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How to Start and Stop Nagios Core | Nagios Tutorial

Starting Nagios Core
Init Script: The easiest way to start the Nagios Core daemon is by using the init script like so:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios start
Manually: You can start the Nagios daemon manually with the -d command line option like so:
/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
Restarting Nagios Core
Restarting/reloading is nececessary when you modify your configuration files and want those changes to take effect.
Init Script: The easiest way to restart the Nagios Core daemon is by using the init script like so:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios reload
Web Interface: You can restart the Nagios Core through the web interface by clicking the “Process Info” navigation link and selecting “Restart the Nagios process”:
Manually: You can restart the Nagios Core process by sending it a SIGHUP signal like so:
kill -HUP <nagios_pid>
Stopping Nagios Core
Init Script: The easiest way to stop the Nagios Core daemon is by using the init script like so:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios stop
Web Interface: You can stop the Nagios Core through the web interface by clicking the “Process Info” navigation link and selecting “Shutdown the Nagios process”:
Manually: You can stop the Nagios Core process by sending it a SIGTERM signal like so:
kill <nagios_pid>
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Steps to Start-Stop Nagios XI Server | Nagios XI Tutorial

Steps to Start-Stop Nagios XI Server

How to start and stop Naxios XI Server?

How to stop Naxios XI Server?

service nagiosxi stop

service npcd stop

service ndo2db stop

service nagios stop

service postgresql stop

service mysqld stop

service httpd stop

How to start Naxios XI Server?

service httpd start

service mysqld start

service postgresql start

service nagios start

service ndo2db start

service npcd start

service nagiosxi start

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