Features in TFSC are fairly standard among SCC tools

Some of the features in TFSC are fairly standard among SCC tools:

  • Workspace creation
  • Workspace synchronization
  • File checkout
  • Overlapping checkout by multiple users of the same file
  • Atomic change-set check-in
  • File diffs
  • Automated merge
  • Code-line branching
  • File-set labeling
  • User management and security

What really sets TFSC apart from the competition is its powerful merging and branching features

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Some new terms of TFSC

  • Repository— The data store containing all files and folders in the TFSC database.
  • Mapping— An association of a repository path with a local working folder on the client computer.
  • Working folder— A directory on the client computer containing a local copy of some subset of the files and folders in a repository.
  • Workspace— A definition of an individual user’s copy of the files from the repository. The workspace contains a reference to the repository and a series of mappings that associate a repository path with a working folder on the user’s computer.
  • Change set— A set of modifications to one or more files/folders that is atomically applied to the repository at check-in.
  • Shelve— The operation of archiving all modifications in the current change set and replacing those files with original copies. The shelved files can be retrieved at a later time for development to be continued. This is my favorite feature.
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Find files in workspace that perforce doesn’t know about

rajeshkumar created the topic: Find files in workspace that perforce doesn’t know about
Find files in workspace that perforce doesn’t know about
Find out the p4 files missing on your disk

How to find out what files aren’t added in your Perforce client
dir /s/b/a-d | p4 -x- have > nul: 2>missing.txt – Windows User
find . -type f | p4 -x- have > /dev/null 2>missing.txt – Unix User

Finding untracked files in a Perforce tree means to find untracked (really: unadded) files in a Perforce tree?
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 p4 fstat >/dev/null 2>mylogfile – Linux
find -type f ! -name ‘*~’ -print0| xargs -0 p4 fstat 2>&1|awk ‘/no such file/{print $1}’ – Unix
dir /s /b /A-D | p4 -x – add – Windows
Using p4v – Thanks for tenpn from stackoverflow
In the Jan 2009 version of P4V, you can right-click on any folder in your workspace tree and click “reconcile offline work…”
This will do a little processing then bring up a split-tree view of files that are not checked out but have differences from the depot version, or not checked in at all.

Find P4 managed files that are missing on your local client
p4 diff -sd

Find files that are edited on your local client, but unopened
p4 diff -se

Show only the names of opened files that are different from the revision in the depot, or are missing.
p4 diff -sa

Show only the names of files opened for integrate that have been resolved, but that have been modified after being resolved.
p4 diff -sb

Show only the names of unopened files that are missing from the client workspace, but present in the depot.
p4 diff -sd

Show only the names of unopened files in the client workspace that are different than the revision in the depot.
p4 diff -se

Show only the names of opened files in the client workspace that are identical to the revision in the depot.
p4 diff -sr
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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Find new files in workspace in perforce?

rajeshkumar created the topic: Find new files in workspace in perforce?
git svn status equivalent in perforce???
Find new files in workspace in perforce?
Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Find new files in workspace in perforce?
The p4 status command finds unopened files in a client’s workspace and detects the following three types of inconsistencies between your workspace and the server:

Files present in the depot, present in your have list, but missing from your workspace. By default, these files are then opened for delete.

Files present in your workspace, but missing on the depot. By default, these files are opened for add.

Files modified in your workspace that are not open for edit. By default, these files are opened for edit.
To limit the scope of p4 status to add, edit, or delete, use the -a, -e, or -d flags.
By default, p4 status does not check files and/or paths mentioned in the P4IGNORE file. Use the -I flag to override this behavior and ignore the P4IGNORE file.

Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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