This was like the first time where I had to write something that will be able to read something out of a XML file using a shell script. Usually I would use Python/Perl as my favorite choices in such a scenario but in this one I really *had* to do all within a shell script.
This is an example of the type of XML file I had to read:
Fixed a new bug
Shoaib Mir
Sun, 02 May 2010
I ended up having a shell script like this:
#Looking for four keywords in here
for key in changelog name date email
OUTPT=`grep $key log.xml | tr -d '\t' | sed 's/^\([^<].*\)$/\1/' `
eval ${key}=`echo -ne \""${OUTPT}"\"`
# Getting the results in four specific arrays
changelogarr=( `echo ${changelog}` )
namearr=( `echo ${name}` )
datearr=( `echo ${date}` )
emailarr=( `echo ${email}` )
#Print all Arrays
echo ${changelogarr[@]}
echo ${namearr[@]}
echo ${datearr[@]}
echo ${emailarr[@]}
Which gives me an output:
shoaib@shoaib-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./
Fixed a new bug Shoaib Mir
Sun, 02 May 2010
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