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Difference Between echo and print in PHP


This statement is used to output the data to the screen or printing text on

Ex: –

echo with HTML
echo with Variables


This is very similar to echo statement a way of displaying text.


Tagged : / / /

Simple Ant Example – clean, prepare, and compile tasks


Sample Ant clean, prepare, and compile tasks

<target name=”clean”>
<echo>=== CLEAN ===</echo>
<delete failonerror=”false”>
<fileset dir=”${dest.dir}” includes=”**/*”/>
<delete dir=”${temp.dir}” />

<target name=”prepare” depends=”clean”>
<echo>=== PREPARE ===</echo>
<mkdir dir=”${dest.dir}” />
<mkdir dir=”${temp.dir}” />
<mkdir dir=”${temp.dir.lib}” />
<mkdir dir=”${temp.dir.meta-inf}” />
<mkdir dir=”${temp.dir.web-inf}” />
<mkdir dir=”${temp.dir.classes}” />

<target name=”compile” depends=”prepare”>
<echo>=== COMPILE ===</echo>
<echo>Compiling ${src.dir} files …</echo>
<javac debug=”on” srcdir=”${src.dir}” destdir=”${temp.dir.classes}” includes=”**/*”>
<classpath refid=”build.class.path” />

<!– compile files on the src-tests path –>
<echo>Compiling ${src.tests.dir} files …</echo>
<javac debug=”on” srcdir=”${src.tests.dir}” destdir=”${temp.dir.classes}” includes=”com/**”>
<classpath refid=”build.class.path” />

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