How PHP works?

How PHP works?

Chapter 1 : Introduction to PHP

The PHP programmer communicates with the website server, which transmits web pages to the rest of the globe. You are instructing the web server in the URL to send an HTML file if you input a URL in your web browser’s address bar. The requested file is sent by the web server. Your browser reads the HTML file and displays the site. You also request a file from the web server when you press a source on a webpage. In addition, when you click a web page button that submits a form, a file is processed by the web server. The method is precisely the same when PHP is mounted. You are submitting a file and, because of PHP, the web server that runs PHP answers with HTML. Through these steps you can stand:-

Step-1:- Client send a page request to the web server.

Step 2 – Web server forwards that request to the PHP interpreter.

Step 3 – Now PHP interpreter will take the Date from Database and response it back to the Web server.

Step 4 – At last Web server response to the client who has asked for the page request.

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How Perforce changelist number works? | Perforce Guide


How Perforce change list number works?

Perforce assigns numbers to changelists and also maintains a default changelist, which is numbered when you submit it. You can create multiple changelists to organize your work. For example, one changelist might contain files that are changed to implement a new feature, and another changelist might contain a bug fix. Changelists are renumbered so that submitted changelist numbers always ascend in chronological order.

Pending numbered changelists might be renumbered when they are submitted to ensure that submitted changelist numbers are always ascending in chronological order. For example, if changelist A is submitted before changelist B, then changelist B’s number will be higher when it is submitted.

Perforce change list numbers are serial. Once a CL number has been assigned via a submit, only the next number in series will be used.

One way this could happen is that you had pending work in CL 326042 and something in your default and the latest submitted CL is 326041.


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