A Brief Description of AJAX

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.

It is a web development technique that helps to create a highly responsive website. by the use of AJAX, we get desktop-like software experience on the web browser. It is used in the web pages to be updated asynchronously by changing data with a web server behind the scene (in the background). This makes it possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page. It is the use of the XMLHttpRequest object to communicate with server-side scripts.

The easiest way of implementing AJAX, especially if we’re planning on communicating with servers is by using jQuery.

Most people get confused with the concept that ajax is a programming language. So, let’s be very clear that

Ajax is not a programming language, it is a web development technique designed to create highly responsive/ interactive websites. To have a better understanding of AJAX we need to have knowledge of javascript and somewhat XML.

Javascript is a scripting language that helps to make web pages interactive, CSS (Cascading style sheet) style sheet to the makeup of the webpage and XML (extensible markup language ) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. here javascript and CSS are essentials and XML is less essential for the beginners

Why use AJAX

  1. A whole page reload is not required on each request made.
  2. Sends and receives data in the background.
  3. Improves speed and performance.
  4. Provides a better user experience.

How AJAX works

Ajax uses XMLHttpRequest object (also called XHR objects) to achieve this

  1. When the user sends a request from the interface then the javascript directs to the XMLHttpRequest object.
  2. Then the HTTP Request is made to the server by XMLHttpRequest object.
  3. Then the server interacts with the database using the JSP, PHP, Servlet, ASP.net, etc.
  4. When there is a match for the request then the Data is retrieved from the database.
  5. Then the Server sends XML data or JSON data to the XMLHttpRequest callback function.
  6. Finally, when all the things are good to go then the web-page made (with HTML and CSS) is displayed on the browser.
How AJAX works

For knowing the installation/setup procedure link is given below https://www.scmgalaxy.com/tutorials/ajax-setup-installation/

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