Top 50 Istio Interview Questions with Answers

Istio Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Istio?

a. A container orchestration system
b. A service mesh
c. A monitoring system
d. Just another tool

Answer: b. A service mesh

2. Which languages Istio supports for application development?

a. Java only
b. Go only
c. Java and Go
d. Python and Ruby

Answer: c. Java and Go

3. What is the primary advantage of using Istio for service mesh?

a. Security
b. Scalability
c. Observability
d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

4. How does Istio provide security for microservices?

a. By enforcing mutual TLS authentication
b. By implementing rate limiting
c. By providing DDoS protection
d. By providing firewall rules

Answer: a. By enforcing mutual TLS authentication

5. What is the role of sidecar in Istio?

a. To provide application logic
b. To inject proxies into microservices
c. To manage microservices
d. To provide load balancing

Answer: b. To inject proxies into microservices

6. Which component of Istio provides traffic management?

a. Mixer
b. Pilot
c. Citadel
d. Sidecar

Answer: b. Pilot

7. How does Istio provide observability of microservices?

a. By providing logging and metrics
b. By providing tracing
c. By providing visualization tools
d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

8. What is the role of Mixer in Istio?

a. To provide telemetry data
b. To enforce security policies
c. To implement routing rules
d. To manage microservices

Answer: a. To provide telemetry data

9. What is Istio’s default load balancing algorithm?

a. Round Robin
b. Least Connection
c. Random
d. IP Hash

Answer: a. Round Robin

10. How does Istio handle circuit breaking?

a. By using Envoy’s circuit breaking feature
b. By implementing Istio-specific circuit breaking
c. By using Kubernetes circuit breaking feature
d. None of the above

Answer: a. By using Envoy’s circuit breaking feature

11. What is Istio’s method of service discovery?

a. DNS
b. Kubernetes API
c. Service registry
d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

12. What is the role of Envoy in Istio?

a. To manage microservices
b. To provide load balancing
c. To enforce security policies
d. To move data between microservices

Answer: d. To move data between microservices

13. Which Istio component provides authentication and authorization?

a. Citadel
b. Mixer
c. Pilot
d. Sidecar

Answer: a. Citadel

14. What is Istio’s approach to fault injection?

a. Randomly injecting faults
b. Comprehensive and targeted injection of faults
c. Testing in production without fault injection
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Comprehensive and targeted injection of faults

15. What is Istio’s approach to traffic shifting?

a. Randomly shifting traffic
b. Blue/green deployment
c. Canary deployment
d. None of the above

Answer: c. Canary deployment

16. Which Istio component provides distributed tracing?

a. Jaeger
b. Prometheus
c. Grafana
d. Elasticsearch

Answer: a. Jaeger

17. What is the role of Pilot in Istio?

a. To provide observability
b. To manage microservices
c. To enforce security policies
d. To provide traffic management

Answer: d. To provide traffic management

18. How does Istio provide rate limiting for microservices?

a. By using Mixer
b. By using pilot
c. By using sidecar
d. None of the above

Answer: a. By using Mixer

19. What is the difference between ingress and egress in Istio?

a. Ingress is traffic coming in to the mesh, while egress is traffic going out of the mesh
b. Ingress is traffic going out of the mesh, while egress is traffic coming in to the mesh
c. Ingress and egress are the same thing in Istio
d. None of the above

Answer: a. Ingress is traffic coming in to the mesh, while egress is traffic going out of the mesh

20. How can you deploy Istio on Kubernetes?

a. By using Helm charts
b. By using Kubernetes manifests
c. By using Istio operator
d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

21. What is Istio Mutual TLS?

a. A security feature that requires two client certificates for authentication
b. A security feature that requires two server certificates for authentication
c. A security feature that secures the communication between microservices
d. None of the above

Answer: c. A security feature that secures the communication between microservices

22. How does Istio handle service mesh telemetry data?

a. By collecting data from Envoy proxies and delivering it to Mixer
b. By using Kubernetes metrics
c. By collecting data from Prometheus and delivering it to Grafana
d. None of the above

Answer: a. By collecting data from Envoy proxies and delivering it to Mixer

23. What is the difference between Istio and Linkerd?

a. Linkerd is a fork of Istio
b. Linkerd is an alternative service mesh to Istio
c. Istio and Linkerd provide different functionalities
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Linkerd is an alternative service mesh to Istio

24. What is the role of EnvoyFilter in Istio?

a. To provide load balancing
b. To implement security policies
c. To modify Envoy behavior
d. To provide telemetry data

Answer: c. To modify Envoy behavior

25. What is the purpose of Istio CNI plugin?

a. To provide network policies for microservices
b. To allow for automatic sidecar injection
c. To integrate with Kubernetes network policies
d. None of the above

Answer: b. To allow for automatic sidecar injection

26. How does Istio handle retries?

a. By using Envoy’s retry feature
b. By using Kubernetes retry feature
c. By using Istio-specific retry feature
d. None of the above

Answer: a. By using Envoy’s retry feature

27. How does Istio handle load balancing for TCP traffic?

a. By using Envoy’s TCP load balancing feature
b. By using Kubernetes TCP load balancing feature
c. By using Istio-specific TCP load balancing feature
d. None of the above

Answer: a. By using Envoy’s TCP load balancing feature

28. Which Istio component provides mTLS certificates?

a. Citadel
b. Mixer
c. Pilot
d. Sidecar

Answer: a. Citadel

29. How does Istio handle timeouts?

a. By using Envoy’s timeout feature
b. By using Kubernetes timeout feature
c. By using Istio-specific timeout feature
d. None of the above

Answer: a. By using Envoy’s timeout feature

30. Which Istio component integrates with Kubernetes API server?

a. Mixer
b. Pilot
c. Citadel
d. Sidecar

Answer: b. Pilot

31. How does Istio handle request routing?

a. By using Envoy’s routing feature
b. By using Kubernetes routing feature
c. By using Istio-specific routing feature
d. None of the above

Answer: a. By using Envoy’s routing feature

32. Which Istio component provides security certificate rotation?

a. Mixer
b. Pilot
c. Citadel
d. Sidecar

Answer: c. Citadel

33. What is Istio gateway?

a. An ingress point to the service mesh
b. An egress point from the service mesh
c. A security feature that handles certificates
d. None of the above

Answer: a. An ingress point to the service mesh

34. What is the role of Sidecar Injector in Istio?

a. To provide observability
b. To manage microservices
c. To inject sidecar into microservices
d. To provide traffic management

Answer: c. To inject sidecar into microservices

35. What is Istio Proxy?

a. A reverse proxy for HTTP traffic
b. A high-performance proxy for TCP traffic
c. A proxy that works at the application level
d. None of the above

Answer: b. A high-performance proxy for TCP traffic

36. What is the role of VirtualService in Istio?

a. To provide observability
b. To manage microservices
c. To implement service routing rules
d. To provide traffic management

Answer: c. To implement service routing rules

37. Which Istio component provides policy controls for microservices?

a. Mixer
b. Pilot
c. Citadel
d. Sidecar

Answer: a. Mixer

38. What is Istio Multicluster?

a. A security feature that handles traffic between clusters
b. A feature that allows Istio to manage multiple clusters
c. An add-on for Istio that enables multi-cluster communication
d. None of the above

Answer: b. A feature that allows Istio to manage multiple clusters

39. What is the role of Istiod in Istio?

a. To provide observability
b. To manage microservices
c. To enable service-to-service communication
d. To provide traffic management

Answer: c. To enable service-to-service communication

40. What is the role of Canary deployments in Istio?

a. To gradually roll out new versions of services
b. To enforce security policies
c. To provide observability of microservices
d. None of the above

Answer: a. To gradually roll out new versions of services

41. What is Istio ServiceEntry?

a. A way of exposing external services to the mesh
b. A way of exposing internal services to the mesh
c. A way of controlling traffic between microservices
d. None of the above

Answer: a. A way of exposing external services to the mesh

42. What is the role of DestinationRule in Istio?

a. To provide observability
b. To manage microservices
c. To define how traffic is to be routed
d. To provide traffic management

Answer: c. To define how traffic is to be routed

43. Which Istio component handles service registry integration?

a. Mixer
b. Pilot
c. Citadel
d. Sidecar

Answer: b. Pilot

44. What is the role of Istio Outlier Detection?

a. To handle fault injection
b. To provide observability of microservices
c. To manage connection level issues
d. None of the above

Answer: c. To manage connection level issues

45. Which Istio component provides distributed tracing visualization?

a. Jaeger
b. Prometheus
c. Grafana
d. Elasticsearch

Answer: c. Grafana

46. What is the purpose of Kubernetes labels in Istio?

a. To provide observability of microservices
b. To manage microservices
c. To implement routing rules
d. To provide telemetry data

Answer: b. To manage microservices

47. Which Istio component provides policy enforcement?

a. Mixer
b. Pilot
c. Citadel
d. Sidecar

Answer: c. Citadel

48. What is the role of Istio Resilience Testing?

a. To provide observability of microservices
b. To handle fault injection
c. To manage connection level issues
d. None of the above

Answer: b. To handle fault injection

49. What is the role of EnvoyAccessLogger in Istio?

a. To provide telemetry data
b. To collect access logs
c. To implement security policies
d. To manage microservices

Answer: b. To collect access logs

50. What is the role of Istio AuthorizationPolicy?

a. To handle service-to-service authorization
b. To handle client-to-service authorization
c. To provide observability of microservices
d. None of the above

Answer: a. To handle service-to-service authorization

Ashwani Kumar
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