These are the top 51 Linux commands for daily use
1. ip
– from Iproute2, a collection of utilities for controlling TCP/IP networking and traffic control in Linux.
2. ls
– list directory contents.
3. df
– display disk space usage.
4. du
– estimate file space usage.
5. free
– display memory usage.
6. scp
– securely Copy Files Using SCP, with examples.
7. find
– locates files based on some user-specified criteria.
8. ncdu
– a disk utility for Unix systems.
9. pstree
– display a tree of processes.
10. last
– show a listing of last logged-in users.
11. w
– show a list of currently logged-in user sessions.
12. grep
– Search a file for a pattern of characters, then display all matching lines. 13. uptime
– shows system uptime and load average.
14. top
– shows an overall system view.
15. vmstat
– shows system memory, processes, interrupts, paging, block I/O, and CPU info.
16. htop
– interactive process viewer and manager.
17. dstat
– view processes, memory, paging, I/O, CPU, etc., in real-time. All-in-one for vmstat, iostat, netstat, and ifstat.
18. iftop
– network traffic viewer.
19. nethogs
– network traffic analyzer.
20. iotop
– interactive I/O viewer. Get an overview of storage r/w activity.
21. iostat
– for storage I/O statistics.
22. netstat
– for network statistics.
23. ss
– utility to investigate sockets.
24. atop
– For Linux server performance analysis.
25. Glances and nmon – htop and top Alternatives:
26. ssh
– secure command-line access to remote Linux systems.
27. sudo
– execute commands with administrative privilege.
28. cd
– directory navigation.
29. pwd
– shows your current directory location.
30. cp
– copying files and folders.
31. mv
– moving files and folders.
32. rm
– removing files and folders.
33. mkdir
– create or make new directories.
34. touch
– used to update the access date and/or modification date of a computer file or directory.
35. man
– for reading system reference manuals.
36. apropos
– Search man page names and descriptions. 37. rsync
– remote file transfers and syncing.
38. tar
– an archiving utility.
39. gzip
– file compression and decompression.
40. b2zip
– similar to gzip. It uses a different compression algorithm.
41. zip
– for packaging and compressing (to archive) files.
42. locate
– search files in Linux.
43. ps
– information about the currently running processes.
44. Making use of Bash scripts. Example: ./
45. cron
– set up scheduled tasks to run.
46. nmcli
– network management.
47. ping
– send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.
48. traceroute
– check the route packets take to a specified host.
49. mtr
– network diagnostic tool.
50. nslookup
– query Internet name servers (NS) interactively.
51. host
– perform DNS lookups in Linux.
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