AppVeyor CI
AppVeyor automates building, testing and deployment of .NET applications helping your team to focus on delivering great apps.
Hosted Continuous Integration for web applications. Set up your application for testing in one click, on the fastest testing platform on the internet.
Codeship is a free hosted Continuous Delivery Service that integrates with GitHub and Bitbucket. Setup only takes 1 minute.
Semaphore is a hosted continuous integration and delivery solution for open source and private projects.
Shippable is a hosted cloud platform that provides hosted continuous integration, deployment, and testing to GitHub and Bitbucket repositories.
Getting started with Travis CI is as easy as enabling a project, adding basic build instructions to your project and committing code.
- Use of runtime variables to save into another variable using register in Ansible - September 6, 2018
- Ansible & Ansible Tower Variable Precedence Hierarchy - September 6, 2018
- How to use template in Ansible? - September 6, 2018