Where to Use an HTML slide presentation in reveal JS?

Reveal.js is a framework for creating beautiful presentations using HTML. It has sleek features such as markdown content, nested slides, PDF exports, and JavaScript APIs to control slide navigation. Presentations are written using HTML using Reveal.js.

Setting Up reveal.js

Before using reveal.js, you should have both Node.js and Grunt installed on your machine. The next steps are to clone the reveal.js repository from GitHub, install all of the dependencies, and start the revealed server.

Creating a Presentation

A presentation reveals the HTML pages slide. Before the end of the body tag, we have a script that is key to the presentation configuration. There are several options that we can configure. For example, we can optionally show presentation progress, can enable the transition, and set a theme for our presentation. Once, we start adding slides in your presentation that we will dig deeper.


Now, we’ll start adding slides to your presentation letter. Using this HTML, add your first slide. Section represents elements slide. As an example illustrated by the nested classes, we can also nest within the other slides.

Save your file and restart the server using the command grunt serve. You should look at the slides went created our new. Note that the arrow can be controlled slides using keys. Although this functionality is enabled by default, you can configure the behavior by using the keyboard in the really Reveal.js initialize () method.


There are many themes available such as Beige, Solarized, and Sky which are located in CSS / Theme. To use them, you’ll just have to change the default style on your page, as shown in the following example.


The infection can be revealed of style and speed. Using the initial () transition and transition speed parameters. An example of this is shown below.

Markdown Slide Content

If you want to encourage you to write your slides using Markdown so fans Markdown. Just add a data-markdown attribute to your section tag, and wrap your content inside the tag as shown below.

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Power Point PPT: Apache Ant – Complete Guide


Power Point PPT: Apache Ant


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Power Point PPT: Build And Automation


Power Point PPT: Build And Automation

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Power Point PPT: Introduction To Software Configuration Management


Power Point PPT: Introduction To Software Configuration Management


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Power Point PPT: Software Configuration Management And CVS

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Graphical Representation of ANT | Ant Flow Chart | Visual representation



Grand: Graphical Representation of ANT Dependencies:

Grand is a tool to create visual representation of ant target dependencies. It differs from tools like Vizant or AntGraph by a totally different approach, relying on the Ant API rather than parsing directly the XML files. This enables Grand to provide some nifty features such as the support of the ant 1.6.x tasks like import or subant.


From a user point of view, Grand can be used either as a standalone application with a nice GUI or as an Ant task generated a dot” file. In this latter case a post processing using Graphviz is required to get the actual graph.



finds both static (using the depends attribute) and dynamic (created by tasks like ant or antcall) dependencies,

supports ant 1.6 import statement,

supports most dependencies generating tasks: ant, antcall, subant and foreach, runtarget from antcontrib,

available as both as an easy to install (one single jar, no extra dependency) ant task or a stand alone application with a nice SWT GUI,

the GUI can open several files simultaneously and includes some inter files navigation features.


Link: http://www.ggtools.net/grand/


2.       Vizant – Ant task to visualize buildfile

Vizant is an Apache Ant task to create Graphviz DOT source code from an Ant buildfile. The image created from the DOT source code shows the targets dependency.

Link: http://vizant.sourceforge.net/


3.       giant

giANT allows existing ant build scripts to be read and displayed as a connected graph of target nodes connected by dependency nodes.

Currently giANT can only read and display ANT scripts. The next stage of development will be to allow creation and deletion of targets through interaction with the diagram and editing of the selected target.


Main development tasks are –


·         Improve initial layout algorithm

·         Embed a simple syntax highlighter for editing target text

·         Allow amendment of target name via diagram.

·         Allow save of modified ant file

·         giANT makes use of the GEF project for rendering diagrams

Link: http://giant.tigris.org/


More can be found in http://ant.apache.org/external.html

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Basic of Unix – Presentation | Unix Learning Reference – Guide


Basic of Unix Presentation


Basic Unix

View more presentations from rajeshatbuzz. (tags: basic of)
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