Bootstrap: Component”Button group”

Bootstrap Button Groups:

  • Button Groups.
  • Vertical Button Groups.
  • Justified Button Groups.
  • Nesting Button Groups & Dropdown Menus.
  • Split Button Dropdowns.

Button Groups:

Bootstrap allows you to group a series of buttons in a button group. Use a <div> element with class .btn-group to create a button group.

# Applying button sizes to every button in a group by .btn-group-lg|sm|xs.

Vertical Button Groups:

Use the class .btn-group-vertical to create a vertical button group.

Justified Button Groups:

To span, the entire width of the screen, use the class .btn-group-justified.

Nesting Button Groups & Dropdown Menus:

Nest button groups to create dropdown menus.

Split Button Dropdowns:

 Split button dropdowns use the same general style as the dropdown button but add a primary action along with the dropdown. If you deleted the span parts then, the dropdown menu shows you half because you create a dropdown menu but not to call.

vikashdev k
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