Top 50 Kafka Interview Questions with Answers

Kafka Interview Questions with Answers

1. What is Apache Kafka?

A. A NoSQL database management system
B. A streaming data platform
C. An analytics tool
D. A relational database management system

Answer: B

2. What is a Kafka broker?

A. A message queue
B. A Kafka consumer
C. A Kafka producer
D. A Kafka server

Answer: D

3. What is a Kafka consumer?

A. A process that writes messages to Kafka
B. A process that reads messages from Kafka
C. A process that manages Kafka topics
D. A process that aggregates Kafka messages

Answer: B

4. What is Kafka Stream?

A. An open-source data processing framework
B. A message queue
C. A Kafka producer
D. A Kafka consumer

Answer: A

5. What is a Kafka topic?

A. A data center
B. A collection of Kafka messages
C. A Kafka producer
D. A Kafka consumer

Answer: B

6. What is Apache ZooKeeper?

A. A message queuing system
B. A distributed coordination service
C. A data processing framework
D. A distributed analytics tool

Answer: B

7. Which of the following is not a core component of Kafka?

A. Kafka Connect
B. Kafka Streams
C. Kafka Broker
D. Kafka Manager

Answer: D

8. What is the purpose of Kafka Connect?

A. To facilitate real-time data processing
B. To connect Kafka with external systems
C. To manage Kafka topics
D. To provide reporting and analytics

Answer: B

9. What is a Kafka offset?

A. A unique identifier for a Kafka message within a topic partition
B. The current position of a Kafka consumer in a topic partition
C. The number of messages in a Kafka topic
D. A cryptographic hash of a Kafka message

Answer: B

10. What is a Kafka partition?

A. A collection of Kafka brokers
B. A collection of Kafka consumers
C. A collection of Kafka producers
D. A subset of a Kafka topic

Answer: D

11. What is replication in Kafka?

A. The process of extending Kafka messages to multiple topics
B. The process of creating a backup copy of Kafka topics on other brokers
C. The process of encrypting Kafka messages for improved security
D. The process of distributing Kafka messages across multiple partitions

Answer: B

12. What is a Kafka producer?

A. A process that reads messages from Kafka
B. A process that writes messages to Kafka
C. A process that manages Kafka topics
D. A process that aggregates Kafka messages

Answer: B

13. What is a Kafka cluster?

A. A collection of Kafka topics
B. A collection of Kafka producers
C. A collection of Kafka consumers
D. A collection of Kafka brokers

Answer: D

14. What is the purpose of Apache Kafka?

A. To provide a distributed analytics platform
B. To provide a fast, scalable, and fault-tolerant messaging system
C. To provide an advanced SQL database management system
D. To provide a data processing framework

Answer: B

15. What is a Kafka message key?

A. A unique identifier for a Kafka message
B. A byte array that represents a Kafka message
C. An attribute that is associated with a Kafka message for grouping and processing
D. A cryptographic hash of a Kafka message

Answer: C

16. What is a Kafka consumer group?

A. A collection of Kafka consumers that work together to read from a topic’s partitions
B. A collection of Kafka producers that write to a topic’s partitions
C. A collection of Kafka brokers that manage a topic’s partitions
D. A collection of Kafka Stream processes that aggregate data from various topics

Answer: A

17. What is Kafka Stream’s processing guarantee?

A. Exactly once
B. At most once
C. At least once
D. None of the above

Answer: A

18. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for managing and monitoring a Kafka cluster?

A. Kafka Manager
B. Kafka Streams
C. Kafka Connect
D. Kafka Producer

Answer: A

19. What is a Kafka message value?

A. A unique identifier for a Kafka message
B. A byte array that represents a Kafka message
C. An attribute that is associated with a Kafka message for grouping and processing
D. A cryptographic hash of a Kafka message

Answer: B

20. What is Kafka’s default storage mechanism?

A. In-memory storage
B. File-based storage
C. Database storage
D. Cloud-based storage

Answer: B

21. Which Kafka configuration parameter determines the maximum size of a Kafka message?

A. “message.max.bytes”
B. “topic.max.bytes”
C. “producer.max.bytes”
D. “consumer.max.bytes”

Answer: A

22. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for building data pipelines?

A. Kafka Connect
B. Kafka Streams
C. Kafka Broker
D. Kafka Producer

Answer: A

23. What is the maximum number of partitions that can be created in a Kafka cluster?

A. 10,000
B. 100
C. 1,000
D. There is no hard limit

Answer: D

24. What is Kafka’s default replication factor?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Answer: B

25. What is a Kafka Connect worker?

A. A process that manages Kafka topics
B. A process that reads messages from Kafka
C. A process that writes messages to Kafka
D. A process that manages Kafka Connect plugins and configurations

Answer: D

26. What is the purpose of the Kafka schema registry?

A. To validate Kafka messages against predefined schemas
B. To enforce schema evolution in Kafka messages
C. To provide a centralized location for storing Kafka message schemas
D. All of the above

Answer: D

27. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for processing real-time data streams?

A. Kafka Manager
B. Kafka Broker
C. Kafka Streams
D. Kafka Consumer

Answer: C

28. What is a Kafka log?

A. A file that stores Kafka messages on disk
B. A collection of Kafka topics
C. A data structure that represents a Kafka message
D. A backup copy of Kafka topics on other brokers

Answer: A

29. What is the maximum size of a Kafka message by default?

A. 1 MB
B. 10 MB
C. 100 MB
D. 1 GB

Answer: A

30. What is a Kafka topic partition leader?

A. A broker responsible for receiving all writes to a partition
B. A broker responsible for replicating a partition’s data to other brokers
C. A broker that coordinates reads from a partition
D. A broker that coordinates writes to a partition

Answer: A

31. What is Kerberos authentication in Kafka?

A. A mechanism for authenticating and authorizing Kafka clients using Kerberos tickets
B. A mechanism for transferring encrypted Kafka messages
C. A mechanism for encrypting Kafka messages in transit
D. None of the above

Answer: A

32. What is a Kafka retention period?

A. The maximum size of a Kafka message
B. The maximum number of records in a Kafka topic
C. The time duration after which a Kafka message is expired and deleted from the cluster
D. The maximum number of partitions in a Kafka topic

Answer: C

33. What is the purpose of a Kafka consumer lag?

A. To measure the time required for a Kafka producer to produce a new message
B. To measure the time required for a Kafka broker to replicate a message to other brokers
C. To measure the amount of time a Kafka consumer is behind the latest Kafka message
D. To measure the amount of time a Kafka message exists within a topic partition

Answer: C

34. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for processing and analyzing streams of data?

A. Kafka Manager
B. Kafka Broker
C. Kafka Streams
D. Kafka Producer

Answer: C

35. What is a Kafka topic compaction?

A. The process of deleting all Kafka messages in a topic partition
B. The process of compressing Kafka messages in a topic partition
C. The process of removing duplicate Kafka messages in a topic partition
D. The process of keeping only the latest Kafka message for each message key in a topic partition

Answer: D

36. What is a Kafka message timestamp?

A. A date and time value that represents when a Kafka message was produced
B. A date and time value that represents when a Kafka message was consumed
C. A date and time value that represents when a Kafka message was replicated to other brokers
D. A date and time value that represents when a Kafka message was deleted from a topic

Answer: A

37. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for monitoring Kafka brokers and producers?

A. Kafka Manager
B. Kafka Streams
C. Kafka Connect
D. Kafka Consumer

Answer: A

38. What is a Kafka Streams topology?

A. A diagram that shows the flow of data through a Kafka Streams application
B. A collection of Kafka consumer groups
C. A collection of Kafka topic partitions
D. A collection of Kafka brokers

Answer: A

39. What is the purpose of Kafka’s group coordination protocol?

A. To ensure that Kafka messages are always delivered in order
B. To ensure that Kafka messages are never lost
C. To coordinate multiple consumers of a topic partition within a consumer group
D. To coordinate multiple producers of a topic partition within a producer group

Answer: C

40. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for sending and receiving Kafka messages?

A. Kafka Manager
B. Kafka Broker
C. Kafka Producer
D. Kafka Connect

Answer: C

41. What is a Kafka partition offset?

A. A byte array that represents the data in a Kafka message
B. A unique identifier for a Kafka message within a topic partition
C. An attribute that is associated with a Kafka message for grouping and processing
D. A cryptographic hash of a Kafka message

Answer: B

42. What is a Kafka node?

A. A collection of Kafka brokers
B. A collection of Kafka consumers
C. A collection of Kafka producers
D. A collection of Kafka Connectors

Answer: A

43. What is a Kafka core server?

A. A process that manages Kafka topics
B. A process that manages Kafka consumers
C. A process that manages Kafka brokers
D. A process that manages Kafka producers

Answer: C

44. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for managing Kafka Connect connectors?

A. Kafka Manager
B. Kafka Streams
C. Control Center
D. MirrorMaker

Answer: C

45. What is a Kafka message header?

A. A byte array that represents the data in a Kafka message
B. A unique identifier for a Kafka message within a topic partition
C. An attribute that is associated with a Kafka message for grouping and processing
D. A cryptographic hash of a Kafka message

Answer: C

46. What is a dynamic topic subscription in Kafka?

A. A mechanism for creating new Kafka topics on the fly
B. A mechanism for dynamically adding or removing Kafka producer or consumer instances
C. A mechanism for dynamically subscribing or unsubscribing to Kafka topics using regular expressions
D. A mechanism for dynamically setting Kafka configuration parameters

Answer: C

47. What is a Kafka partition replica?

A. A backup copy of a partition’s data on another broker
B. A consumer that follows the partition leader to ensure data consistency
C. A consumer group that shares the partition’s read load
D. A producer that writes to the partition’s replica instead of the partition leader

Answer: A

48. What is a Kafka batch size?

A. The maximum size of a Kafka message
B. The maximum number of records in a Kafka topic
C. The number of Kafka messages that are sent or processed together as a group
D. The time duration after which a Kafka message is expired and deleted from the cluster

Answer: C

49. What is a Kafka message compression codec?

A. A mechanism for converting Kafka messages to a compressed format for storage or transmission
B. A mechanism for converting Kafka messages to an encrypted format for improved security
C. A mechanism for converting Kafka messages to a binary data format for improved performance
D. A None of the above

Answer: A

50. Which of the following is a Kafka tool for replicating data between Kafka clusters?

A. Kafka Manager
B. Kafka Streams
C. Control Center
D. MirrorMaker

Answer: D.

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