — starts your installed Bamboo Windows service
  • Stop Service‘ — stops your installed Bamboo Windows service

You can run Bamboo in two modes, either in a Windows console or as a Windows service:

  • To run Bamboo in a Windows console, click the ‘Start in Console‘ option.
  • To run Bamboo as a Windows service, click the ‘Install service‘ option. After the service is installed, click ‘Start Service‘. Once you have installed Bamboo as a service, Bamboo will start up automatically every time Windows restarts.

Launch via batch file
You can start Bamboo via the batch files that are shipped with Bamboo. If you have installed Bamboo via the ZIP Archive, you will need to use the batch files to start Bamboo. You can find the following batch files in your installation directory:

  • BambooConsole.bat‘ — this starts Bamboo in a Windows console.
  • InstallAsService.bat‘ — this installs Bamboo as a Windows service. Note that this will not start Bamboo.
  • StartBamboo.bat‘ — this starts your installed Bamboo Windows service.
  • StopBamboo.bat‘ — this stops your installed Bamboo Windows service
  • UninstallService.bat‘ — this un-installs the Bamboo Windows service from your machine. Note that your Bamboo installation still remains.

You can run Bamboo in two modes, either in a Windows console or as a Windows service:

  • To run Bamboo in a Windows console, run ‘BambooConsole.bat
  • To run Bamboo as a Windows service, run ‘InstallAsService.bat‘. After the service is installed, run ‘StartBamboo.bat‘. Once you have installed Bamboo as a service, Bamboo will start up automatically every time Windows restarts.

Configure Bamboo

  1. Access your running Bamboo instance by going to your web browser and entering the address: http://localhost:8085/.
  2. Configure Bamboo via the Setup Wizard which will display. Read Running the Setup Wizard for further instructions.

For more details on Installation and Configuration, please review following links

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