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How to Using CSS Selectors in jQuery?

So in this blog, we’re going to learn that how to Using CSS Selectors in jQuery.

So let’s go ahead and do that for first in index.html, with help of style.css & main.js.

In this image Using CSS Selectors in jQuery which code define in index.html, style.css & main.js.

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How to use Delaying and Chaining Animations in jQuery?

So in this blog, we’re going to create a Delaying and Chaining Animations using the animate in jQuery.

In the previous blog, we also learn how can animate multiple C S S properties at once. So let’s go ahead and do that for the blue box first in index.html, with help of style.css & main.js.

Delaying and Chaining Animations in jQuery
Delaying and Chaining Animations in jQuery after animations effects
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Main Responsibilities of the Linux System Administrator | What Linux System Administrators do ?


Main Responsibilities of the Linux System Administrator is as follows:

  1. Maintaining User Accounts
  2. Security
  3. Managing the disk space and Backup
  4. Provisiom the new Linux Server based on the need
  5. Linux Server Updates and Patching
  6. Authentication and Authorization Management
  7. Trubleshooting of Linux Severs and QA Deployments
  8. Managing the Large number of VMS in VMWARE
  9. Montoring all the vms and their health
  10. Montoring Major Important Services
  11. Backup & Restore all the imporant data of the servers
  12. Server and OS process monitoring
  13. Disk managment and montoring

The Administrator’s Privileges:

  1. Change the contents or attributes of any file like its permission and ownership
  2. He can delete any file eith rm even if it is write-protected.
  3. Initiate or Kill Any Process
  4. Change any user’s password without knowing the existing one
  5. Set the system clock with date
  6. Limit the maximum size of files that users are permitted to create with ulimlit
  7. Controls users access to the scheduling services like at and cron
  8. Control users access to many networking services like Telnet, FTP, etc

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